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Scripts and Makefiles

Scripts and makefiles can be used, with slight differences to the 68000 versions you have used.

Download the DOS script (.bat) file sbc-s.bat.

(UNIX version sbc-s.)

You can now assemble and link your program by simply typing:

sbc-s hlab61s
(no .s) Check to see that this works correctly. (UNIX: ./sbc-s hlab61s )

Download the makefile hlab61s.make.

Save it in your current working directory with the other files above.

Delete the hlab61s.s19, hlab61s.lst and hlab61s.o files. You can now assemble and link your program by simply typing:

make -f hlab61s.make
Check to see that this works correctly.

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ANU Engineering - ENGN3213