Web statistics (1/1/2002-31/12/2002)

These request statistics are for James Popple's web pages (at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Australian National University), including pages at the SHYSTER site. Extra statistics are also available.
Program started at Sat-04-Jan-2003 22:27.
Analysed requests from Sat-19-Jan-2002 14:25 to Tue-31-Dec-2002 23:40 (346.39 days).

NOTE: Inadequate logs were kept during part of this period.

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Request Report: Domain Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 31-Dec-2002 23:59).
Successful requests: 212,996 (1,708)
Average successful requests per day: 614 (243)
Successful requests for pages: 212,996 (1,708)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 614 (243)
Failed requests: 5,194 (128)
Redirected requests: 3,146 (12)
Distinct files requested: 107 (106)
Distinct hosts served: 25,804 (398)
Corrupt logfile lines: 130
Unwanted logfile entries: 11,768,607
Data transferred: 10.39 gigabytes (168.59 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 30.71 megabytes (24.08 megabytes)

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Request Report: Domain Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files, sorted alphabetically.

 reqs:  %reqs: file
-----: ------: ----
12118:  5.69%: /software/shyster/
 7196:  3.38%: /software/shyster/book/
 1714:  0.80%: /software/shyster/book/abstract.html
 1186:  0.56%: /software/shyster/book/biblio.html
 4213:  1.98%: /software/shyster/book/cover.gif
  200:  0.09%: /software/shyster/book/cover.jpg
 2236:  1.05%: /software/shyster/book/etymology.pdf
 1685:  0.79%: /software/shyster/download/
 1285:  0.60%: /software/shyster/download/conditions.html
  438:  0.21%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.cpt-sea.hqx
  346:  0.16%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.sit-sea.hqx
  242:  0.11%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.tar
  290:  0.14%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.tar.Z
  307:  0.14%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.zip
 3402:  1.60%: /software/shyster/output/
  533:  0.25%: /software/shyster/output/distances-tex.html
  279:  0.13%: /software/shyster/output/distances.pdf
  645:  0.30%: /software/shyster/output/dump-tex.html
  359:  0.17%: /software/shyster/output/dump.pdf
  577:  0.27%: /software/shyster/output/log.html
  609:  0.29%: /software/shyster/output/probabilities-tex.html
  201:  0.09%: /software/shyster/output/probabilities.pdf
  564:  0.26%: /software/shyster/output/report-1-tex.html
 1524:  0.72%: /software/shyster/output/report-1.html
  783:  0.37%: /software/shyster/output/report-1.pdf
  536:  0.25%: /software/shyster/output/report-2-tex.html
  683:  0.32%: /software/shyster/output/report-2.html
  373:  0.18%: /software/shyster/output/report-2.pdf
  519:  0.24%: /software/shyster/output/report-3-tex.html
  622:  0.29%: /software/shyster/output/report-3.html
  430:  0.20%: /software/shyster/output/report-3.pdf
  533:  0.25%: /software/shyster/output/report-4-tex.html
  713:  0.33%: /software/shyster/output/report-4.html
  567:  0.27%: /software/shyster/output/report-4.pdf
  525:  0.25%: /software/shyster/output/report-5-tex.html
  640:  0.30%: /software/shyster/output/report-5.html
  476:  0.22%: /software/shyster/output/report-5.pdf
  556:  0.26%: /software/shyster/output/weights-tex.html
  160:  0.08%: /software/shyster/output/weights.pdf
 2816:  1.32%: /software/shyster/source/
  798:  0.37%: /software/shyster/source/adjuster.html
 1455:  0.68%: /software/shyster/source/cases.html
  736:  0.35%: /software/shyster/source/checker.html
  751:  0.35%: /software/shyster/source/consultant.html
