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BJT Characteristics

Load the PSPICE file bjt-dc2.sch, Figure 31.

Figure 31: Circuit for measuring BJT characteristics.


Simulate the circuit for the given setup. Is the transistor Q1 on or off? Why?

We now want to obtain the family of characteristics, IC vs VCE for various values of IB, (like Figure 32, which shows IC as a function of VCE; note that in this simulation VCE=VCC). We use the nested DC sweep feature:
VCC is set as the main sweep variable, ranging from 0 V to 5 V in increments of 0.1 V. IB is the nested sweep variable, ranging from 0 to 20 $\mu$A in increments of 5 $\mu$A.

Enable DC sweep and simulate again. Determine the correct value of IB for each of the curves.

Lecture Notes : BJT Transistor Circuits : BJT Characteristics

Find the saturation and active regions for a fixed value of IB.

Obtain a graphs of IC versus IB.

What is the current gain $\beta$?

Use the graphs to determine the ratio IC/IB in the active region for several curves.

Figure 32: BJT characteristics (IC versus VCE for several values of IB).

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