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Maximum DC Power Transfer

Load the file PSPICE file maxdcp.sch.

This circuit models a source (VS, RS) and a load RL. The problem is that the source is given, and we want to determine the value of RL for which the power absorbed by the load

\begin{displaymath}P_L = \frac{V_L^2}{R_L}

is a maximum. Note that if RL=0 (short circuit), then VL=0 so no power will be absorbed, and if $R_L=\infty$ (open circuit), again no power will be absorbed - so there must be a value of RL with maximum power. By calculating PL, theory says that PL will be maximized for

RL = RS ,

i.e. when the load resistance equals the source resistance.

Simulate and obtain a graph of PL versus RL, and determine the maximizing value of RL and the maximum value of PL.

The schematic has been set up for DC sweep, with RL as a parameter.

When the PROBE screen appears,

Trace $\to$ Add...

Enter $V(VL)*V(VL)/RL\underline{\ } val$ in the Trace expression part of the window.

Repeat with different values of RS.

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