
Mojtaba Rezvani

PhD Student in Computer Science

I am a PhD candidate at the Australian National University, pursuing my PhD under the supervision of Dr. Qing Wang, Prof. Brendan McKay and Prof. Alistair Rendell.

My research interests include:

  • Algorithm design and data structures
  • Graph theory and large-scale networks
  • Database systems and graph databases
  • Social network analysis and mining

Social Profiles

About Me

  • Mojtaba Rezvani (Omid)
  • mojtaba.rezvani@anu.edu.au
  • +61 (2) 612-51813

I am currently a PhD candidate in Computer Science at the Australian National University. I am a member of the Algorithm and Data group whose main focus is design and analysis of combinatorial algorithms. I received my Master's degree at the Amirkabir University of Technology, where I studied theory of computation.

My PhD is about designing efficient and scalable algorithms for large-scale complex networks, including social networks and collaboration networks. My main focus is on community structure and community search at scale, hierarchial structure of communities, identifying structural hole spanners and influential members of social networks, etc. My main research interests are:

  • Algorithm design and data structures
  • Graph theory and large-scale networks
  • Database systems and graph databases
  • Social network analysis and mining
  • Profile Photo Slider 1
  • Profile Photo Slider 2
  • Profile Photo Slider 3

Latest News

  • [Jun. 2018] I submitted my Ph.D. thesis on "Community Structure in Large-Scale Complex Networks".
  • [May. 2018] I delivered the final oral presentation of my thesis in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, ANU.
  • [Mar. 2018] Our algorithm on overlapping community detection has been accepted in TKDE.
  • [Oct. 2017] Our new algorithm on hierarchical community detection has been accepted in WSDM'18.
  • [Aug. 2017] Our new algorithm for calculating rank in reputation systems has been accepted in WISE'17.
  • [Feb. 2017] I have been honoured to be recognised as Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
  • [Dec. 2016] I have been awarded with a Residential Scholarship for Student Leadership by ANU.


  • Efficient Detection of Overlapping Communities Using Asymmetric Triangle Cuts
    M. Rezvani, W. Liang, C. Liu, J. X. Yu

    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2018

  • FACH: Fast Algorithm for Detecting Cohesive Hierarchies of Communities in Large Networks
    M. Rezvani, Q. Wang, W. Liang

    ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining 2018 (WSDM'18)

  • A Robust and Fast Reputation System for Online Rating Systems.
    M. Rezvani, M. Rezvani

    The 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering 2017 (WISE'17)

  • Efficient Algorithms for the Identification of Top-k Structural Hole Spanners in Large Social Networks.
    W. Xu, M. Rezvani, W. Liang, J. X. Yu, and C. Liu

    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2017

  • A Community-Based Algorithm for Influence Maximization Problem under the Linear Threshold Model.
    A. Bozorgi, H. Haghighi, M. S. Zahedi, M. Rezvani

    Information Processing & Management, 2016

  • Parallel Implementation of Quorum Planted (l, d) Motif Search on Multi-core/Many-core Platforms.
    F. S. Kazemian, M. Fazlali, A. Katanforoush, M. Rezvani

    Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2016

  • Indentifying Top-k Structural Hole Spanners in Large-Scale Social Networks.
    M. Rezvani, W. Liang, W. Xu, and C. Liu

    ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 2015 (CIKM'15)

  • Enhancing Accuracy of Topic Sensitive PageRank using Jaccard Index and Cosine Similarity.
    M. Rezvani, and S. M. Hashemi

    ACM/IEEE Web Intelligence Conference 2012 (WIC'12)

In Progress

  • Community Search in Large-Scale Networks.
    M. Rezvani, Q. Wang, W. Liang


  • A Randomized Algorithm for Reputation Systems.
    M. Rezvani, M. Rezvani


Technical Reports

  • Web Ranking and Page Analysis Methods.
    M. Rezvani

    Master Thesis, Amirkabir University of Technology, Supervisor Prof. S. M. Hashemi

  • Petri-Net and its Applications.
    M. Rezvani

    Undergraduate Project

Research Interests

  • Algorithm design and data structures
  • Graph theory and large-scale networks
  • Database systems and graph databases
  • Social network analysis and mining


Honors & Awards

  • Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), United Kingdom Since Feb. 2017
  • Residential Scholarship, Australian National University 2016-2018
  • ACM Special Interests Group in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) Travel Grant for CIKM'15 2015
  • Higher Degree Research Merit Scholarship, Australian National University 2013
  • Miscellaneous Ph.D. Scholarship, Australian National University 2013
  • 47th Rank, National M.Sc. studies admission exam among approximately 5,000 participants, Iran 2010
  • 1 st Rank, Programming Challenge of Qom Universities, Shahab Danesh University, Qom, Iran 2010
  • Honourable Mention, ACM/ICPC Regional Contest, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2009
  • Honourable Mention, National High School Programming Contest, Yazd, Iran 2005
  • 1st Rank, Province High School Programming Contest, Semnan, Iran 2005

