Web statistics (1/1/2004-31/12/2004)

These request statistics are for James Popple's web pages (at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Australian National University), including pages at the SHYSTER site. Extra statistics are also available.
Program started at Mon-03-Jan-2005 00:36.
Analysed requests from Thu-01-Jan-2004 00:01 to Fri-31-Dec-2004 23:57 (366.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Request Report: Domain Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 31-Dec-2004 23:59).
Successful requests: 1,621,209 (53,487)
Average successful requests per day: 4,429 (7,640)
Successful requests for pages: 1,621,209 (53,487)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 4,429 (7,640)
Failed requests: 2,842 (52)
Redirected requests: 5,617 (135)
Distinct files requested: 144 (143)
Distinct hosts served: 83,703 (3,386)
Corrupt logfile lines: 663
Unwanted logfile entries: 36,152,287
Data transferred: 100.91 gigabytes (3.44 gigabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 282.32 megabytes (502.79 megabytes)

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Request Report: Domain Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files, sorted alphabetically.

  reqs:  %reqs: file
------: ------: ----
  7922:  0.49%: /software/shyster/
  4429:  0.27%: /software/shyster/book/
  1067:  0.07%: /software/shyster/book/abstract.html
   668:  0.04%: /software/shyster/book/biblio.html
   293:  0.02%: /software/shyster/book/cover.jpg
  1407:  0.09%: /software/shyster/book/etymology.pdf
   184:  0.01%: /software/shyster/book/reviews/aikenhead.html
   199:  0.01%: /software/shyster/book/reviews/aikenhead.pdf
   162:  0.01%: /software/shyster/book/reviews/tyree.pdf
  1002:  0.06%: /software/shyster/download/
   669:  0.04%: /software/shyster/download/conditions.html
   169:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.cpt-sea.hqx
   172:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.sit-sea.hqx
    96:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.tar
    70:       : /software/shyster/download/shyster.tar.Z
   163:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.zip
  1681:  0.10%: /software/shyster/output/
   461:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/distances-tex.html
   362:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/distances.pdf
   652:  0.04%: /software/shyster/output/dump-tex.html
   483:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/dump.pdf
   516:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/log.html
   597:  0.04%: /software/shyster/output/probabilities-tex.html
   356:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/probabilities.pdf
   502:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-1-tex.html
   939:  0.06%: /software/shyster/output/report-1.html
  1235:  0.08%: /software/shyster/output/report-1.pdf
   467:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-2-tex.html
   548:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-2.html
   477:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-2.pdf
   465:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-3-tex.html
   533:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-3.html
   490:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-3.pdf
   479:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-4-tex.html
   597:  0.04%: /software/shyster/output/report-4.html
   562:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-4.pdf
   482:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-5-tex.html
   579:  0.04%: /software/shyster/output/report-5.html
   609:  0.04%: /software/shyster/output/report-5.pdf
   474:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/weights-tex.html
   347:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/weights.pdf
  1243:  0.08%: /software/shyster/source/
   483:  0.03%: /software/shyster/source/adjuster.html
   671:  0.04%: /software/shyster/source/cases.html
   542:  0.03%: /software/shyster/source/checker.html
   520:  0.03%: /software/shyster/source/consultant.html
   523:  0.03%: /software/shyster/source/dumper.html
   831:  0.05%: /software/shyster/source/libraries.html
   810:  0.05%: /software/shyster/source/odometer.html
   658:  0.04%: /software/shyster/source/parser.html
   526:  0.03%: /software/shyster/source/reporter.html
   503:  0.03%: /software/shyster/source/scales.html
   954:  0.06%: /software/shyster/source/shyster.html
   550:  0.03%: /software/shyster/source/statutes.html
   521:  0.03%: /software/shyster/source/tech-report.html
   743:  0.05%: /software/shyster/source/tokenizer.html
  1015:  0.06%: /software/shyster/specifications/
   658:  0.04%: /software/shyster/specifications/authorization.html
  1095:  0.07%: /software/shyster/specifications/employee.html
   801:  0.05%: /software/shyster/specifications/finder.html
   619:  0.04%: /software/shyster/specifications/natural.html
  1262:  0.08%: /software/shyster/tom/
   302:  0.02%: /software/shyster/tom/icail-03.ppt
  5690:  0.35%: /software/shyster/tom/thesis.pdf
  4991:  0.31%: /~James.Popple/
  2489:  0.15%: /~James.Popple/cv.html
  1904:  0.12%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/
