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Behavioral VHDL using State Editor

The VHDL structural description of the pedx controller was at a rather low level, specifying an explicit description in terms of JK flip flops. In VHDL we can describe sequential circuits more abstractly, and let the compiler take care of the details of implementation.

In this course we will be using the State Editor to create VHDL source code for our state machine designs. There are a number of reasons for this, including:

It is conceptually important and useful to think in terms of state diagrams when designing state machines. (Recall that the State Editor provides a graphical tool to create state diagrams.)

It can be difficult to use VHDL for synthesis, since because of the language's power and flexibility it is easy to create code that cannot be synthesized by current VHDL synthesis tools. The State Editor produces code that can the synthesized.

You will now create the pedx controller directly from the state diagram of Figure 31 (the state numbering may be offset by 1).

Create a new Xilinx VHDL project pedxv2 for the pedx controller.

Start the State Editor, and enter the state diagram of Figure 31:
To add a new state
FSM $\to$ State

To add a new transition
FSM $\to$ Transition

To add a new condition (for a transition)
FSM $\to$ Condition

To add a new output (for a state)
FSM $\to$ Actions $\to$ State

Your state diagram should appear as in Figure 39.

Create the VHDL code from the state diagram. Then open the VHDL file and check the syntax. Correct any errors.

Add the VHDL file to the project, and synthesize your design.

Simulate your design, and check for correct operation.

Implement your design.

Figure 39: State diagram for the pedestrian crossing traffic light controller in the State Editor.

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