  718:  0.34%: /software/shyster/source/dumper.html
 1600:  0.75%: /software/shyster/source/libraries.html
 1563:  0.73%: /software/shyster/source/odometer.html
 1060:  0.50%: /software/shyster/source/parser.html
  669:  0.31%: /software/shyster/source/reporter.html
  710:  0.33%: /software/shyster/source/scales.html
 1566:  0.74%: /software/shyster/source/shyster.html
  764:  0.36%: /software/shyster/source/statutes.html
  918:  0.43%: /software/shyster/source/tech-report.html
 1636:  0.77%: /software/shyster/source/tokenizer.html
 2102:  0.99%: /software/shyster/specifications/
  890:  0.42%: /software/shyster/specifications/authorization.html
 1229:  0.58%: /software/shyster/specifications/employee.html
 1239:  0.58%: /software/shyster/specifications/finder.html
  952:  0.45%: /software/shyster/specifications/natural.html
 5190:  2.44%: /~James.Popple/
 2436:  1.14%: /~James.Popple/bookmarks.html
 4742:  2.23%: /~James.Popple/cv.html
 1432:  0.67%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/
64397: 30.23%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/d0000/*.html
 1419:  0.67%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/gendex.txt
 5393:  2.53%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/individuals.html
 2999:  1.41%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/names.html
  427:  0.20%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/popple.ged
  795:  0.37%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/popple.html
  723:  0.34%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/sources.html
  123:  0.06%: /~James.Popple/miscellaneous/art.pdf
  880:  0.41%: /~James.Popple/pgp-key.html
 1218:  0.57%: /~James.Popple/publications/
  929:  0.44%: /~James.Popple/publications/articles/retroactive/
11726:  5.51%: /~James.Popple/publications/articles/retroactive/*.html
  701:  0.33%: /~James.Popple/publications/articles/retroactive/clj.pdf
 3161:  1.48%: /~James.Popple/publications/articles/rule-based/acj.pdf
   39:  0.02%: /~James.Popple/publications/bibtex/popple.bib
   29:  0.01%: /~James.Popple/publications/bibtex/shyster.bib
  177:  0.08%: /~James.Popple/publications/books/shyster.pdf
  241:  0.11%: /~James.Popple/publications/entries/oxford-hca/it.pdf
  183:  0.09%: /~James.Popple/publications/entries/oxford-hca/number.pdf
  107:  0.05%: /~James.Popple/publications/entries/oxford-hca/oxford-hca.pdf
  154:  0.07%: /~James.Popple/publications/entries/oxford-hca/seniority.pdf
  164:  0.08%: /~James.Popple/publications/entries/oxford-hca/vexatious.pdf
  999:  0.47%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/aija-tfjc/
 9628:  4.52%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/aija-tfjc/*.html
  400:  0.19%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/aija-tfjc/aija-tfjc.pdf
  836:  0.39%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/ctc6/
 1022:  0.48%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/ctc6/ctc6-slides.pdf
 1111:  0.52%: /~James.Popple/publications/reports/tr-cs-93-13.pdf
  660:  0.31%: /~James.Popple/publications/research.html
 4419:  2.07%: /~James.Popple/publications/theses/phd.pdf
 1389:  0.65%: /~James.Popple/site-map.html
 2115:  0.99%: /~James.Popple/statistics/analog-extra.html
  973:  0.46%: /~James.Popple/statistics/analog.html
  300:  0.14%: /~James.Popple/statistics/archive/
  221:  0.10%: www.fearn.net/
  466:  0.22%: www.fearn.net/jonathan/
  591:  0.28%: www.fearn.net/paula/
  392:  0.18%: www.fearn.net/thomas/
 1650:  0.77%: www.popple.net/
  606:  0.28%: www.popple.net/james/
  217:  0.10%: www.popple.net/kevin/
  222:  0.10%: www.popple.net/marli/
  104:  0.05%: www.popple.net/marli/grad-dip.pdf
  453:  0.21%: www.popple.net/sean/

