| drwnLinearRegressorBase () |
| default constructor
| drwnLinearRegressorBase (unsigned n) |
| construct a linear regressor for data of dimension n
| drwnLinearRegressorBase (const drwnLinearRegressorBase &r) |
| copy constructor
virtual const char * | type () const |
| returns object type as a string (e.g., Foo::type() { return "Foo"; })
virtual bool | save (drwnXMLNode &xml) const |
| write object to XML node (see also write)
virtual bool | load (drwnXMLNode &xml) |
| read object from XML node (see also read)
virtual double | train (const drwnRegressionDataset &dataset) |
| estimate the regression parameters a drwnRegressionDataset
virtual double | getRegression (const vector< double > &features) const =0 |
| return the estimated value for a given feature vector
| drwnRegression () |
| default constructor
| drwnRegression (unsigned n) |
| construct a regression object for data of dimension n
| drwnRegression (const drwnRegression &r) |
| copy constructor
int | numFeatures () const |
| return the dimensionality of the feature space
virtual bool | valid () const |
| return true if the regressor has valid parameters (i.e., has been trained)
virtual void | initialize (unsigned n) |
| initialize the regressor to accept data of dimensionality n
virtual double | train (const vector< vector< double > > &features, const vector< double > &targets) |
| estimate the regression parameters a set of training examples
virtual double | train (const vector< vector< double > > &features, const vector< double > &targets, const vector< double > &weights) |
| estimate the regression parameters a set of weighted training examples
virtual double | train (const char *filename) |
| estimate the regression parameters from a drwnRegressionDataset file
virtual void | getRegressions (const vector< vector< double > > &features, vector< double > &outputTargets) const |
| compute the estimated values for a set of feature vector and return the estimates in outputTargets
bool | write (const char *filename) const |
| write object to file (calls save)
bool | read (const char *filename) |
| read object from file (calls load)
void | dump () const |
| print object's current state to standard output (for debugging)
virtual drwnCloneable * | clone () const =0 |
| returns a copy of the class usually implemented as virtual Foo* clone() { return new Foo(*this); }
unsigned | numProperties () const |
bool | hasProperty (const string &name) const |
bool | hasProperty (const char *name) const |
unsigned | findProperty (const string &name) const |
unsigned | findProperty (const char *name) const |
void | setProperty (unsigned indx, bool value) |
void | setProperty (unsigned indx, int value) |
void | setProperty (unsigned indx, double value) |
void | setProperty (unsigned indx, const string &value) |
void | setProperty (unsigned indx, const char *value) |
void | setProperty (unsigned indx, const Eigen::VectorXd &value) |
void | setProperty (unsigned indx, const Eigen::MatrixXd &value) |
void | setProperty (const char *name, bool value) |
void | setProperty (const char *name, int value) |
void | setProperty (const char *name, double value) |
void | setProperty (const char *name, const string &value) |
void | setProperty (const char *name, const char *value) |
void | setProperty (const char *name, const Eigen::VectorXd &value) |
void | setProperty (const char *name, const Eigen::MatrixXd &value) |
string | getPropertyAsString (unsigned indx) const |
drwnPropertyType | getPropertyType (unsigned indx) const |
bool | isReadOnly (unsigned indx) const |
const drwnPropertyInterface * | getProperty (unsigned indx) const |
const drwnPropertyInterface * | getProperty (const char *name) const |
bool | getBoolProperty (unsigned indx) const |
int | getIntProperty (unsigned indx) const |
double | getDoubleProperty (unsigned indx) const |
const string & | getStringProperty (unsigned indx) const |
const list< string > & | getListProperty (unsigned indx) const |
int | getSelectionProperty (unsigned indx) const |
const Eigen::VectorXd & | getVectorProperty (unsigned indx) const |
const Eigen::MatrixXd & | getMatrixProperty (unsigned indx) const |
const string & | getPropertyName (unsigned indx) const |
vector< string > | getPropertyNames () const |
void | readProperties (drwnXMLNode &xml, const char *tag="property") |
void | writeProperties (drwnXMLNode &xml, const char *tag="property") const |
void | printProperties (ostream &os) const |
double | objective (const double *x) const |
| returns value of objective function at point x
void | gradient (const double *x, double *df) const |
| populates gradient of objective function at point x
virtual double | objectiveAndGradient (const double *x, double *df) const =0 |
| returns value of objective function and populates gradient df at point x
void | declareProperty (const string &name, drwnPropertyInterface *optif) |
void | undeclareProperty (const string &name) |
void | exposeProperties (drwnProperties *opts, const string &prefix=string(""), bool bSerializable=false) |
virtual void | propertyChanged (const string &name) |
| drwnOptimizer () |
| default constructor
| drwnOptimizer (unsigned n) |
| construct a problem with dimension n
| drwnOptimizer (const drwnOptimizer &o) |
| copy constructor
void | initialize (unsigned n, const double *x=NULL) |
| initialize an optimization problem of size n possibly with feasible starting point x (or zero)
void | initialize (const double *x=NULL) |
| initialize an optimization problem at feasible starting point x in (or zero)
double | solve (unsigned maxiter, bool bMonitor=false) |
| Solve the optimization problem for up to maxiter iterations to precision set by EPSF, EPSG, and EPSX static variables. Calls monitor function after each iteration if bMonitor is true.
unsigned | size () const |
| dimension of optimization problem
double | operator[] (unsigned i) const |
| returns the i-th component of the current solution
double & | operator[] (unsigned i) |
| returns a reference to the i-th component of the current solution
virtual void | monitor (unsigned iter, double objValue) |
| callback for each iteration during optimization (if bMonitor is true)
Common functionality for drwnLinearRegressor.