(Older) News
  • 2017-12 People at the Computational Media Lab is on a streak for awards: Sam and Quyu are the two University Medalists of ANU Computer Science, Minjeong claimed the "Woman in Data Science" Award at D2D CRC!
  • 2017-10 I am honored to receive the Chris Wallace Award for Outstanding Research in Australia.
  • 2017-03 Upcoming papers: Expecting to be HIP will be in WWW 2017 in Perth and Online Popularity under Promotion is accepted into ICWSM 2017 in Montreal.
  • 2016-08 Newly posted: Visualizing citations across computer science conferences, e.g. idea flow and survival.
  • 2016-02 I'm glad to be selected as Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE CAS Society 2016-2017.
  • 2016-02 We are presenting two papers this month - "Evolution of Privacy Loss on Wikipedia" at ACM WSDM 2016 and "SentiCap: Generating Image Descriptions with Sentiments" at AAAI 2016.
  • 2016-02 The 2016 edition of "The Art of Computing" has started! Patrik, Bob and I look forward to another semester of computational thinking (and tinkering : )
  • 2015-09 Our work on measuring and predicting social media popularity is covered by both ANU Reporter and NCI News.
  • 2015-05 Honglin Yu is presenting "The lifecycle of a YouTube video: Phases, content and popularity" at ICWSM'15 this week. We are releasing the data+code for analyzing the longitudinal history of these 171K videos. Also see our slides, poster.
  • 2015-02 Data from our WACV'15 paper "Choosing Basic-Level Concept Names using Visual and Language Context" (pdf) is released by Alex. You're welcome to look at the basic-level names for thousands of categories.
  • 2015-05 New paper "The lifecycle of a YouTube video: Phases, content and popularity" with Honglin and Scott will appear at ICWSM'15.
  • 2015-03 A 2-year ANU machien learning postdoc position is available! Drop me a line if you're working on structured prediction and/or graphs, see here for details.
  • 2015-01 New course! Website for "The Art of Computing" is up, look forward to a fun semester of computational thinking (and tinkering : )
  • 2014-11 New paper "Choosing Basic-Level Concept Names using Visual and Language Context" (pdf) will appear at IEEE WACV 2015. We're proud to have a system that learns basic-level categories for thousands of categories and hundreds of thousands of images from web images. Congrats to Alex for his first paper!
  • 2014-10 Suvash (@suvsh) is presenting our recent work on cold-start recommendation at RecSys'14.
  • 2014-03 Two papers accepted: "Diffrential topic models" to IEEE T-PAMI, and "Bilateral Correspondence Model for Words-and-Pictures Association in Multimedia-rich Microblogs" to ACM ToMM. These two papers designs and applies topic models for text and image data on the social web.
  • 2014-03 An opinion piece with Ayman Shamma and Cees Snoek - "Content is Dead ... Long Live Content: The New Age of Multimedia-Hard Problems" is recently published by IEEE Multimedia. We explore the possibility of describing multimedia problems with human-computation primitives, this work originated from a panel discussion at ACM Mulitmedia 2012.
  • 2013-10 "Picture Tags and World Knowledge", our paper on learning tag relations from 5M Flickr images, is just presented at ACM Multimedia. Paper, slides, demo, and some data are here on the project page.
  • 2013-10 Slides available for my invited talk "Events and Meme Popularity in Social Media" at the event workshop at ACM MM in Barcelona.
  • 2013-09 "Social Affinity Filtering", our paper on a new approach for social recommendation, will appear in the inaugural edition of of ACM COSN, here is the paper preprint
  • 2013-08 I taught the Social Media Section of COMP4650 Document Analysis. An expanded set of lecture materials, and excercise questions are available here.
  • 2013-07 Rob Ackland, Jamsheed Shorish, Paul Thomas and I taught a fun class on Computational Social Science, at Beihang University, thanks to ACSRF
  • 2013-07 ACML 2013 will have 3 tutorials and 2 half-day workshops. Look forward to!
  • 2013-05 Recent papers: Visual Memes at IEEE Trans. on Multimedia (arxiv) and LDA for Tweets at SIGIR (pdf).
  • 2012-11 I'm serving as the tutorial chair for ACM Multimedia 2013 and the Asian Conf. on Machine Learning (ACML) 2013. Please consider submitting a proposal, more info coming soon.
  • 2012-11 I'm now an associate editor for ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMCCAP).
  • 2012-11 ANU Reporter published a story about my work on picture tags here. My college posted a news brief about the microblog event magazine here.
  • 2012-11 We won the "multimodal award" for ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge Solutions. Congratulations Peng, Zhiyu and Hao from Tsinghua.
  • 2012-10 A preprint of the extended version of our visual memes work is posted.
  • 2012-10 An AOARD project just started, look forward to an exciting exploration into social media.
  • 2012-04 Pre-prints for ICWSM 2012 and ICME 2012 posted here.
  • 2012-04 Our work on social recommendataion appears at WWW 2012.
  • 2012-04 I'm serving as area chair for ACM Multimedia 2012, look forward to reading the submissions.
  • 2012-08 I am serving as PC members of NIPS 2012, WSDM 2013 and ICDE 2013 demo track.
  • 2012-04 Several papers posted here: WWW 2012, ICWSM 2012 and ICME 2012.
  • 2012-08 Pre-print of Yanxiang's ACM MM paper (well done for the Honor's project!) is here.
  • 2012-04 I'm serving as area chair for ACM Multimedia 2012.