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- 1.
- Create a 4-bit ALU project alu4-s.
- 2.
- Design circuitry for the full subtractor,
Wakerly sec. 5.10.
- 3.
- Design the mode block shown in Figure 46.
(It might be helpful to use the multiplexer component.)
- 4.
- Complete the design of a 1-bit ALU schematic, alu-s1.sch.
Include your name and student number in your schematic.
- 5.
- Simulate and test your 1-bit ALU.
- 6.
- Create a macro symbol alu-s1 for the 1-bit ALU.
- 7.
- Create a top-level schematic alu4-s, using the macro symbol
alu-s1. This should use buses as appropriate, and the inputs
and outputs to the external pins should use IBUF or OBUF parts.
Label as appropriate.
Include your name and student number in your schematic.
- 8.
- Paste printouts of your schematics in your notebooks.
- 9.
- Simulate and test your 4-bit ALU.
- 10.
- Paste printouts of your simulation waveforms in your notebooks.
- 11.
- Revise your design as necessary.
- 12.
- Check that your design can be implemented (for the moment
use the blank file alu4-s.ucf).
- 13.
- Keep your project files for later use in the
hardware lab.
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ANU Engineering - ENGN3213