Workshop program
Tuesday, September 17
9:00 - 14:15
Registration / Check-in

Vivek Sarkar
E.D. Butcher Chair in Engineering
Rice University
E.D. Butcher Chair in Engineering
Rice University
Recent changes in the OpenMP standard (including support for task parallelism, accelerators, SIMD parallelism, thread affinity, task cancellation) have begun addressing some of the anticipated requirements for Extreme Scale systems, but many challenges still remain. In general, a holistic redesign of the entire software stack is needed to address the programmability and performance requirements of Extreme Scale systems. This redesign will need to span programming models, languages, compilers, runtime systems, and system software. In this talk, we focus on the critical role played by the runtime system in enabling programmability in upper layers of the software stack, and in enabling performance in lower levels of hardware.
Click here for a detailed abstract of this presentation
Click here for a detailed abstract of this presentation
University House Common Room
Session 1: Extensions for OpenMP
Chair: Barbara Chapman
Chair: Barbara Chapman
A Proposal for Task-Generating Loops in OpenMP
Xavier Teruel, Michael Klemm, Kelvin Li, Xavier Martorell, Stephen Olivier, and Christian Terboven
Using OpenMP under Android
Vikas, Travis Scott, Nasser Giacaman, and Oliver Sinnen
Expressing DOACROSS Loop Dependencies in OpenMP
Jun Shirako, Priya Unnikrishnan, Sanjay Chatterjee, Kelvin Li, and Vivek Sarkar
University House Common Room
Session 2: Applications
Chair: Josh Milthorpe
Chair: Josh Milthorpe
Manycore Parallelism through OpenMP: High Performance Scientific Computing with Xeon Phi
James Barker and Josh Bowden
Performance Characteristics of Large SMP Machines
Dirk Schmidl, Dieter an Mey and Matthias S. Müller
Evaluating OpenMP Tasking at Scale for the Computation of Graph Hyperbolicity
Aaron B. Adcock, Blair D. Sullivan, Oscar R. Hernandez, and Michael W. Mahoney
University House Common Room
Session 3: Accelerators
Chair: Bronis de Supinski
Chair: Bronis de Supinski
Early Experiences with the OpenMP Accelerator Model
Chunhua Liao, Yonghong Yan, Bronis R. de Supinski, Daniel J. Quinlan, and Barbara Chapman
An OpenMP Barrier using SIMD Instructions for Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor
Diego Caballero, Alejandro Duran, and Xavier Martorell
OpenMP on the Low-Power TI Keystone II ARM/DSP System-On-Chip
Eric Stotzer, Ajay Jayaraj, Murtaza Ali, Arnon Friedmann, Gaurav Mitra, Alistair P. Rendell, and Ian Lintault
19:30 - 22:00
Reception / Banquet
Wednesday, September 18

Caches, Critical Sections & Transactional Memory
James Goodman
University of Auckland
University of Auckland
Transactional memory is implemented by speculating about potential concurrency, depending on the knowledge of a hierarchical, shared memory system to detect when violations occur. Hardware can similarly be employed to detect actual conflicts when speculatively executing critical sections concurrently, relying on the cache consistency mechanism to guarantee a legal execution. I will review cache memories, the problems they create and solve, and the resulting opportunities they present for exploiting concurrency.

Transactional memory: language features and hardware support
Mark Moir
Oracle Corporation
Oracle Corporation
This talk will give an overview of the latest proposal for adding transactional features to the C++ language, and provide some examples demonstrating the power of transactional programming to simplify concurrent programming and improve scalability.
We will also discuss hardware transactional memory and how it can be exploited by such language features, or more immediately and directly using lock elision.
We will also discuss hardware transactional memory and how it can be exploited by such language features, or more immediately and directly using lock elision.
University House Common Room
High Performance Computing in Australia
Ben Evans
National Computational Infrastructure
National Computational Infrastructure
Tour of NCI Facility
University House Common Room
Session 4: Scheduling
Chair: Michael Wong
Chair: Michael Wong
A Prototype Implementation of OpenMP Task Dependency Support
Priyanka Ghosh, Yonghong Yan, Deepak Eachempati and Barbara Chapman
An Efficient OpenMP Loop Scheduler for Irregular Applications on Large-Scale NUMA Machines
Marie Durand, François Broquedis, and Thierry Gautier (presented by Phillipe Viroleau)
Locality-Aware Task Scheduling and Data Distribution on NUMA Systems
Ananya Muddukrishna, Peter A. Jonnson, Vladimir Vlassov, and Mats Brorsson
University House Common Room
Session 5: Tools
Chair: Eric McCreath
Chair: Eric McCreath
OMPT: OpenMP Tools Application Programming Interfaces for Performance Analysis
Alexandre Eichenberger, John Mellor-Crummey, Martin Schulz, Michael Wong, Nawal Copty, John DelSignore, Robert Dietrich, Xu Liue, Eugene Loh, Daniel Lorenz, and other members of the OpenMP Tools Working Group
Open Source Task Profiling by Extending the OpenMP Runtime API
Ahmad Qawasmeh, Abid Malik, Barbara Chapman, Kevin Huck and Allen Malony
Report from the OpenMP Language Committee
OpenMP 4.0 is Here! Where to Next?
Bronis de Supinski