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DC Bias

Load the PSPICE file jfet-dc3.sch, Figure 45.

Figure 45: Circuit for JFET DC operating point (self bias).


Examine the self bias circuit of Figure 45 and calculate VG, VGS, ID and VDS and VD using the relations

VGS = -ID RS ,

\begin{displaymath}I_D = \frac{V_{DD}-V_{DS}}{R_D +R_S} ,

\begin{displaymath}I_D = I_{DSS}( 1- \frac{V_{GS}}{V_p} )^2 .

(Use RD=1 k$\Omega$, RS=500 $\Omega$, and the values of IDSS and Vp you determined above.)

Simulate the circuit for the given setup. Is the transistor J1 in the active region? Why?

We now wish to investigate the effect of varying the source resistor RS on the DC operating point, and in particular on ID and VDS. We do this using DC sweep, with RS set up as a parameter, varying between 100 $\Omega$ and 10 k$\Omega$.

Enable DC sweep and simulate again. Obtain plots of ID and VDS=VD-VS vs RS (similar to Figure 46).

Explain what you see.

Note carefully the effect of RS on ID and VDS.

Draw load lines on the characteristic graphs (ID vs VDS) for three values of RS: 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 k$\Omega$.
The horizontal intercept is VCC=10 V, and the vertical intercepts are given by

\begin{displaymath}I_{D(max)} = \frac{V_{DD}}{R_D+R_S}

Plot the operating point Q corresponding to item 1 (on the RS=0.5 k$\Omega$ load line).

These results can be used for the amplifier of the next section.

Figure 46: DC operating point varies with RS.

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