Postodoctoral Research Fellow University of Canberra Adjunct Research Fellow Australian National University abhinav[dot]dhall[at]anu[dot]edu[dot]au abhinav[dot]dhall[at]canberra[dot]edu[dot]au Hi, I was a PhD student at the Australian National University. My supervisors were Dr. Roland Goecke, Prof. Tom Gedeon and Prof. Simon Lucey. I was supported by the Australian Leadership Award 2010. During my PhD, I visited Prof. Gwen Littlewort and Prof. Marian Bartlett at University of California San Diego. In 2013, I visited Prof. Stefanous Zaferious and Prof. Maja Pantic at the Imperial College London. I worked as a Senior Software Engineer with Samsung Delhi R&D. |
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Research Interest: Affective computing, computer vision, depression analysis, emotion recognition in the wild, group-level emotion recognition, weakly labelled classification, multi-modal fusion, saliency.
Google Scholar Profile
[July 2015] 1 paper accepted at ACII 2015 and BMVC 2015 each!
[June 2015] With Nicu Sebe, Roland Goecke and Simon Lucey organising the Second Workshop on Affective Computing for Computer Vision (CV4AC) at ICCV 2015.
[May 2015] Outstanding reviewer award at IEEE FG 2015.
[March 2015] We are organising the Third Emotion Recognition in the Wild (EmotiW) Challenge at ACM ICMI 2015.
[January 2015] 1 paper accepted at FG 2015 and 1 at Transaction on Affective Computing!
[September 2014] Along with Roland Goecke, Tom Gedeon and Nicu Sebe guest editing the Springer Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces Special Issue Emotion Recognition In The Wild [CFP].
[May 2014] Along with Roland Goecke and Nicu Sebe organizing the First Workshop on Computer Vision for Affective Computing (CV4AC), ACCV 2014, Singapore.
[February 2014] Along with Roland Goecke, Jyoti Joshi, Karan Sikka and Tom Gedeon, organizing the second Emotion Recognition In The Wild Challenge, ACM ICMI 2014, Istanbul.
[February 2014] Our pain localisation paper accepted in IVC journal Special Issue best of Faces & Gesture 2013.
[January 2014] Our head pose normalisaiton in the wild paper accepted at WACV 2014.
[December 2013] Submitted my PhD thesis!
[September 2013] Awarded the Best Student Paper Honorable Mention Award with Karan Sikka at the IEEE FG 2013!
[April 2013] Media Coverage in New Scientist [LINK]!
[April 2013] Awarded the Best Doctoral Consortium Paper Award award at the ACM ICMR 2013, Dallas!
[February 2013] Nice article about our depression project, featuring Prof. Goecke: [Sydney Morning Hearld].
33. Abhinav Dhall and Roland Goecke, A Temporally Piece-wise Fisher Vector Approach for Depression Analysis, ACII 2015 (Oral - acceptance rate: 28%).32. Karan Sikka, Abhinav Dhall and Marian Bartlett, Exemplar Hidden Markov Models for Classification of Facial Expressions in Videos, CVPR AMFG workshop 2015. [PROJECT]
31. Abhinav Dhall, Jyoti Joshi, Karan Sikka, Roland Goecke and Nicu Sebe, The More the Merrier: Analysing the Affect of a Group of People In Images, IEEE FG 2015 [PDF] (Accepted as Oral) [Group-level emotion recognition!] (Oral - acceptance rate: 14%).
30. Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke and Tom Gedeon, Automatic Group Happiness Intensity Analysis, IEEE Transaction on Affective Computing (TAC) 2015 [PDF] (IF-3.46).
29. Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Jyoti Joshi, Karan Sikka and Tom Gedeon, Emotion Recognition In The Wild Challenge 2014: Baseline, Data and Protocol, ACM ICMI 2014. [PDF]
28. Karan Sikka, Abhinav Dhall and Marian Bartlett, Weakly Supervised Pain Localization and Classification with Multiple Segment Learning, Image & Vision Computing, Best of Automatic Faces & Gesture Recognition 2013 (IF-1.58).
