| drwnGrabCutInstanceHistogram () |
| default constructor
virtual | ~drwnGrabCutInstanceHistogram () |
| destructor
void | loadColourModels (const char *filename) |
| load colour models
void | saveColourModels (const char *filename) const |
| save colour models
| drwnGrabCutInstance () |
| default constructor
| drwnGrabCutInstance (const drwnGrabCutInstance &instance) |
| copy constructor
virtual | ~drwnGrabCutInstance () |
| destructor
int | width () const |
| width of the image
int | height () const |
| height of the image
int | size () const |
| number of pixels in the image
int | numUnknown () const |
| number of unknown pixels in the inference mask
const cv::Mat & | image () const |
| return the image
const cv::Mat & | trueSegmentation () const |
| return the mask for the true segmentation (if known)
const cv::Mat & | segmentationMask () const |
| return the mask for the inferred segmentation
cv::Mat | knownForeground () const |
| returns mask of all pixels not marked as MASK_FG (caller must free)
cv::Mat | knownBackground () const |
| returns mask of all pixels not marked as MASK_BG (caller must free)
cv::Mat | unknownPixels () const |
| returns mask of all pixels not marked as MASK_FG or MASK_BG (caller must free)
cv::Mat | foregroundColourMask () const |
| returns mask of all pixels marked as MASK_FG or MASK_FGC (caller must free)
cv::Mat | backgroundColourMask () const |
| returns mask of all pixels marked as MASK_BG or MASK_BGC (caller must free)
bool | isUnknownPixel (int x, int y, const cv::Mat &mask) const |
| returns true if the pixel at (x, y) is not foreground or background in mask
bool | isUnknownPixel (int x, int y) const |
| returns true if the pixel at (x, y) is not foreground or background in the initialized inference mask
void | initialize (const cv::Mat &img, const cv::Rect &rect, const char *colorModelFile=NULL) |
| initialize with image and bounding box region; ground-truth segmentation unknown uses colorModelFile to initialize colour models if given
void | initialize (const cv::Mat &img, const cv::Mat &inferMask, const char *colorModelFile=NULL) |
| initialize with image and mask of inference region; ground-truth segmentation unknown
void | initialize (const cv::Mat &img, const cv::Rect &rect, const cv::Mat &trueMask, const char *colorModelFile=NULL) |
| initialize with image and bounding box region
void | initialize (const cv::Mat &img, const cv::Mat &inferMask, const cv::Mat &trueMask, const char *colorModelFile=NULL) |
| initialize with image and mask of inference region
void | setBaseModelWeights (double u, double p, double c) |
| sets unary and pairwise weights
const cv::Mat & | unaryPotentials () const |
| get unary potentials
const drwnPixelNeighbourContrasts * | pairwisePotentials () |
| get pairwise potentials
double | unaryEnergy (const cv::Mat &seg) const |
| compute energy contribution from the unary term
double | pottsEnergy (const cv::Mat &seg) const |
| compute energy contribution from the potts pairwise term
double | pairwiseEnergy (const cv::Mat &seg) const |
| compute energy contribution from the contrast-sensitive pairwise term
virtual double | energy (const cv::Mat &seg) const |
| compute the energy of a given segmentation
double | foregroundRatio (const cv::Mat &seg) const |
| compute the percentage of unknown pixels labeled as foreground
double | backgroundRatio (const cv::Mat &seg) const |
| compute the percentage of unknown pixels labeled as background
double | loss (const cv::Mat &seg) const |
| computes the loss between ground-truth and given segmentation
virtual cv::Mat | inference () |
| inference
virtual cv::Mat | lossAugmentedInference () |
| loss augmented inference (using ground-truth segmentation)
virtual cv::Mat | visualize (const cv::Mat &seg) const |
| visualization