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Create a new Xilinx schematic project called dff-s,
download the zip file
and extract the schematic dff-s1.sch into your main
project folder dff-s.
Open the schematic and add to the project. Start the Logic Simulator.
To configure the clock waveform:
- 1.
- Open the Select Stmulators window from the Logic Simulator.
- 2.
- Click on the Formula... button, to open the Set Formulas tool.
- 3.
- In the Set Formulas tool, double click on the line C1:,
and enter the formula 100ns=H 100ns=L, as shown in Figire 35.
- 4.
- Click accept and then close.
- 5.
- Back in the Select Stmulators window, the clock symbol C1 should be red,
indicating it is has been configured for use.
- 6.
- Select CLOCK in the waveform viewer and set the stimulus to be C1.
The other inputs can be configured as usual.
Figure 35:
Set Formulas tool.
Set the simulation time step to 50ns, and simulate, similar to
Figure 36.
Figure 36:
D flip flop waveform.
- 1.
- When can the output (and state) change relative
to the CLOCK and input D?
- 2.
- Is it synchronous, or asynchronous?
- 3.
- Is it positive or negative edge triggered?
- 4.
- How does this differ from the D latch?
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ANU Engineering - ENGN3213