27. Abhinav Dhall, Karan Sikka, Gwen Littlewort, Roland Goecke and Marian Bartlett, A Discriminative Parts Based Model Approach for Fiducial Points Free and Shape Constrained Head Pose Normalisation In The Wild, WACV 2014 [PDF] [Supplementary Material].
26. Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Jyoti Joshi, Michael Wagner and Tom Gedeon, Emotion Recognition In The Wild Challenge 2013, ACM ICMI 2013 [PDF]
25. Ibrahim Radwan, Abhinav Dhall and Roland Goecke, Monocular Image 3D Human Pose Estimation under Self-Occlusion, IEEE ICCV 2013.
24. Shyam Rajagopalan, Abhinav Dhall and Roland Goecke, Self-Stimulatory Behaviours in the Wild for Autism Diagnosis, IEEE ICCV 2013 Workshop CBSICCV 2013.
23. OV Ramana Murthy, Ibrahim Radwan, Abhinav Dhall and Roland Goecke, On the Effect of Human Body Parts in Large Scale Human Behaviour Recognition, DICTA 2013 [PDF].
22. Nick Cummins, Jyoti Joshi, Abhinav Dhall, Vidhyasaharan Sethu, Roland Goecke and Julien Epps, Diagnosis of Depression by Behavioural Signals: A Multimodal Approach, AVEC Challenge, ACM MM 2013 [PDF].
21. Abhinav Dhall, Context Based Facial Expression Analysis In The Wild, ACII 2013 [PDF].
20. Jyoti Joshi, Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke and Jeff Cohn, Relative Body Part Movement for Automatic Depression Analysis, ACII 2013 [PDF].
19. Abhinav Dhall, Expression Analysis In The Wild: From Individuals to Group, DC, ACM ICMR 2013 [Best Doctoral Consortium Paper Award]. [PDF]
18. Nandita Sharma, Abhinav Dhall, Tom Gedeon and Roland Goecke, Thermal Facial Pattern Recognition for Stress Using a Spatio-Temporal Approach, ACII 2013 [PDF].
17. Karan Sikka, Abhinav Dhall and Marian Bartlett, Weakly Supervised Pain Localization using Multiple Instance Learning, IEEE AFGR 2013 [PDF] [Video/Supplementary Material].
16. Abhinav Dhall, Jyoti Joshi, Ibrahim Radwan and Roland Goecke, Finding Happiest Moments in a Social Context, ACCV 2012. [PDF] [Supplementary Material][Mood analysis of group of people][HAPPEI database][23.2% acceptance rate].
15. Jyoti Joshi, Sharifa Alghowinem, Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Micael Wagner, Michael Breakspear, Julien Epps, Gordon Parker, Multimodal Assistive Technologies for Depression Diagnosis and Monitoring, Journal of MultiModal User Interfaces (JMUI) Special issue 2012 (Accepted) [PDF].
14. Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Simon Lucey and Tom Gedeon,Collecting Large, Richly Annotated Facial-Expression Databases from Movies, IEEE MultiMedia 2012, Special Issue on Large Scale MultiMedia Data Collection (IF-1.76) [PDF] [Database]. [Facial Expressions In The Wild databases - AFEW/SFEW] [One of top cited paper IEEE Multimedia paper in the last 5 years - LINK]
13. Abhinav Dhall and Roland Goecke, Group Expression Intensity Estimation in Videos via Gaussian Processes, ICPR 2012. [PDF] [Database] [Smile Intensity Recognition In The Wild for single and multiple subjects]
12. Jyoti Joshi, Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Michael Breakspear and Gordon Parker, Neural-Net Classification For Spatio-Temporal Descriptor Based Depression Analysis, ICPR 2012.
11 Ibrahim Radwan, Abhinav Dhall and Roland Goecke, Correcting Pose Estimation with Implicit Occlusion Detection and Rectification, ICPR 2012.
