
Professional Activities |
Projects |
Principle Investigator:
Joint Research on Computer Vision and Perception for Autonomous Driving with Zongmu. Deep Learning and Traditional Computer Vision Based Algorithms for ADAS: including Semantic Segmentation, Multi-task Detection, Underground SLAM, Panoramic Image Stiching and etc.
Teaching |
2018 Computer Vision (ANU, ENGN4528,ENGN6528)
2018 Advanced Research Project (ANU, COMP8800)
2018 Individual Project (ANU, ENGN4200)
2017 Robotics (ANU, ENGN4627)
2017 Data Analysis (ANU, ENG8735)
2017 Advanced Research Project (ANU, COMP8800)
2017 Individual Project (ANU, ENGN4200)
2016 Robotics (ANU, ENGN4627)
2016 Document Analysis (ANU, COMP4650) 2016 Individual Project (ANU, ENGN4200)
Supervising |
Ph.D. students:
Kaiyue Lu, ANU (primary supervisor)
Jing Zhang, ANU (primary supervisor)
Peipei Song, ANU (primary supervisor)
Junxuan Li, ANU (primary supervisor)
Changkun Ye, ANU (primary supervisor, pengding visa)
Hao Zhu, ANU (visiting, with A/Prof. Hongdong Li)
Ryota Yoshihashi, U Tokyo (with A/Prof. Takeshi Naemura)
Lu Liu, NUS (with Asst. Prof. Robby T. Tan)
Xiang Wang, Tsinghua (co-supervising with A/Prof. Huimin Ma )
Yidong Wang, Tsinghua (with A/Prof. Huimin Ma)
Research Master:
Ziang Cheng, ANU
Kenta Moriwaki, U Tokyo (with Asst. Prof. Rei Kawakami)
- Honour
Yicong Hong, ANU
Yuxuan Long, ANU
Oliver Johnson, ANU
- Alumni
David Feng, PhD, ANU (now at Seeing Machine)
Xiudong Wang, ANU (visiting, with A/Prof. Hongdong Li)
Kaiyue Lu, Master, ANU (continue as PhD)
Junxuan Li, ANU (continue as PhD)
Chenyao Qian, Master, ANU (now at Meitu)
Tu Tuan Trinh, Master, U Tokyo
Zhichen Zhao, Master, Tsinghua
Xinyi Liu, ANU
Weixuan Sun, Bachelor with Honor, ANU
Kunming Li, Bachelor with Honor, ANU
Zhipeng Bao, ANU (Visiting student from Tsinghua)
Riku Shigematsu, ANU (Visiting student from U Tokyo)
Seiichirou Fukuta, Master, U Tokyo
Organizing |
2018 DICTA General China
2018 ACCV Worshop Chair
2017 ICCV Joint Workshop: Physics Based Vision meets Deep Learning, Venice, Italy. PBDL2017
2016 - present, IEEE Computer Society, ACT Section, Australia.
2014 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV2014). Tokyo, Japan.
Reviewing |
IEEE Transaction on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
International Journal on Computer Vision (IJCV)
IEEE Transaction on Image Processing (TIP)
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
International Computer on Computer Vision
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
Invited Talks |
Physic Based Vision meets Deep Learning, International Workshop on Machine Vision Application, Xi’an, June. 2018
Physic Based Vision meets Deep Learning, Nanjing University, Apr. 2018
Physic Based Vision meets Deep Learning, ShanghaiTech University, Apr. 2018
Physic Based Vision meets Deep Learning, Jiangsu University, Apr. 2018
Physic Based Vision meets Deep Learning, Tsinghua University Shenzhen Research Campus, Apr. 2018
Physic Based Vision meets Deep Learning, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Research Campus, Apr. 2018
Smart Computational Imaging, Nanjing University, Apr. 2017
Smart Computational Imaging, Jiangnan University, Apr. 2017
A Multi-view Light Field Camera from a Single Lens, Microsoft Research Asia, Sep, 2016
Vision in Bad Weather, Peking University, Sep, 2016
Vision in Bad Weather, Nankai University, Sep, 2016
Prosthetic Vision and Artificial Vision, Microsoft Research Asia, Aug, 2016
Vision in Bad Weather, Microsoft Research Asia, Aug, 2016
Vision in Bad Weather, Tsinghua University, Aug, 2016
Vision in Bad Weather, Jiangnan University, Aug. 2016
Adherent Raindrop Detection and Removal in Video. Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding (MIRU 2013), Japan.
