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Collector Characteristic Curves

Consider the circuit of Figure 96, which we will use to learn about the operation of the transistor in a circuit by adjusting the voltage sources VBB and VCC.

Figure 96: Basic transistor circuit.

A graph of the collector characteristic, iC versus vCE is shown in Figure 97.

Figure 97: Collector characteristic curves

Suppose VBB and VCE are set to produce a current iB > 0 and VCE=0 V. Then both BE and BC junctions are forward biased. The saturation region   corresponds to the case where both junctions are forward biased.

As vCE increases and reaches about 0.7 V, the BC junction becomes reverse biased (before this, the transistor is in saturation). When vCE exceeds 0.7 V, the transistor goes into the active region,   or linear region   corresponding to the BE junction forward biased and BC reverse biased. This is the normal mode of operation of the transistor, e.g. as in amplifiers. In the active region the collector characteristic is almost flat, meaning that iC is almost constant but vCE can vary. The value of iC is determined by iB,

 \begin{displaymath}i_C = \beta i_B .
\end{displaymath} (84)

If vCE increases too much, the transistor goes into the breakdown region. This should be avoided.

Figure 98 shows collector curves for different values of base current. When iB=0 A, the transistor is in its cutoff region  , and only a small leakage current flows as iC.

Figure 98: Collector characteristic curves for various values of IB.

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