ENGN2211 Electronic Circuits and Devices

ENGN2211 2002

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Textbook Exercises and Reading

Solutions will be made available in the Hancock library (subject to availability).


Revision. Basic circuit theory. Read about nodal analysis, Thevenin equivalents, dependent sources.


Operational amplifiers. Reading: D&S chapter 6.


First order dynamic response. D&S Chapter 8.

Second order dynamic response, s-domain and Laplace transforms, D&S Ch 14.


AC circuits and phasors, AC power, D&S Ch 10,11.
Transfer functions, frequency response, Bode diagrams, filters, D&S Ch 14, 16.


Two port networks, D&S Ch 17.
Transformers, D&S Ch 11.
Diodes and rectifiers, B&B Ch 3.


BJT Transistors, B&B Ch 4.


FET Transistors, B&B Ch 5.


Digital IC Logic gates, B&B Ch 13.

Digital Circuits and Boolean Logic, B&B Ch 14.1.

In addition, you should also practice examples of the types given in the lecture notes and lab notes.



Matthew.James at anu.edu.au