Home Page for Robert Mahony

Robert Mahony
Department of Engineering,
tel: +61 (0)2
fax: +61-(02)
email: Robert.Mahony@anu.edu.au

Research School of Engineering
Building 115,
North Road
The Australian National University

Biography: I obtained a science degree majoring in applied mathematics and geology from the Australian National University in 1989. After working for a year as a geophysicist processing marine seismic data I returned to study at ANU and obtained a PhD in systems engineering in 1994. Between 1994 and 1997 I worked as a Research Fellow in the Cooperative Research Centre for Robust and Adaptive Systems based in the Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering in ANU. From 1997 to 1999 I held a post as a post-doctoral fellow in the CNRS laboratory for Heuristics Diagnostics and complex systems (Heudiasyc), Compiegne University of Technology, FRANCE. Between 1999 and 2001 I held a Logan Fellowship in the Department of Engineering and Computer Science at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Since July 2001 I have been working in the Department of Engineering, ANU. My research interests are in non-linear control theory with applications in robotics, mechanical systems and motion systems, mathematical systems theory and geometric optimisation techniques with applications in linear algebra, computer vision, digital signal processing and machine learning.

Books: "Optimisation on Matrix Manifolds" by PA Absil, R. Mahony and R. Sepulchre. Princeton University Press, 2008

Publications: Journal papers, Book chapters, International conference papers, Miscellaneous publications.

Students: PhD students, MPhil students, Project students.

Research Projects: Demos (Some robotic projects I have worked on)

Presentations: Titles (Transparencies of talks I have presented can be obtained through this link)

Teaching: Presently I am recipient of an ARC Future Fellowship. I will resume teaching in 2014.

Administrative duties: Chair of CECS Advisory board, Group Leader of Computer Vision and Robotics research group, Coordinator Mechatronics stream.

Music and Dance: I organise the Canberra Contra Club. I have also written some original tunes and a few original dances.

Editorial Responsibilties: 2012 RSS Workshop on "Open problems and challenges in aerial robotics"