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Quote for the Day


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      My ex-husband and I fought constantly,
      Why I married him, I'll never know.
      For all those miserable years I said
      My hubby has got to go!

      Tried poisoning cakes, stripping his brakes,
      Salting his pork chops with lime.
      Wiring his chair, igniting his hair
      Even though playing with fire is a crime.

      But I failed at each plot 'til I suddenly thought
      Of a way that would set me free!
      I got rid of him for good and, know what?
      They couldn't do a thing to me!

      I took him back to Wal-Mart!
      They'll take anything back you know!
      They said they couldn't recall selling him,
      But they must have if I said so.

      They just credited him to my Visa and said,
      "Y'all come back now, 'ya hear?"
      They were so nice, polite, pleasant and insistent,
      I'll take back his mother next year!

      They'll take anything back at Wal-Mart,
      Though it's broken or rotten or sweet.
      And know what else? This time of year
      You don't even need a receipt!
      ~author unknown~

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Feedback:Doug.Aberdeen AT anu.edu.au