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RC Dynamics

Load the series RC circuit in PSPICE file rc-trans.sch, Figure 21. Here,

\begin{displaymath}v_{in} = 5 u(t) \ {\rm V} ,
\ \ \ v_C(0^-) = 2 \ {\rm V} .

Figure 21: RC circuit.

Figure 22: RC transient waveform.


Simulate the circuit and obtain the transient response of Figure 22 (capacitor voltage - add a voltage marker if necessary).

From the graph, determine the time constant $\tau$ and the final DC steady state value.
You will need to estimate the initial slope of the waveform to determine $\tau$ as shown in Figure 23. Use two probe cursors to obtain data values.

Figure 23: RC transient waveform: estimation of time constant from straight line with slope equal to initial slope of waveform.

Experiment with different component values and record the effect on the time constant in a table. Determine an empirical relationship between the time constant $\tau$ and resistance R. Compare with theory.

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