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Computer Lab/Tutorial 1 - Introduction to PSpice

MicroSim/OrCAD DesignLab is an industry-standard PSpice circuit analysis and design software package. The package includes a number of components, and for our purposes the most important of which are the Schematics editor for entering and editing circuit diagrams and directing simulations and other procedures, PSPICE itself for carrying out the simulations, and Probe for displaying waveforms. The package (which we refer to simply as pspice) is capable of analog, digital and mixed-signal simulations. You can use the evaluation versions of PSPICE. These are the same as the production versions but with restrictions such as the number of components, etc. DesignLab PSPICE runs under the Windows 95/98/NT environment. Other versions of spice are available for other operating systems.

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ANU Engineering - ENGN2211