2018.1-present |
Senior Research Scientist, Data61, CSIRO, Australia (previously
known as NICTA)
- Computer vision research group
- Projects: Prosthetic Vision, Digital Archiving, Non-rigid Reconstruction
2018.2-present |
Senior Adjunct Lecturer, Australian National University
- Teaching in School of Engineering and Computer Science
- Supervising 9 Ph.D. students, 5 master students.
2015.9-2018.1 |
Research Scientist, Data61, CSIRO, Australia (previously
known as NICTA)
- Computer vision research group
- Projects: Prosthetic Vision, Digital Archiving, Non-rigid Reconstruction
2015.10-2018.1 |
Adjunct Lecturer, Australian National University
- Teaching in School of Engineering and Computer Science
- Supervising 9 Ph.D. students, 5 master students.
Chair of Computer Society, IEEE ACT Section, Australia.
2015.10-present |
Adjunct Lecturer, College of Engineering and Computer Science,
Australian National University.
- Supervising 5 Ph.D. students, 6 master students.
- Teaching
2014.4-2014.10 |
Internship at Microsoft Development, Shinagawa, Tokyo.
- Topic: Multiview rectification rectification of folded document
- Paper submitted, mobile app prototyped
- Coworkers: Dr. Yasuyuki Matsushita, Dr. Sudipta Sinha.
2013.2-2013.3 |
Visiting Multimedia and Geometry Group, Utrecht University, The
- Video enhancement
2008.1-2010.3 |
3D Image System Simulation Lab, Tsinghua University
- Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Huimin Ma
- Topics: 3D object modeling and recognition, manifold learning |
2012.10-2015.9 |
PhD of Engineering, Computer Vision Lab. The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Full Scholarship (Mext)
- Overall GPA: 4/4 .
- Advisors: Prof. Katsushi Ikeuchi ,
Prof. Takeshi Oishi
- Mentors: Asst. Prof. Robby T. Tan,
Asst. Prof. Rei Kawakami
- Topics: robust outdoor vision, rainy scenes,
computational photometry, 3D shape modeling
2010.4-2012.9 |
Master of Engineering, Computer Vision Lab. The University of Tokyo,
- Full Scholarship (Panasonic)
- Overall GPA: 3.93/4
2005.8-2009.7 |
Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua
- Advanced Courses in Math and Physics (sub major)
- Recommend for direct admission (free of entrance
- Overall GPA: 88.4/100 (3.71/4)
2002.8-2005.7 |
Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University
- National Science Class directed by The Ministry of
Education of China
- Eligible for enter any university in China without
exam |
2018 |
Kaiyue Lu, Shaodi You and Nick Barnes, Deep Image Smoothing based on Texture and Structure Guidance. European Conference on Computer Vision 2018, ECCV2018.
2018 |
Xiaofeng Han, Chuong Nyugen, Shaodi You and Jianfei Lu, Single Image Water Hazard Detection using FCN with Reflection Attention Units. European Conference on Computer Vision 2018, ECCV2018.
2018 |
Xiang Wang, Shaodi You, Huimin Ma and Xi Li, Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Iteratively Mining Common Object Features, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. CVPR 2018.
2018 |
Zhixiang Hao, Yu Li, Shaodi You and Feng Lu, Detail Preserving Depth Estimation from a Single Image using Attention Guided Networks. 3D Vision, 2018 (3DV2018).
2018 |
Xiaofeng Han, Jianfeng Lu, Chunxia Zhao, Shaodi You and Hongdong Li, Semi-supervised and Weakly-supervised Road Detection based on Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE Signal Processing Letters. Volume: 25, Issue:4, pp: 551-555. 2018. Impact factor: 2.5. [pdf]
2018 |
Junxuan Li, Shaodi You, and Antonio Robles-Kelly. A Frequency Domain Neural Network for Fast Image Super-resolution, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IJCNN 2018, Oral. [pdf]
2018 |
Hongru Liang, Haozheng Wang, Shaodi You, Jin-Mao Wei, and Zhenglu Yang. JTAV: Jointly Learning Social Media Content Representation by Fusing Textual, Acoustic, and Visual Features. The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018).