206837: 12.76%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/d0000/*.html
  1962:  0.12%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/gendex.txt
  5618:  0.35%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/individuals.html
  2298:  0.14%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/names.html
  1126:  0.07%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/popple.ged
  1275:  0.08%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/popple.html
   575:  0.04%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/sources.html
   284:  0.02%: /~James.Popple/miscellaneous/art.pdf
   343:  0.02%: /~James.Popple/pgp-key.html
  6120:  0.38%: /~James.Popple/photographs/
  6136:  0.38%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-01/
 66085:  4.08%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-01/*/*.jpg
  4795:  0.30%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-02/
 59855:  3.69%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-02/*/*.jpg
  4050:  0.25%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-03/
 35929:  2.22%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-03/*/*.jpg
 13960:  0.86%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-04/
161050:  9.93%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-04/*/*.jpg
  8827:  0.54%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-05/
 99931:  6.16%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-05/*/*.jpg
  8067:  0.50%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-06/
 79651:  4.91%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-06/*/*.jpg
 10904:  0.67%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-07/
113386:  6.99%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-07/*/*.jpg
 13772:  0.85%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-08/
157449:  9.71%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-08/*/*.jpg
 12773:  0.79%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-09/
145661:  8.98%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-09/*/*.jpg
  6063:  0.37%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-10/
 63170:  3.90%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-10/*/*.jpg
 13725:  0.85%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-11/
120689:  7.44%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-11/*/*.jpg
  3246:  0.20%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-12/
 36380:  2.24%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-12/*/*.jpg
    63:       : /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-13/
   179:  0.01%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-13/*/*.jpg
    64:       : /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-14/
   591:  0.04%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-14/*/*.jpg
    63:       : /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-15/
   642:  0.04%: /~James.Popple/photographs/gallery-15/*/*.jpg
  1040:  0.06%: /~James.Popple/publications/
  1712:  0.11%: /~James.Popple/publications/articles/retroactive/
 32997:  2.04%: /~James.Popple/publications/articles/retroactive/*.html
   755:  0.05%: /~James.Popple/publications/articles/retroactive/clj.pdf
  3739:  0.23%: /~James.Popple/publications/articles/rule-based/acj.pdf
   331:  0.02%: /~James.Popple/publications/bibtex/popple.bib
   564:  0.03%: /~James.Popple/publications/bibtex/shyster.bib
   552:  0.03%: /~James.Popple/publications/books/shyster.pdf
   503:  0.03%: /~James.Popple/publications/entries/oxford-hca/it.pdf
   384:  0.02%: /~James.Popple/publications/entries/oxford-hca/number.pdf
   263:  0.02%: /~James.Popple/publications/entries/oxford-hca/oxford-hca.pdf
   377:  0.02%: /~James.Popple/publications/entries/oxford-hca/seniority.pdf
   535:  0.03%: /~James.Popple/publications/entries/oxford-hca/vexatious.pdf
   953:  0.06%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/aija-tfjc/
 10339:  0.64%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/aija-tfjc/*.html
   853:  0.05%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/aija-tfjc/aija-tfjc.pdf
  1040:  0.06%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/ctc6/
  1751:  0.11%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/ctc6/ctc6-slides.pdf
  2199:  0.14%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/icail-03/icail-03.pdf
  1453:  0.09%: /~James.Popple/publications/reports/tr-cs-03-01.pdf
  1621:  0.10%: /~James.Popple/publications/reports/tr-cs-93-13.pdf
  6594:  0.41%: /~James.Popple/publications/theses/phd.pdf
  1012:  0.06%: /~James.Popple/site-map.html
  6228:  0.38%: /~James.Popple/statistics/analog-extra.html
   520:  0.03%: /~James.Popple/statistics/analog.html
   310:  0.02%: /~James.Popple/statistics/archive/
   238:  0.01%: www.fearn.net/
   370:  0.02%: www.fearn.net/jonathan/
   423:  0.03%: www.fearn.net/paula/
   351:  0.02%: www.fearn.net/thomas/
   638:  0.04%: www.popple.net/
   230:  0.01%: www.popple.net/alexander/
  1157:  0.07%: www.popple.net/james/
   119:  0.01%: www.popple.net/kevin/
   216:  0.01%: www.popple.net/marli/
   459:  0.03%: www.popple.net/marli/grad-dip.pdf
   320:  0.02%: www.popple.net/sean/

