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The basic operation is specified in the following table:

RS (run/stop) MODE Operation
0 $\phi$ HOLD
1 0 binary count
1 1 Gray count

The outputs are specified as follows:

output function display device
LED[2:0] binary code for current count value 7-segment display
Y=0 odd count value LED
Y=1 even count value ``

The Xilinx and digital trainer board resources and pin connections are as follows:

  Xilinx Xilinx board Trainer board
signal pin resource resource
MODE P19 SW3-1 -
RS P20 SW3-2 -
Y P60 LED-1 -
CLOCK P13 - TTL clock
LED<0> P10 - 7-seg A
LED<1> P9 - 7-seg B
LED<2> P8 - 7-seg C

The counter is to be a synchronous sequential FSM which changes state on an active CLOCK edge. The CLOCK input is connected to Xilinx pin P13.

The RESET input should set the current count to 0 when activated.

A partial state diagram for the binary/gray counter is shown in Figure 50. There are eight (8) states, only 4 of which are shown in the figure. You will need to complete the state diagram according to the specifications.

Figure 50: Binary/Gray Counter partial state diagram.

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ANU Engineering - ENGN3213