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Hierachical Design

So far we have created the lowest level in our design, the 1-bit full adder. The complete 4-bit adder will be created using hierachical design, widley used in digital systems design. This is similar to the use of subroutines in computer programming. We will create a macro symbol from the full adder schematic, and then include this in a top-level schematic.

To create the macro symbol:

If necessary, re-open the full adder schematic adder-s1.sch in the Schematic Editor.

Create the macro symbol as follows
Hierachy $\to$ Create Macro Symbol From Current Sheet
The symbol name should be adder-s1. Make sure the inputs and outputs are correct.

The symbol should now be created. We will edit it's shape using the Symbol Editor:

From the Schematic Editor window,
Tools $\to$ Symbol Editor
and select the symbol adder-s1.

In the Symbol Editor, using the mouse to drag the inputs and outputs, rearrange the symbol so it has the appearance shown in Figure 18.

Save, and quite the Symbol Editor.

Figure 18: Full adder symbol.

The top level schematic file adder4-s.sch is contained in the ZIP file Download this file and extract it into your main project directory adder4-s.

In the Schematics Editor, open the top level file adder4-s.sch.

Add this sheet to the project. (Use the method above Hierachy $\to$ Add Sheet to Project, or alternatively, in the Project Manager window, use Project $\to$ Add Source Files... and select adder4-s.sch.

You will see that this schematic is incomplete, since the full adder module has not been included. Open the Symbol toolbox, and note that the macro symbol adder-s1 appears in the parts list, Figure 19.

Find the four locations for the full adders. Carefully add four instances of adder-s1 to these locations, Figure 20.

Since the connections might not match, as in Figure 20, very carefully use the Select and drag mode to move the wires into place, Figure 21.
Move the exact end of the wires into place; the solid dot should dissappear indicating correct connection.

Save the edited file.

Create the netlist Options $\to$ Create Netlist. Check the main log window to check for any hanging wires. If there are any, re-edit the schematic and remove these errors.

Figure 19: Full adder symbol in the parts list.

Figure 20: Full adder symbol placed in top-level schematic (mis-matched wiring).

Figure 21: Full adder symbol placed in top-level schematic (no mis-match).

Upon successful completion, the project information should appear as in Figure 22. The four full adder components are listed.

Figure 22: Complete adder4-s project.


The solid lines in the top-level schematic adder-4s.sch are buses. These were inserted using the draw buses mode. The buses were named differently to the external signal names (see below).

Connections from the buses to the various components were made using the Draw bus taps mode. Note their naming.

Double clicking on wires/buses alows you to edit names.

The inputs A3,A2,A1,A0, B3,B2,B1,B0 and CIN, and outputs SUM3, SUM2, SUM1, SUM0 and COUT are made available to the outside world using IBUF and OBUF parts, and terminators.

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