2017 |
Yu Li, Shaodi You, Michael Brown and Robby T. Tan, Visibility Enhancement in Scattering Media Survey and Benchmark, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2017. [pdf]
2017 |
Xiang Wang, Huimin Ma, Shaodi You and Xiaozhi Chen, Edge Preserving and Multi-Scale Contextual Neural Network for Salient Object Detection, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP). [pdf]
2017 |
Zhichen Zhao, Huimin Ma, Shaodi You, Single Image Action Recognition via Sermantic Part Actions, International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2017. [pdf]
2017 |
Shijie Zhang, Lizhen Qu, Shaodi You, Zhenglu Yang and Jiawan Zhang, Automatic Generation of Grounded Visual Questions, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2017. [pdf]
2017 |
Feng Lu, Lei He, Shaodi You, Zhixiang Hao, Identifying Surface BRDF from a Single 4D Light Field Image via Deep Neural Network, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Singal Processing, Accepted. [pdf]
2017 |
Diming Zhamg, Fei Xue, Hao Huang and Shaodi You, VBMq: Pursuit Baremetal Perf ormance by Embracing Block I/O Parallelism in Virtualization, Frontier of Computer Science. Accepted.
2017 |
Kaiyue Lu, Shaodi You, Nick Barnes, Double-Guided Filtering: Image Smoothing with Structure and Texture Guidance, The International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, DICTA 2017. Oral [pdf]
2017 |
David Feng, Shaodi You, Nick Barnes, HOSO: Histogram Of Surface Orientation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection. The International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, DICTA 2017. Best Paper. [pdf]
2017 |
Junxuan Li, Shaodi You, Antonio Robles-Kelly, Stereo Super-resolution via a Deep Convolutional Network. The International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, DICTA 2017. Oral [pdf]
2017 |
Bin Yue, Min Gui, Jiahui Guo, Zhenglu Yang, Jin-Mao Wei and Shaodi You, An Effective Framework for Question Answering over Freebase via Reconstructing Natural Sequences. WWW 2017.
2017 |
Kunming Li, Yu Li, Shaodi You and Nick Barnes, Photo-Realistic Simulation of Road Scene for Data-Driven Methods in Bad Weather, ICCV Workshop on Physics Based Vision meets Deep Learning, 2017. [pdf]
2017 |
Riku Shigematsu, David Feng, Shaodi You and Nick Barnes, Learning RGB-D Salient Object Detection using background enclosure, depth contrast, and top-down features, ICCV Workshop on Mutual Benefit of Cognitive and Computer Vision, 2017. [pdf]
2017 |
David Feng, Shaodi You and Nick Barnes, DSD: Depth Surface Descriptor for Structural Edge Detection, ICCV Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics, 2017. [pdf]
2017 |
Changkun Ye, Huimin Ma, Xiaoqin Zhang, Kai Zhang and Shaodi You, Survival-Oriented Reinforcement Learning Model: An Effcient and Robust Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Autonomous Driving Problem, IAPR International Conference on Image and Graphics, ICIG2017.
2016 |
David Feng, Nick Barnes, Shaodi You and Chris McCarthy. Local Background Enclosure for RGB-D
Salient Object Detection. IEEE Computer Society Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2016, Spotlight
Presentation). [pdf] [webpage]
2016 |
Shaodi You, Think
Locally, Fit Globally, Robust and Fast Surface Matching via Algebraic
Surface Fitting, Neural Computing, Special Issue on Multimodal
Vision, Elsevier 2016. Accepted, DOI 10.1016/j.neucom.2016.06.086. [pdf]
2015 |
Shaodi You, Robby T. Tan, Rei Kawakami,
Yasuhiro Mukaigawa and Katsushi Ikeuchi, Adherent Raindrop Modeling,
Detection and Removal in Video.
- Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2015
- [pdf] [webpage]
2015 |
Shaodi You, Detection and Removal of Raindrop
Images in A Video Sequence and Their Applications to Computer Vision
- Doctoral Thesis, The University of Tokyo, 2015.
- [pdf]
2014 |
Shaodi You, Robby T. Tan, Rei Kawakami, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa and
Katsushi Ikeuchi, Raindrop
Detection and Removal from Long Range Trajectory.
- 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2014 Oral), Nov. 3-5,
2014, Singapore
- [pdf] [webpage]
2013 |
Shaodi You, Robby T. Tan, Rei Kawakami and Katsushi Ikeuchi, Adherent Raindrop Detection and
Removal in Video.
- IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR 2013), June 25-27, 2013, ortland,
Oregon, USA
- [pdf] [webpage]
2013 |
Shaodi You, Robby T. Tan, Rei Kawakami and
Katsushi Ikeuchi, Robust
and Fast Motion Estimation for Video Completion.
- IAPR Machine Vision Applications (MVA 2013 Oral), May 20-23, 2013, Kyoto,
- [pdf]
2011 |
Shaodi You and Huimin Ma, Manifold Topological
Multi-Resolution Analysis Method.
