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Ohm's law and impedances can be obtained from the s-domain impedances of Table 2 in §3.2.4 on setting $s=j\omega$. AC impedances are shown in Table 3, and Ohm's law reads

V = Z I

where Z is the complex AC impedance, and V, I are voltage and current phasors.

Table 3: AC impedances.
Resistor Z =R
Capacitor $\displaystyle{{\mathbf Z} =\frac{1}{j\omega C}}$
Inductor ${\mathbf Z} = j\omega L$

Ohm's law indicates the following phase relationships:

This is illustrated in Figure 36.

Figure 36: Phasor diagram indicating current-voltage phase relationships for resistors, capacitors, and inductors.

In general, impedances are complex numbers, and so we write

Z = R + j X

$R = {\rm Re}({\mathbf Z})$ is the resistive component, and
$X = {\rm Im}({\mathbf Z})$ is the reactive component, called the reactance.  

The admittance   is the reciprocal of impedance:

\begin{displaymath}{\mathbf Y} = \frac{1}{{\mathbf Z}}

and we write

Y = G + j B

$G = {\rm Re}({\mathbf Y})$ is the conductance, and  
$B = {\rm Im}({\mathbf Y})$ is the susceptance.  

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