Web statistics (1/1/1999-30/6/1999)

These request statistics are for James Popple's web pages, including pages at the SHYSTER site. Local requests (from the Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the Australian National University) are ignored. Extra statistics are also available.
Program started at Thu-08-Jul-1999 00:00 local time.
Analysed requests from Fri-01-Jan-1999 00:49 to Wed-30-Jun-1999 12:20 (180.5 days).

Total successful requests: 57 478 (2 762)
Average successful requests per day: 319 (394)
Total successful requests for pages: 57 073 (2 740)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 316 (391)
Total failed requests: 302 (8)
Total redirected requests: 308 (8)
Number of distinct files requested: 158 (111)
Number of distinct hosts served: 10 205 (422)
Number of new hosts served in last 7 days: 261
Corrupt logfile lines: 719
Unwanted logfile entries: 2 994 302
Total data transferred: 1 745 Mbytes (43 898 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 9 901 kbytes (6 271 kbytes)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to 30-Jun-1999).

(Go To: Request Report: Domain Report)

Request Report

(Go To: Top: Domain Report)

Printing all requested files, sorted alphabetically.

#reqs:  %reqs: file
-----  ------  ----
 5374:  9.35%: /software/shyster/
 2470:  4.30%: /software/shyster/book/
  591:  1.03%: /software/shyster/book/abstract.html
  363:  0.63%: /software/shyster/book/biblio.html
 1228:  2.14%: /software/shyster/book/cover.gif
   79:  0.14%: /software/shyster/book/cover.jpg
  682:  1.19%: /software/shyster/download/
  383:  0.67%: /software/shyster/download/conditions.html
   18:  0.03%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.cpt-sea.hqx
   17:  0.03%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.sit-sea.hqx
   79:  0.14%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.tar
   44:  0.08%: /software/shyster/download/shyster.tar.Z
   56:  0.10%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/Authorization.cls
   26:  0.05%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/Employee.cls
   13:  0.02%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/Example.in
   16:  0.03%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/Finder.cls
   48:  0.08%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/Makefile
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/Natural.cls
   22:  0.04%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/README
    7:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/adjuster.c
    6:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/adjuster.h
    4:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/cases.c
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/cases.h
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/checker.c
    7:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/checker.h
    6:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/consultant.c
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/consultant.h
    6:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/dumper.c
    7:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/dumper.h
    4:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/odometer.c
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/odometer.h
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/parser.c
   11:  0.02%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/parser.h
    5:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/reporter.c
    4:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/reporter.h
    5:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/scales.c
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/scales.h
    8:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/shyster.c
    8:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/shyster.h
    6:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/statutes.c
    6:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/statutes.h
    5:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/tokenizer.c
    8:  0.01%: /software/shyster/download/shyster/tokenizer.h
 1236:  2.15%: /software/shyster/output/
   69:  0.12%: /software/shyster/output/distances-tex.html
   25:  0.04%: /software/shyster/output/distances.pdf
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/distances@300.ps
   11:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/distances@400.ps
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/distances@600.ps
   77:  0.13%: /software/shyster/output/dump-tex.html
   26:  0.05%: /software/shyster/output/dump.pdf
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/dump@300.ps
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/dump@400.ps
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/dump@600.ps
   99:  0.17%: /software/shyster/output/log.html
   64:  0.11%: /software/shyster/output/probabilities-tex.html
   25:  0.04%: /software/shyster/output/probabilities.pdf
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/probabilities@300.ps
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/probabilities@400.ps
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/probabilities@600.ps
   70:  0.12%: /software/shyster/output/report-1-tex.html
