Call for papers
We solicit submissions of unpublished technical papers detailing innovative, original research and development related to OpenMP.
All topics related to OpenMP are of interest, including OpenMP applications in any domain (e.g., scientific computation, video games, computer graphics, multimedia, information retrieval, optimization, text processing, data mining, finance, signal and image processing and numerical solvers), OpenMP performance analysis and modeling, OpenMP performance and correctness tools and proposed OpenMP extensions.
Advances in technologies, such as multi-core processors and accelerators (e.g., GPGPU, FPGA), Multiprocessor Systems on a Chip (MPSoCs), and recent developments in OpenMP itself (e.g., tasking) present new opportunities and challenges for software and hardware developers. IWOMP 2013 particularly solicits submissions in these areas.
Submitted papers for review should be limited to 12 pages and
follow LNCS
guidelines. Submission deadline is April 26 May 10, 2013. Submit your
paper to:
Authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare a final paper of up to 15 pages. As in previous years, IWOMP 2013 will publish formal proceedings of the accepted papers in Springer Verlag's LNCS series.