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Maximum Power Transfer

It is sometimes important to be able to transfer as much real power as possible from a source to a load, Figure 42.

Figure 42: Power transfer.

Consider the (Thevenin) model of Figure 43. We wish to determine the value of the load impedance ZL for which the real power PL absorbed by the load is a maximum.

Figure 43: Power transfer.

It can be shown that the maximum occurs when the load is matched to the source in the sense that

 \begin{displaymath}{\mathbf Z}_L = {\mathbf Z}_{source}^\ast ,
\end{displaymath} (52)

i.e. the load impedance is the complex conjugate of the source impedance.

Recall that in the DC case with source resistance Rsource and load resistance RL maximum power transfer is achieved when

RL = Rsource ;

see Computer Lab/Tutorial 1.

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