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Virtual Model for Opamps in Negative Feedback Circuits

   From the above calculation, we have $v_+ - v_- = v_{out}/A \approx 0$ since the opamp gain A is very large, and so

v+ = v- . (10)

This says there is no voltage drop across the input terminals! This is quite a reasonable assumption since if $A \approx 10^6$, vout =10V, then $v_+ - v_- = 10/10^6 = 10\mu V$, which is six orders of magnitude smaller than the output voltage.

Also, if $i_+, \ i_-$ denote the currents entering the two inputs, then since Rin is very large, say $10^6 \Omega$, then

 \begin{displaymath}i_+ = 0 \quad {\rm and} \quad i_- = 0
\end{displaymath} (11)

That is, the currents entering the input terminals is zero.

We now summarise these assumptions.

Virtual Short Assumption v+ = v-
Virtual Open Assumption $i_+ = 0 \quad {\rm and} \quad i_- = 0$
The virtual opamp model is illustrated in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Virtual opamp model.

This virtual model will always be used in the rest of the course, unless otherwise stated. It greatly simplifies the analysis of stable opamp circuits, and gives a very good first approximation to the actual behaviour.

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