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Request Report: Domain Report)

This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs:  %reqs: domain
-----: ------: ------
84584: 39.71%: .net (Networks)
47952: 22.51%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
29909: 14.04%: .com (Commercial)
25893: 12.16%: .au (Australia)
 4328:  2.03%: .ca (Canada)
 3776:  1.77%: .edu (USA Higher Education)
 2735:  1.28%: .uk (United Kingdom)
  969:  0.45%: .it (Italy)
  900:  0.42%: .my (Malaysia)
  737:  0.35%: .nz (New Zealand)
  590:  0.28%: .jp (Japan)
  586:  0.28%: .nl (Netherlands)
  552:  0.26%: .mx (Mexico)
  539:  0.25%: .ro (Romania)
  511:  0.24%: .fr (France)
  442:  0.21%: .de (Germany)
  438:  0.21%: .sg (Singapore)
  427:  0.20%: .hk (Hong Kong)
  412:  0.19%: .org (Non Profit Making Organisations)
  411:  0.19%: .es (Spain)
  386:  0.18%: .br (Brazil)
  370:  0.17%: .id (Indonesia)
  332:  0.16%: .tw (Taiwan)
  315:  0.15%: .se (Sweden)
  292:  0.14%: .pl (Poland)
  281:  0.13%: .us (United States)
  218:  0.10%: .za (South Africa)
  211:  0.10%: .ar (Argentina)
  202:  0.09%: .be (Belgium)
  197:  0.09%: .ph (Philippines)
  174:  0.08%: .th (Thailand)
  169:  0.08%: .mil (USA Military)
  168:  0.08%: .gov (USA Government)
  165:  0.08%: .ie (Ireland)
  157:  0.07%: .cl (Chile)
  157:  0.07%: .dk (Denmark)
  154:  0.07%: .fi (Finland)
  142:  0.07%: .ch (Switzerland)
  124:  0.06%: .ru (Russia)
  120:  0.06%: .in (India)
  106:  0.05%: .cz (Czech Republic)
  105:  0.05%: .at (Austria)
  104:  0.05%: .ee (Estonia)
  103:  0.05%: .gr (Greece)
  100:  0.05%: .hu (Hungary)
   97:  0.05%: .hr (Croatia)
   96:  0.05%: .pk (Pakistan)
   91:  0.04%: .kr (South Korea)
   89:  0.04%: .sk (Slovakia)
   78:  0.04%: .eg (Egypt)
   71:  0.03%: .ky (Cayman Islands)
   71:  0.03%: .tr (Turkey)
   62:  0.03%: .lt (Lithuania)
   59:  0.03%: .il (Israel)
   57:  0.03%: .mu (Mauritius)
   54:  0.03%: .tt (Trinidad and Tobago)
   53:  0.02%: .no (Norway)
   51:  0.02%: .sa (Saudi Arabia)
   50:  0.02%: .pt (Portugal)
   47:  0.02%: .yu (Yugoslavia)
   34:  0.02%: .cy (Cyprus)
   34:  0.02%: .mg (Madagascar)
   28:  0.01%: .cr (Costa Rica)
   23:  0.01%: .arpa (Arpanet)
   21:  0.01%: .bg (Bulgaria)
   18:  0.01%: .int (International Treaty Organisations)
   17:  0.01%: .fj (Fiji)
   16:  0.01%: [unknown domain]
   15:  0.01%: .ni (Nicaragua)
   15:  0.01%: .ke (Kenya)
   14:  0.01%: .cn (China)
   14:  0.01%: .ec (Ecuador)
   13:  0.01%: .vn (Vietnam)
   13:  0.01%: .is (Iceland)
   11:  0.01%: .pe (Peru)
   11:  0.01%: .ua (Ukraine)
   10:       : .si (Slovenia)
   10:       : .lb (Lebanon)
    8:       : .biz (Businesses)
    8:       : .am (Armenia)
    8:       : .ir (Iran)
    7:       : .kg (Kyrgyzstan)
    5:       : .jo (Jordan)
    5:       : .co (Colombia)
    5:       : [domain not given]
    4:       : .mt (Malta)
    4:       : .ve (Venezuela)
    4:       : .cc (Cocos (Keeling) Islands)
    4:       : .zm (Zambia)
    4:       : .om (Oman)
    4:       : .do (Dominican Republic)
    4:       : .lv (Latvia)
    3:       : .gh (Ghana)
    2:       : .uy (Uruguay)
    2:       : .bn (Brunei Darussalam)
    2:       : .bw (Botswana)
    2:       : .zw (Zimbabwe)
    2:       : .cu (Cuba)
    2:       : .dm (Dominica)
    2:       : .lk (Sri Lanka)
    2:       : .lu (Luxembourg)
    2:       : .ae (United Arab Emirates)
    2:       : .ug (Uganda)
    1:       : .na (Namibia)
    1:       : .fo (Faroe Islands)
    1:       : .jm (Jamaica)
    1:       : .ge (Georgia)
    1:       : .gi (Gibraltar)
    1:       : .kz (Kazakhstan)
    1:       : .su (Former USSR)
    1:       : .lc (Saint Lucia)
    1:       : .pa (Panama)
    1:       : .pg (Papua New Guinea)
    1:       : .dz (Algeria)
    1:       : .tz (Tanzania)
    1:       : .mc (Monaco)

This analysis was produced by analog 5.30.
Running time: 8 minutes, 16 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Request Report: Domain Report)

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Home page:  <http://www.popple.net/james/>
E-mail:  <james@popple.net>
Last modified:   4 January 2003