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The circuit of Figure 123 will be used to study the JFET characteristics. The JFET is a nonlinear device. The voltage sources VGG and VDD will be adjusted.

Figure 123: n-channel JFET circuit.

A graph of the JFET characteristics, iD versus vDS and iD versus vGS is shown in Figure 124.

Figure 124: n-channel JFET characteristics.

Consider first vGS=0 V. For small values of vDS, the drain current iD increases linearly. For larger values, the increase of iD is nonlinear until pinch-off occurs when vDS reaches the value -Vp. After pinch-off, iD cannot increase further, and stays constant at the value IDSS.

Now decrease vGS to a negative value. Then pinch-off occurs at a lower value of vDS, indicated by the doted line. After pinch-off, in the active or current saturation region, the value of drain current is given (approximately) by the square law  

 \begin{displaymath}i_{DS} = I_{DSS}(1- \frac{v_{GS}}{V_p} )^2 , \ \ \ (V_{GS} \geq V_p).
\end{displaymath} (110)

A graph of this curve is shown in the left of Figure 124.

If vGS is reduced to the negative value Vp, then iD=0 and current flow is cut-off.

Note that, according to (110), iD is a quadratic function of vGS. The shape of the iD versus vDS characteristic is similar to the iC versus vCE curve for a BJT, Figures 97 and 98. However, in the case of the BJT $i_C = \beta i_B$ in the active region, a linear relationship (although

\begin{displaymath}i_C \propto \exp ( \frac{V_{BE}}{26{\rm mV}} ) ,

a nonlinear relationship.)

An important parameter is the transconductance gm   defined by

 \begin{displaymath}g_m = \frac{\partial i_{DS}}{\partial v_{GS}} =
-\frac{2 I_{DSS}}{V_p} (1- \frac{v_{GS}}{V_p} )
\end{displaymath} (111)

It gives the slope of the iD-vGS curve at the operating point determined by vGS. This expression is often written as

 \begin{displaymath}g_{m} = \frac{\partial i_D}{\partial v_{GS}} =
g_{m0} (1- \frac{v_{GS}}{V_p} )
\end{displaymath} (112)


\begin{displaymath}g_{m0} =-\frac{2 I_{DSS}}{V_p}

is the transconductance at vGS=0.

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