| drwnNNGraphLSparseLearner (const drwnNNGraph &graph, double lambda) |
void | setTransform (const MatrixXd &Lt) |
MatrixXd | getTransform () const |
| drwnNNGraphSparseLearner (const drwnNNGraph &graph, double lambda) |
| drwnNNGraphLearner (const drwnNNGraph &graph, double lambda) |
virtual double | learn (unsigned maxCycles) |
const drwnNNGraph & | getSrcGraph () const |
const drwnNNGraph & | getPosGraph () const |
const drwnNNGraph & | getNegGraph () const |
void | clearLabelWeights () |
void | setLabelWeights (const vector< double > &w) |
const vector< double > & | getLabelWeights () const |
MatrixXd | computeSubGradient () |
void | subGradientStep (const MatrixXd &G, double alpha) |
void | startMetricCycle () |
virtual double | computeLossFunction () const |
virtual double | computeObjective () const |
virtual void | endMetricCycle () |
void | updateGraphFeatures () |
void | nearestNeighbourUpdate (unsigned nCycle, unsigned maxIterations) |
MatrixXd | initializeTransform () const |
| initialize transform as feature whitener (diagonal Mahalanobis)
static double | ALPHA_ZERO = 5.0e-6 |
static unsigned | METRIC_ITERATIONS = 500 |
static unsigned | SEARCH_ITERATIONS = 20 |
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