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Let's find the AC current i2 in the circuit of Figure 64.

Figure 64: Example.

The phasor circuit is shown in Figure 65.

Figure 65: Example, phasor circuit.

Let's use, for illustration, the use of the impedance parameters. Replace the transformer by its impedance model to obtain the circuit of Figure 66.

Figure 66: Example, phasor circuit, impedenace model.

The mesh equations are

5\angle 0 & = (1+j\frac{7}{2}) {\mathbf I}_...
...rac{7}{4} {\mathbf I}_1 + (4 + j14) {\mathbf I}_2 .

Solving for I2 we get

\begin{displaymath}{\mathbf I}_2 = 0.792 -j 135.9 = 0.157\angle -59.8^\circ \ {\rm A}.


\begin{displaymath}i_2(t) = 0.157 \cos (7t -59.8^\circ) \ {\rm A} .

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