Yi Li Ph.D student, ECE Dept, University of Maryland liyi AT umiacs DOT umd DOT edu |
In Preparation
2009b |
A. D'Ausilio, Y. Li, L. Fadiga, and Y. Aloimonos, ``Coordinated Actions in Music'', In preparation for Science Mag |
2009a |
Y. Li, M. Nishigaki, K. Bitsakos, C. Fermuller and Y. Aloimonos, ``A Cognitive Robot for Intelligent Service'', In preparation for Intl. J. of Robot. Res. (IJRR). |
Under Review
C.2 |
Y. Li, C. Fermuller, and Y. Aloimonos, ``Detecting Discontinuity in Human Movement for Action Representation and Recognition'', Submitted to European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2010} |
C.1 |
Y. Li, A. D'Ausilio, L. Fadiga, C. Fermuller, and Y. Aloimonos, ``A Causality Network of Coordinated Actions'', Submitted to Internatioanl Conference on Developmental Learning (ICDL) 2010} |
Journal Articles
[12] |
G. Zhu, X. Yu, Y. Li, and D. Doermann, ``Language Identification for Handwritten Document Images Using A Shape Codebook'', Pattern Recognition (PR). |
[11] |
Y. Li, Y. Zheng, D. Doerman, and S. Jaeger, ``Script-Independent Text Line Segmentation in Freestyle Handwritten Documents'', IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell. (T-PAMI), vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 1313-1329, August, 2008. |
[10] |
Y. Li, Z. Wang, and H. Zeng, ``Correlation Filter: An Accurate Approach to Detect and Locate Low Contrast Character Strings In Complex Table Environment", IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell. (T-PAMI), vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 1639-1644, December, 2004. |
Conference Papers
[9] |
Y. Li, C. Fermuller, and Y. Aloimonos, ``Learning Shift-Invariant Sparse Representation of Actions'', To appear in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2010} |
[8] |
Y. Li, C. Fermuller and Y. Aloimonos, ``Illusory lightness perception due to signal compression and reconstruction'', Vision Science Society (VSS) Conference 2010. |
[7] |
Y. Li, K. Bitsakos, C. Fermuller, and Y. Aloimonos, ``Real-Time Shape Retrieval for Robotics Using Skip Tri-Grams'', In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Intell. Robots and Sys. (IROS) 2009. |
[6] |
G. Zhu, X. Yu, Y. Li, and D. Doermann, ``Learning Visual Shape Lexicon for Document Image Content Recognition'', In Proc. of European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2008, pp. 745-758. |
[5] |
Y. Li and D. Jacobs, ``Efficiently Determining Silhouette Consistency'', In Proc. of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2007. |
[4] |
X. Yu, Y. Li, C. Fermuller, and D. Doermann, ``Object Detection Using A Shape Codebook'', In Proc. of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2007. |
[3] |
K. Bitsakos, Y. Li, and C. Fermuller, ``Combining Motion from Texture and Lines for Visual Navigation'', In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Intell. Robots and Sys. (IROS) 2007, pp. 232-239. |
[2] |
Y. Li, Y. Zheng and D. Doermann, ``Detecting Text Line in Handwritten Documents''. In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2006, pp 1030-1033. |
[1] |
Y. Li, Z. Wang, and H. Zeng, ``String Extraction From Color Airline Coupon Image Using Statistical Approach'', In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Doc. Anal. and Rec. (ICDAR) 2003. |