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Download the assembly program
* clab52s.s
ORG $0
DC.L $8000 Stack pointer value after a reset
DC.L START Program counter value after a reset
ORG $2000 Start at location 2000 Hex
START CLR.W SUM Clear variable SUM
SUB.W #1,D0 Decrement counter
BNE LOOP Loop if counter not zero
MOVE.W SUM,D7 copy sum to D7
BREAK Tell the simulator to BREAK if we're running
SUM DS.W 1 Reserve one word for SUM
COUNT DC.W 25 Initial value for COUNT
This file contains a mixture of assembly language code
and assembler directives.
The assembly language is standard Motorola 68000, as described
in Motorola documentation and in the text (Clements, Chapter 2).
Assembler directives and syntax vary from assembler to assembler, and the ones
used here are similar to the textbook (Clements, pp 15).
The first statement is a comment.
The next three statements set up the reset values as described above.
START is a label, indicating the address of the first instruction $2000.
SUM is a label for a word-size variable.
COUNT is a label or a contant word-size value set to value 25.
LOOP is a label, indicating the address of a statement.
- 1.
- Load the program.
- 2.
- Describe what it does.
- 3.
- Write down the hex addresses of all labels, and list their
values (in hex). Be sure to determine the size and number of
locations (bytes) used for the variable and constant.
- 4.
- Run the program.
- 5.
- Describe what it does.
- 6.
- Single-step through the program and work out how to use
- 7.
- Write an assembly language program for the code given first in section
6.6. Use directives to set up reset values
for PC and SP.
Assemble and
run it
and verify correctness of your code.
- 8.
- Write an assembly language program to add the numbers
between two given values LOWERNO and UPPERNO inclusive.
Use directives to set up reset values
for PC and SP. Assemble and
run it
and verify correctness of your code.
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ANU Engineering - ENGN3213