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Request Report: Domain Report)

This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the number of requests.

  reqs:  %reqs: domain
------: ------: ------
332333: 20.50%: .net (Networks)
249670: 15.40%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
215609: 13.30%: .com (Commercial)
177308: 10.94%: .au (Australia)
 96391:  5.95%: .edu (USA Higher Education)
 71675:  4.42%: .fr (France)
 41601:  2.57%: .it (Italy)
 41255:  2.54%: .nl (Netherlands)
 40524:  2.50%: .de (Germany)
 40506:  2.50%: .be (Belgium)
 40148:  2.48%: .uk (United Kingdom)
 25501:  1.57%: .ca (Canada)
 18616:  1.15%: .br (Brazil)
 16669:  1.03%: .pl (Poland)
 15547:  0.96%: .ch (Switzerland)
 13798:  0.85%: .jp (Japan)
 12597:  0.78%: .at (Austria)
 11793:  0.73%: .es (Spain)
 11046:  0.68%: .fi (Finland)
 10540:  0.65%: .mx (Mexico)
 10394:  0.64%: .hu (Hungary)
  9582:  0.59%: .dk (Denmark)
  8841:  0.55%: .org (Non Profit Making Organisations)
  8463:  0.52%: .se (Sweden)
  7466:  0.46%: [domain not given]
  6084:  0.38%: .ro (Romania)
  5941:  0.37%: .il (Israel)
  5931:  0.37%: .pt (Portugal)
  5727:  0.35%: .us (United States)
  4835:  0.30%: .cz (Czech Republic)
  4561:  0.28%: .ar (Argentina)
  4484:  0.28%: .arpa (Arpanet)
  4357:  0.27%: .no (Norway)
  3179:  0.20%: .nz (New Zealand)
  3009:  0.19%: .ru (Russia)
  2843:  0.18%: .ee (Estonia)
  2496:  0.15%: .sk (Slovakia)
  2334:  0.14%: .mil (USA Military)
  2154:  0.13%: .th (Thailand)
  2150:  0.13%: .gov (USA Government)
  1871:  0.12%: .tw (Taiwan)
  1810:  0.11%: .gr (Greece)
  1809:  0.11%: .cl (Chile)
  1701:  0.10%: .tr (Turkey)
  1640:  0.10%: .sg (Singapore)
  1586:  0.10%: .hr (Croatia)
  1544:  0.10%: .id (Indonesia)
  1460:  0.09%: .hk (Hong Kong)
  1356:  0.08%: .lt (Lithuania)
  1351:  0.08%: .pe (Peru)
  1340:  0.08%: .yu (Former Yugoslavia)
  1259:  0.08%: .lu (Luxembourg)
  1212:  0.07%: .co (Colombia)
   976:  0.06%: .lv (Latvia)
   917:  0.06%: .ie (Ireland)
   845:  0.05%: .ma (Morocco)
   791:  0.05%: .my (Malaysia)
   757:  0.05%: .in (India)
   756:  0.05%: .sa (Saudi Arabia)
   626:  0.04%: .ua (Ukraine)
   588:  0.04%: .uy (Uruguay)
   588:  0.04%: .is (Iceland)
   478:  0.03%: .int (International Treaty Organisations)
   464:  0.03%: .ph (Philippines)
   400:  0.02%: .za (South Africa)
   378:  0.02%: .si (Slovenia)
   250:  0.02%: .do (Dominican Republic)
   246:  0.02%: .uz (Uzbekistan)
   199:  0.01%: .vn (Vietnam)
   184:  0.01%: .gt (Guatemala)
   180:  0.01%: .pk (Pakistan)
   173:  0.01%: .bg (Bulgaria)
   171:  0.01%: .cy (Cyprus)
   164:  0.01%: .py (Paraguay)
   163:  0.01%: .mt (Malta)
   157:  0.01%: .bj (Benin)
