S. Hamid Rezatofighi
PhD Student of Engineering & Computer Science

* (10-2013) I will be giving a talk about "Multi-target tracking using random finite set theory" at the Applied Signal Processing group, ANU on
Nov. 14th 2013.
* (05-2013) I will be visiting Prof. Nassir Navab, Head of the Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality Group in the Technical
University of Munich, Germany from 18 May to 12 August.
* (02-2013) I have a paper accepted in IPMI 2013, selected for oral presentation. IPMI is top-tier conference in Medical Image Analysis(~25%
total acceptance rate).
* (01-2013) I will be visiting Prof. Ba-Ngu Vo and Dr. Ba Tuong Vo, Curtin University, Perth, Australia on February 2013.
* (01-2013) I have a paper accepted in ISBI 2013. selected for poster presentation.
* (05-2013) I have a paper accepted in MICCAI 2012, selected for poster presentation. MICCAI is top-tier conference in Medical Image Analysis
(~30% total acceptance rate).
* (03-2012) I will be visiting Prof. Ba-Ngu Vo, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia on April 2012.
* (01-2012) I have a paper accepted in ISBI 2012, selected for oral presentation. ISBI is top-tier conference in Medical Image Analysis (~20%
acceptance rate for oral presntation).