Escaping the relational database paradigm:
Case management in the High Court of Australia


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Notes has sophisticated built-in security mechanisms. In addition (as discussed above) information held in the case management system which is not public is kept in the private database, reducing the sensitivity of the other databases.

The system requires that each user be assigned to one or more of seven groups. Each group of users has specific "access rights" assigned to them. A user's level of access determines what information she/he can read, and what information she/he can change, right down to the field level.

For example, the composition of the Court which will hear a particular matter will be displayed only to a user with a certain level of access when she/he views the relevant pending "hearing" event. However, when viewing that same event, a user with a lower level of access will see only the number of justices who will hear the matter, and not their names.

The main users of the case management system are Registry staff, though other Court staff and Justices have access. Generally, only Registry staff have levels of access sufficient to change information, whilst other users can only read information.

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