10. Ibrahim Radwan*, Abhinav Dhall*, Jyoti Joshi and Roland Goecke, Regression Based Pose Estimation with Automatic Occlusion Detection and Rectification, IEEE ICME 2012 (*Equal first authors) [Nominated For Best Paper Award]. [PDF]
9. Akshay Asthana, Miles de la Hunty, Abhinav Dhall and Roland Goecke, Facial Performance Transfer via Deformable Models and Parametric Correspondence, IEEE TVCG 2012 (IF-1.91). [PDF]
8. Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Simon Lucey and Tom Gedeon, Static Facial Expression Analysis In Tough Conditions: Data, Evaluation Protocol And Benchmark, ICCV 2011 BEFIT workshop. [PDF] [Slides]
7. Abhinav Dhall, Akshay Asthana and Roland Goecke, A SSIM-Based Approach for Finding Similar Facial Expressions, In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Emotion Synthesis, Representation, and Analysis in Continuous Space EmoSPACE 2011, IEEE Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition Conference FG2011, Santa Barbara (CA), USA, 20-25 March 2011.
6. Abhinav Dhall, Akshay Asthana, Roland Goecke and Tom Gedeon, Emotion Recognition Using PHOG and LPQ features, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge FERA2011, IEEE Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition Conference FG2011, Santa Barbara (CA), USA, 20-25 March 2011.
5. Abhinav Dhall, Akshay Asthana, Roland Goecke, Facial Expression Based Automatic Album Creation, In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Neural Information Processing ICONIP2010, pages 485-492, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 6444, Sydney, Australia, 22-25 Nov. 2010. [PDF]
4. Abhinav Dhall, Gaurav Sharma, Rajen Bhatt, Ghulam Mohuiddin Khan, Adaptive Digital Makeup, In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2009. [PDF]
3. Gaurav Sharma, Abhinav Dhall, Santanu Chaudhary, Rajen Bhatt, Hierarchical System for Content based Categorization and Orientation of Consumer Images, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition & Machine Intelligence PReMI 2009. [PDF]
2. Rajen Bhatt, Abhinav Dhall, Gaurav Sharma, Santanu Chaudhury, Efficient Skin Region Segmentation using Low Complexity Fuzzy Decision Tree Model. In Proceedings of the IEEE INDICON 2009, India. [PDF]
1. Sabari Raju, Abhinav Dhall, Foreground Extraction in Video, ICCSA 2006, USA.
Patents Applications
7. Gaurav Sharma, Abhinav Dhall, Rajen Bhatt, Santanu Chaudhary, Method and system for content based image categorization, US Patent application No. 12/947,975.6. Gaurav Sharma, Abhinav Dhall, Rajen Bhatt, Santanu Chaudhary, Method and system for orienting a disoriented image, US Patent application No. 12/950,556.
5. Rajen Bhatt, Abhinav Dhall, High Speed Skin-like Region Segmentation based on Fuzzy Decision Tree Initialized Generalized Gaussian RBF Network.
4. Abhinav Dhall, Brajesh Kumar, Naveen Sharma, Distance based viewing settings in DTV, Indian Patent Application No. 1756/KOL/2008.
3. Abhinav Dhall, Brajesh Kumar, Naveen Sharma, Ultra low bandwidth video conferencing technique.
2. Abhinav Dhall, Naveen Sharma, Method for improving the appearance of a caller in video conferencing for better presentation, 1126/KOL/2007.
1. Abhinav Dhall, Naveen Sharma, Method for selecting background in video conferening, 1381/KOL/2007.
Professional Services
- Lead organiser of the First Workshop on Computer Vision for Affective Computing (CV4AC) at ACCV 2014.
- Program Committe member for International Workshop on Face and Facial Expression Recognition from Real World Videos (FFER), ICPR 2014.
- Lead organiser of the Emotion Recognition In The Wild Challenge 2013, ACM ICMI 2013.
- Reviewer for FG'15 (Outstanding reviewer award!), IET Computer Vision, Transaction on Affective Computing, Image & Vision Computing, Transaction on Image Processing, Neurocomputing, IET Computer Vision, Computer Vision & Image Understanding.
Collabrators and Friends
- Roland Goecke
- Tom Gedeon
- Simon Lucey
- Jyoti Joshi
- Akshay Asthana
- Gaurav Sharma
- Cong Phuoc Huynh
- Ibrahim Radwan
- Gwen Littlewort
- Karan Sikka
- Marian Bartlett