- Pattern Recognition, Volume 44, Issue 8, August 2011, Pages 1629¨C1648
- [pdf]
2009 |
Shaodi You and Huimin Ma, Manifold
Topological Multi-Resolution Analysis Method based on Spectral Analysis and
Local Linearity.
- Bachelor Thesis, Tsinghua University, 2009
- Excellent Thesis Award
2009 |
Xiao Yu, Huimin Ma, Shaodi You and Ze
Yuan, A solution for efficient viewpoint space partition in 3D object
- International Conference on Image and Graphic 2009 (ICIG2009 Oral),
Xi'an, China
- [pdf] |
Chinese Patent No. 201710799023.7 |
Guoxing Ma, Yu Han, Jianing Sun, Yi Zhao, Fengyu Yang, Yueqin Gu and Shaodi You, “An Automatic Surveillance System for Bracket Safety Inspection in Construction Site.
Chinese Patent No. 201610279988.9 |
A System and A Method for Automatic Inspection of Protection Equipment
and Operational Capability for Workers' Safety.
Chinese Patent No. 201610489505.8 |
An Automatic System and Methodology for Dust Pollution Monitoring in
Construction Site using Image Captured by UAV.
Awards and Honors
2017.9 |
Digital, National Facilities & Collections Awards 2017
Science Excellence: Vision processing for the Bionic Eye.
2017.8 |
iAWARDS 2017, Research and Development Project of the Year, National Merit Recipient: Vision Processing for Bionic Eye. Australia.
2017.5 |
iAWARDS 2017, Research and Development Project of the Year:
Vision Processing for Bionic Eye. Australian Capital Territory.
Australian Information Industry Association
2017.5 |
iAWARDS 2017, Consumer Markets::
Vision Processing for Bionic Eye. Australian Capital Territory.
Australian Information Industry Association
Japanese Government (Monbunkagakusho: MEXT)
- University referenced (Rank 1 among applicants)
- Allowance 5,328,000 JPY
- Full tuition fee coverage
- Research funding 3,000,000 JPY
2013.4-2015.9 |
Global Creative Leader, The University of Tokyo
- Research funding 2,200,000 JPY
- Allowance 4,500,000 JPY Granted (3,000,000 JPY withdrawed due to maximum income limit)
2013.4-2016.3 |
SCAT Scholarship
- Allowance 3,600,000 JPY Granted.
- Withdrawed due to maximum
income limit
2013.4-2014.3 |
SEUT Doctoral Student Special Incentives Program
- Allowance 1,800,000 JPY Granted.
- Withdrawed due to maximum
income limit
Panasonic Scholarship
- Allowance 6,120,000 JPY Granted. (900,000 JPY withdrawed due to early graduation)
- Full tuition fee coverage
- Six grants in China per year
2009.7 |
Excellent Thesis Paper, Tsinghua University
- Rank 1 / 90
2008.10 |
Scholarship for Academic Excellence(Class III), Tsinghua University
2006.12 |
Scholarship for Academic Excellence(Class II), Tsinghua University
2005.6 |
Honorable mention in 2004/2005 "First
Step to Nobel Prize in Physics", Polish Academy of Science
2004.9 |
First Prize, Chinese Physics Olympic Contest (province-wide)
- Eligibility for direct college addmission
without national standard exam.
2004.9 |
Second Prize, Chinese Chemistry Olympic Contest (province -wide)
- Eligibility for direct college addmission
without national standard exam.
2004.5 |
First Prize, Chinese Biology Olympic Contest (province-wide)
- Eligibility for direct college addmission
without national standard exam.
2003.9 |
Second Prize, Chinese Mathematics Olympic Contest (province-wide)
- Eligibility for direct college addmission
without national standard exam. |
Languages |
Chinese(native), English(proficient), Japanese(proficient),
Artwork |
Comics creations
Music |
Piano, Erhu(two-stringed Chinese violin) |
Volunteer for local rebuilidng after 2011
Japan Earthquake |
2015.4-2015.9 |
Volunteer for disaster relief in Tokyo
2010.4-2015.9 |
Chinese Student and Scholoar Association, The
University of Tokyo
- 2011-present Manager of Tennis Circle
2005.9-2008.9 |
Red Cross Society of Tsinghua University
- 2007-2008 Manager of Department of Publicity
- Excellent member award in 2007
2005.9-present |
Art Society of Tsinghua University
- 2007-2008 Leader of Comic Team |