   156:  0.01%: .biz (Businesses)
   155:  0.01%: .ni (Nicaragua)
   152:  0.01%: .zw (Zimbabwe)
   148:  0.01%: .fo (Faroe Islands)
   142:  0.01%: .tt (Trinidad and Tobago)
   130:  0.01%: [unknown domain]
   130:  0.01%: .ve (Venezuela)
   110:  0.01%: .ae (United Arab Emirates)
   102:  0.01%: .cn (China)
   102:  0.01%: .tv (Tuvalu)
    96:  0.01%: .cc (Cocos (Keeling) Islands)
    92:  0.01%: .jo (Jordan)
    92:  0.01%: .qa (Qatar)
    91:  0.01%: .kr (South Korea)
    84:  0.01%: .cr (Costa Rica)
    80:       : .md (Moldova)
    73:       : .ir (Iran)
    68:       : .ba (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
    65:       : .lb (Lebanon)
    53:       : .kz (Kazakhstan)
    49:       : .cu (Cuba)
    46:       : .bw (Botswana)
    43:       : .ad (Andorra)
    42:       : .mu (Mauritius)
    41:       : .np (Nepal)
    35:       : .sy (Syria)
    34:       : .info (Informational)
    34:       : .ls (Lesotho)
    34:       : .ge (Georgia)
    28:       : .om (Oman)
    25:       : .nu (Niue)
    24:       : .mm (Myanmar)
    23:       : .gy (Guyana)
    21:       : .mk (Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic))
    21:       : .aw (Aruba)
    20:       : .ws (Samoa)
    18:       : .eg (Egypt)
    18:       : .pg (Papua New Guinea)
    14:       : .ke (Kenya)
    14:       : .dz (Algeria)
    13:       : .mz (Mozambique)
    12:       : .lk (Sri Lanka)
    11:       : .kg (Kyrgyzstan)
    11:       : .tz (Tanzania)
    11:       : .ac (Ascension Island)
     9:       : .li (Liechtenstein)
     8:       : .su (Former USSR)
     8:       : .sv (El Salvador)
     8:       : .ec (Ecuador)
     7:       : .nc (New Caledonia)
     5:       : .jm (Jamaica)
     5:       : .zm (Zambia)
     5:       : .ky (Cayman Islands)
     5:       : .to (Tonga)
     4:       : .bm (Bermuda)
     4:       : .sz (Swaziland)
     4:       : .ug (Uganda)
     3:       : .bn (Brunei Darussalam)
     3:       : .kw (Kuwait)
     3:       : .al (Albania)
     2:       : .bz (Belize)
     2:       : .kh (Cambodia)
     2:       : .fj (Fiji)
     2:       : .ng (Nigeria)
     2:       : .hn (Honduras)
     1:       : .by (Belarus)
     1:       : .rw (Rwanda)
     1:       : .cx (Christmas Island)
     1:       : .tp (East Timor)
     1:       : .aero (Air Transport Industry)
     1:       : .ag (Antigua and Barbuda)
     1:       : .ao (Angola)

This analysis was produced by analog 6.0.
Running time: 7 minutes, 41 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Request Report: Domain Report)

Copyright noticeValid HTML 4.0
Home page:  <http://www.popple.net/james/>
E-mail:  <james@popple.net>
Last modified:   3 January 2005