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D Latch

A gated D-latch, Figure 34, is a sequential module specified by the following table:

G D Qt+
0 0 Qt
0 1 Qt
1 0 0
1 1 1

Figure 34: Gated D-latch (top level block diagram).

Note that the state Q is saved when G=0, and when G=1 we have Q=D. Thus the gated D-latch acts as a simple 1-bit memory element, with two states Q=0 and Q=1. It is an asynchronous module (no clock).

Create a new Xilinx schematic project called dlatch-s, download the zip file and extract the schematic dlatch-s1.sch into your main project folder dlatch-s. Open the schematic and add to the project. Start the Logic Simulator.

What does Q equal when G=1? When G=0?

When can the output (and state) change relative to the enable G and input D?

What does transparency mean? (Look up the textbook or your lecture notes.) Point out where this occurs on the waveform.

What kind of triggering is occuring?

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ANU Engineering - ENGN3213