Professional Services

  • Reviewer in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) 2017
  • Reviewer in ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 2017
  • Volunteer, International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Melbourne, Australia 2015
  • Volunteer, 4th and 5th Winter School on Computational Geometry, Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran 2012-2014

Professional and Personal Development

  • Udemy certified training in Spring and Hibernate (Mr. Chad Darby), Udemy.com 2018
  • Udemy certified training in Hadoop (Mr. Frank Kane), Udemy.com 2018
  • Thesis Writing Bootcamp, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 2017
  • Journal Article Writing Workshop, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 2017
  • Student Leadership Training (Mr. Geoff Mortimore), Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 2017
  • Graduate Effective Helping (Ms. Gail Frank), Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 2017
  • Accredited Standard Mental Health First Aider 2016
  • Accredited Cardiopulmonary/Basic Emergency Life Support/First Aider 2016
  • Certificate of Attendance in Principles of Tutoring and Demonstrating2015
  • Machine Learning (Score: 100%), Online Course at Coursera (Andrew Ng), Stanford University 2011

Working Experience

  • IT Assistant, ANU, Graduate/University House2016-present
  • Research Assistant at Research School of Management, ANU -- W3C Project2015-present
  •   Google Summer of Code -- Rogas Project2016
  • IT Assistant, University of Qom2006-2010

Teaching Experience

  • COMP3600/COMP6466: Algorithms - Australian National University (course page) 2015-2017
  • COMP2400/COMP6240: Relational Databases - Australian National University (course page) 2015-2017
  • COMP7240: Introduction to Database Concepts - Australian National University (course page) 2017-2018
  • COMP2410/COMP6340: Networked Information Systems - Australian National University (course page) 2015-2018
  • COMP3310: Computer Networks - Australian National University (course page) 2016
  • Graph Theory - University of Qom 2010
  • Advanced C++ Programming - University of Qom 2007-2008

Presentations & Invited Talks

  • Identifying Structural Hole Spanners in Social Networks (talk)4 Jan 2016
    Iran Telecommunication Research Center
  • Research Topics on Social Networks 21 May 2015
    Australian National University
  • Community Detection in Large Networks 25 May 2015
    CSIRO, IR and Friends
  • 3 Minutes Thesis 30 Aug 2014
    Australian National University, CECS 3MT
  • 3 Minutes Thesis 26 Jul 2014
    Australian National University, University/Graduate House 3MT

Leadership & Community Engagements

  • Senior Leadership Team Member of University/Graduate House 2016,2017
  • Graduate Common Room Committee Member of University/Graduate House 2015
  • Postgraduate Representative in ANU CSSA 2014-2015
  • Staff at 4th and 5th Winter School on Computational Geometry 2012
  • Chief Editor of student computer magazine 2009-2010
  • President of Qom University CSSA 2007-2009

Computer Skills

  • Experienced: C/C++, Java, Python, PHP, MATLAB, Linux systems, Shell Scripting, SQL, noSQL
  • Advanced: Hadoop, C#, Node.JS, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Maple, Arduino, Computer graphics
  • Familiar: MS VC++ (MFC), Haskell, MS Visual Basic, Delphi
  • Languages: Persian, English, French (Beginner), Arabic (Beginner)
  • Productivity: LATEX/MS Office/LibreOffice

Technical Skills Breakdown

  • C/C++: Socket programming, desktop application development, multi-threading using OpenMP and Pthread
  • Java: Certified Udemy training on Spring and Hibernate; experienced with Spring, Hibernate, JPA, AspectJ, Apache Lucene, Mahout, Tika, Nutch and ThreadPool
  • Hadoop: Certified Udemy training on Hadoop and large-scales of data management; familiar with Pig, Spark, Storm, Hive, Cassandra, Yarn, ZooKeeper and many other components of Hadoop
  • Python: Django framework and MRJobs
  • PHP: CodeIgniter framework, Joomla and Wordpress
  • Web User Interface: JavaScript, JQuery, ExtJS, AngularJS, HTML5 and CSS
  • System administration: Linux configuration and maintenance, shell scripting, and database administration
  • Data modelling: ER Modelling, normalisation and database management, SQL and No-SQL databases
  • Other: Node.JS, MATLAB, Maple, Arduino, MS Visual Basic, Haskell

Contact Info

  • Canberra ACT, 2601, Australia
  • mojtaba.rezvani@anu.edu.au
  • +61 (2) 612-51813
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