  386:  0.67%: /software/shyster/output/report-1.html
  107:  0.19%: /software/shyster/output/report-1.pdf
   16:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-1@300.ps
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-1@400.ps
   14:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-1@600.ps
   61:  0.11%: /software/shyster/output/report-2-tex.html
  114:  0.20%: /software/shyster/output/report-2.html
   24:  0.04%: /software/shyster/output/report-2.pdf
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-2@300.ps
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-2@400.ps
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-2@600.ps
   68:  0.12%: /software/shyster/output/report-3-tex.html
   91:  0.16%: /software/shyster/output/report-3.html
   28:  0.05%: /software/shyster/output/report-3.pdf
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-3@300.ps
    8:  0.01%: /software/shyster/output/report-3@400.ps
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-3@600.ps
   63:  0.11%: /software/shyster/output/report-4-tex.html
  116:  0.20%: /software/shyster/output/report-4.html
   34:  0.06%: /software/shyster/output/report-4.pdf
   11:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-4@300.ps
   12:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-4@400.ps
   17:  0.03%: /software/shyster/output/report-4@600.ps
   54:  0.09%: /software/shyster/output/report-5-tex.html
   81:  0.14%: /software/shyster/output/report-5.html
   25:  0.04%: /software/shyster/output/report-5.pdf
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-5@300.ps
   12:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-5@400.ps
   10:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/report-5@600.ps
   63:  0.11%: /software/shyster/output/weights-tex.html
   22:  0.04%: /software/shyster/output/weights.pdf
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/weights@300.ps
   11:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/weights@400.ps
    9:  0.02%: /software/shyster/output/weights@600.ps
  932:  1.62%: /software/shyster/source/
  113:  0.20%: /software/shyster/source/adjuster.html
  205:  0.36%: /software/shyster/source/cases.html
  109:  0.19%: /software/shyster/source/checker.html
  102:  0.18%: /software/shyster/source/consultant.html
  110:  0.19%: /software/shyster/source/dumper.html
  159:  0.28%: /software/shyster/source/libraries.html
  150:  0.26%: /software/shyster/source/odometer.html
  157:  0.27%: /software/shyster/source/parser.html
  155:  0.27%: /software/shyster/source/reporter.html
  123:  0.21%: /software/shyster/source/scales.html
  439:  0.76%: /software/shyster/source/shyster.html
  173:  0.30%: /software/shyster/source/statutes.html
  249:  0.43%: /software/shyster/source/tech-report.html
  228:  0.40%: /software/shyster/source/tokenizer.html
  812:  1.41%: /software/shyster/specifications/
  157:  0.27%: /software/shyster/specifications/authorization.html
  208:  0.36%: /software/shyster/specifications/employee.html
  234:  0.41%: /software/shyster/specifications/finder.html
  205:  0.36%: /software/shyster/specifications/natural.html
 1837:  3.20%: /~James.Popple/
  837:  1.46%: /~James.Popple/bookmarks.html
 1661:  2.89%: /~James.Popple/cv.html
  694:  1.21%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/
23041: 40.09%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/d0000/*.html
  374:  0.65%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/gendex.txt
 2076:  3.61%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/individuals.html
 1201:  2.09%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/names.html
  159:  0.28%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/popple.html
  125:  0.22%: /~James.Popple/genealogy/sources.html
  229:  0.40%: /~James.Popple/pgp-key.html
  337:  0.59%: /~James.Popple/publications/
  138:  0.24%: /~James.Popple/publications/articles/retroactive/
 1450:  2.52%: /~James.Popple/publications/articles/retroactive/*.html
  153:  0.27%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/aija-tfjc/
  727:  1.26%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/aija-tfjc/*.html
   67:  0.12%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/aija-tfjc/aija-tfjc.pdf
  110:  0.19%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/aija-tfjc/aija-tfjc@300.ps
   33:  0.06%: /~James.Popple/publications/papers/ctc6/
  287:  0.50%: /~James.Popple/publications/reports/tr-cs-93-13.pdf
   22:  0.04%: /~James.Popple/publications/reports/tr-cs-93-13@300.ps
    8:  0.01%: /~James.Popple/publications/reports/tr-cs-93-13@400.ps
   24:  0.04%: /~James.Popple/publications/reports/tr-cs-93-13@600.ps
  184:  0.32%: /~James.Popple/publications/research.html
  536:  0.93%: /~James.Popple/publications/theses/phd.pdf
    9:  0.02%: /~James.Popple/publications/theses/phd@300.ps
    6:  0.01%: /~James.Popple/publications/theses/phd@400.ps
   25:  0.04%: /~James.Popple/publications/theses/phd@600.ps
  368:  0.64%: /~James.Popple/site-map.html
  225:  0.39%: /~James.Popple/statistics/analog-extra.html
  101:  0.18%: /~James.Popple/statistics/analog.html

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: Request Report)

