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  The 5206 chip contains two general purpose timers, Timer 1 and Timer 2. These timers can be used, e.g., to time events and to generate waveforms. This built-in functionality simplifies the design of embedded systems. The timer module has a number of pins providing external connections such as an output for a waveform for use by an external device, Figure 113.

Figure 113: Timer 1.

HLAB6 illustrates some uses of the timer module. The program timer1s.s shows how to configure Timer 1, and to set up a square wave at pin tout0. The program timer2c.c uses a delay routine to print numbers to the dBug screen at regular intervals (about 1 second).

Detailed documentation is provided in Section 13 of the Motorola MCF5206 User Manual.

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ANU Engineering - ENGN3213