Escaping the relational database paradigm:
Case management in the High Court of Australia


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Several different views of the documents in each database are available. Users can access different views, depending on their needs. Some of these views restrict the documents shown (e.g. showing only documents for current cases); some sort the documents on different bases (e.g. by case type; by responsible officer); and some do both (e.g. showing only current cases, sorted by case type). Still other views display documents of different types, grouped in a logical fashion (e.g. events, grouped by case; parties grouped by case). A view can list documents (see Figure 11), or display them in a calendar format (see Figure 12).

Figure 11
Figure 11:  An example view of documents in the cases database: current cases, grouped by their originating Registry.3

Figure 12
Figure 12:  An example calendar view of documents in the cases database: summaries of argument. The red up-arrows indicate past events; the blue down-arrow indicates a pending event (in this example, an overdue one).

Of course, none of these views changes the way in which the data is stored in each database. They merely provide different views of the same data, allowing the user to choose the most convenient view for her/his purposes.

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