Printing all domains with at least 1 request, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs:  %reqs: domain
-----  ------  ------
15728: 27.36%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
12731: 22.15%: .com (Commercial, mainly USA)
 9771: 17.00%: .au (Australia)
 8754: 15.23%: .net (Network)
 3180:  5.53%: .edu (USA Educational)
 1527:  2.66%: .uk (United Kingdom)
  589:  1.02%: .ca (Canada)
  496:  0.86%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
  279:  0.49%: .my (Malaysia)
  248:  0.43%: .us (United States)
  224:  0.39%: .de (Germany)
  223:  0.39%: .fr (France)
  198:  0.34%: .nl (Netherlands)
  181:  0.31%: .ie (Ireland)
  171:  0.30%: .mx (Mexico)
  163:  0.28%: .ch (Switzerland)
  140:  0.24%: .sg (Singapore)
  138:  0.24%: .it (Italy)
  137:  0.24%: .nz (New Zealand)
  129:  0.22%: .ro (Romania)
  126:  0.22%: [unknown]
  124:  0.22%: .arpa (Old style Arpanet)
  119:  0.21%: .mil (USA Military)
  114:  0.20%: .br (Brazil)
  112:  0.19%: .th (Thailand)
  102:  0.18%: .tw (Taiwan)
   97:  0.17%: .pt (Portugal)
   96:  0.17%: .id (Indonesia)
   87:  0.15%: .ru (Russian Federation)
   83:  0.14%: .jp (Japan)
   82:  0.14%: .se (Sweden)
   78:  0.14%: .es (Spain)
   76:  0.13%: .gov (USA Government)
   76:  0.13%: .hk (Hong Kong)
   66:  0.11%: .il (Israel)
   59:  0.10%: .dk (Denmark)
   51:  0.09%: .tr (Turkey)
   48:  0.08%: .za (South Africa)
   44:  0.08%: .cz (Czech Republic)
   44:  0.08%: .kr (South Korea)
   42:  0.07%: .pl (Poland)
   41:  0.07%: .fi (Finland)
   41:  0.07%: .ph (Philippines)
   41:  0.07%: .sk (Slovak Republic)
   37:  0.06%: .be (Belgium)
   36:  0.06%: .gr (Greece)
   35:  0.06%: .at (Austria)
   35:  0.06%: .no (Norway)
   33:  0.06%: .hu (Hungary)
   33:  0.06%: .in (India)
   32:  0.06%: .ar (Argentina)
   31:  0.05%: .pk (Pakistan)
   30:  0.05%: .ae (United Arab Emirates)
   27:  0.05%: .lb (Lebanon)
   26:  0.05%: .cn (China)
   25:  0.04%: .si (Slovenia)
   17:  0.03%: .hr (Croatia)
   16:  0.03%: .lt (Lithuania)
   14:  0.02%: .ir (Iran)
   14:  0.02%: .om (Oman)
   14:  0.02%: .pe (Peru)
   14:  0.02%: .uy (Uruguay)
   12:  0.02%: .cl (Chile)
   11:  0.02%: .co (Colombia)
   10:  0.02%: .bg (Bulgaria)
    9:  0.02%: .lv (Latvia)
    7:  0.01%: .cr (Costa Rica)
    7:  0.01%: .do (Dominican Republic)
    7:  0.01%: .mv (Maldives)
    7:  0.01%: .ua (Ukraine)
    6:  0.01%: .ec (Ecuador)
    6:  0.01%: .jo (Jordan)
    6:  0.01%: .ve (Venezuela)
    5:  0.01%: .bw (Botswana)
    5:  0.01%: .mu (Mauritius)
    5:  0.01%: .sa (Saudi Arabia)
    5:  0.01%: .su (Former USSR)
    4:  0.01%: .eg (Egypt)
    4:  0.01%: .kg (Kyrgyzstan)
    4:  0.01%: .lu (Luxembourg)
    4:  0.01%: .mt (Malta)
    4:  0.01%: .pa (Panama)
    3:  0.01%: .ba (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
    3:  0.01%: .is (Iceland)
    3:  0.01%: .qa (Qatar)
    2:       : .bo (Bolivia)
    2:       : .ee (Estonia)
    1:       : .bh (Bahrain)
    1:       : .bm (Bermuda)
    1:       : .bn (Brunei Darussalam)
    1:       : .cy (Cyprus)
    1:       : .gi (Gibraltar)
    1:       : .int (International)
    1:       : .kw (Kuwait)
    1:       : .ma (Morocco)
    1:       : .mk (Macedonia)
    1:       : .mo (Macau)
    1:       : .tt (Trinidad and Tobago)
    1:       : .zm (Zambia)

This analysis was produced by analog2.11/Unix.
Running time: 6 minutes, 34 seconds.

(Go To: Top: Request Report: Domain Report)

Copyright noticeValid HTML 4.0
Home page:  <http://www.popple.net/james/>
E-mail:  <james@popple.net>
Last modified:   8 July 1999