Welcome to Social Web Mining Workshop, co-located with IJCAI 2011

International Workshop on Social Web Mining

Co-located with IJCAI, 18 July 2011, Barcelona, Spain

Sponsored by PASCAL 2

Great news: workshop videos available at Videolectures.net ( click here ).


There is an increasing interest in social web mining, as we can see from the ACM workshop on Social Web Search and Analysis. It is not until recently that great progresses have been made in mining social network for various applications, e.g., making personalized recommendations. This workshop focuses on the study of diverse aspects of social networks with their applications in domains including mobile recommendations, service providers, electronic commerce, etc.

Social networks have actually played an important role in different domains for about a decade, particularly in recommender systems. In general, traditional collaborative filtering approaches can be considered as making personalized recommendations based on implicit social interaction, where social connections are defined by some similarity metrics on common rated items, e.g., movies for the Netflix Prize.

With the recent development of Web 2.0, there emerges a number of globally deployed applications for explicit social interactions, such as Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. These applications have been exploited by academic institutions and industries to build modern recommender systems based on social networks, e.g., Microsoft's Project Emporia that recommends tweets to user based on their behaviors.

In recent years, rapid progress has been made in the study of social networks for diverse applications. For instance, researchers have proposed various tensor factorization techniques to analyze user-item-tag data in Flickr for group recommendations. Also, researchers study Facebook to infer users' preferences.

However, there exist many challenges in mining social web and its application in recommender systems. Some are:

We hope to gather scientific researchers and industry in order to discuss the challenges, exchange ideas, and promote collaborations across different groups.


The workshop program consists of 7 talks, a closing discussion, and four invited talks given by

Please find the detailed program here (updated on 15 July 2011) .

Please find the Workshop proceedings here (updated on 15 July 2011) .

Talk slides (except Ricardo and Bhaskar) available here (updated on 20 July 2011) .

Accepted Papers:

Paper No. 3: The Blogosphere at a Glance---Content-Based Structures Made Simple (pdf),
                     by Olof Görnerup and Magnus Boman.

Paper No. 4: System-Wide Effectiveness of Active Learning in Collaborative Filtering (pdf),
                     by Mehdi Elahi, Francesco Ricci and Valdemaras Repsys.

Paper No. 9: Social-behavior Transfer Learning for Recommendation Systems (pdf),
                     by Qian Xu, Wei Xiang and Qiang Yang.

Paper No. 10: Classification of Social Network Sites based on Network Indexes and Communication Patterns (pdf),
                     by Fujio Toriumi, Isamu Okada, Hitoshi Yamamoto, Hirohiko Suwa, Kiyoshi Izumi and Yasuhiro Hashimoto.

Paper No. 11: Measuring Semantic Similarity using a Multi-Tree Model (pdf),
                     by Behnam Hajian and Tony White.

Paper No. 13: Recommending information sources to information seekers in Twitter (pdf),
                     by Marcelo Gabriel Armentano, Daniela Godoy and Analía A. Amandi.

Paper No. 14: Analyzing the Potential of Microblogs for Spatio-Temporal Popularity Estimation of Music Artists (pdf),
                     by Markus Schedl.

Program Co-Chair:

Program Committee:

  • Jean-Marc Andreoli, Xerox Research Centre Europe, France
  • Cedric Archambeau, Xerox Research Centre Europe, France
  • Guillaume Bouchard, Xerox Research Centre Europe, France
  • Tiberio Caetano, NICTA - ANU, Australia
  • Wei Chen, Microsoft Research Asia, China
  • Boris Chidlovskii, Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble, France
  • Peter Christen, Australian National University, Australia
  • Nello Cristianini, University Of Bristol, UK
  • Hakim Hacid, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France
  • Jian Huang, Google Pittsburgh, USA
  • Jure Leskovec, Stanford University, USA
  • Ernesto William De Luca, Technical University of Berlin - DAI-Labor, Germany
  • Sherif Sakr, NICTA - UNSW, Australia
  • Scott Sanner, NICTA - ANU, Australia
  • Markus Schedl, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
  • Fabrizio Silvestri, ISTI CNR, Italy
  • Julia Stoyanovich, University of Pennsylvania, USA
  • Aixin Sun, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Paul Thomas, CSIRO, Australia
  • Antti Ukkonen, Yahoo! Research Barcelona, Spain
  • Jie (Jessie) Yin, CSIRO, Australia
  • Yi Zhang, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
  • Onno Zoeter, Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble, France

Workshop Contact:

Email: Shengbo (dot) Guo@xrce.xerox.com
+33 (0)4 76 61 50 47 (Phone)
+33 (0)4 76 61 50 99 (Fax)
Mailing address: 6, chemin de Maupertuis, 38240 Meylan, France


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