[ENGN3213 Home]
- 1.
- Create a 4-bit ALU project alu4-v.
- 2.
- Create a 1-bit ALU VHDL source file, alu-v.vhd.
Label the VHDL entity as alu.
Include your name and student number in your file.
- 3.
- Simulate and test your 1-bit ALU.
- 4.
- Create a top-level VHDL file alu4-v, using the VHDL entity alu.
This should use components and signals as appropriate.
Include your name and student number in your VHDL files.
- 5.
- Paste printouts of your VHDL source code in your notebooks.
- 6.
- Simulate and test your 4-bit ALU.
- 7.
- Paste printouts of your simulation waveforms in your notebooks.
- 8.
- Revise your design as necessary.
- 9.
- Check that your design can be implemented (for the moment
use the blank file alu4-v.ucf).
- 10.
- Keep your project files for later use in the
hardware lab.
[ENGN3213 Home]
ANU Engineering - ENGN3213