Srimal Jayawardena

Research School of Computer Science
College of Engineering and Computer Science
RSISE Building 115, Corner of North and Daley Roads
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
e-mail: srimal(dot)jayawardena(at)anu(dot)edu(dot)au

I obtained my PhD from the College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) at the Australian National University (ANU). My supervisory panel consisted of Richard Hartley, Marcus Hutter, Hongdong Li and Stephen Gould.

Research interests: computer vision, pose estimation, machine learning, probabilistic graphical models, AI, automatic car damage detection, structure from motion

Previously, I obtained my Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from the University of Peradeniya and my Bachelors in Information Technology (BIT) from the University of Colombo School of Computing, both with first class honours.

Here is my Resume.

And here is my blog and random technical notes which are not directly related to my PhD.


Pose Estimation

The problem of identifying the 3D pose of a known object from a given 2D image has important applications in Computer Vision. Our proposed method of registering a 3D model of a known object on a given 2D photo of the object has numerous advantages over existing methods. It does not require prior training, knowledge of the camera parameters, explicit point correspondences or matching features between the image and model. Unlike techniques that estimate a partial 3D pose (as in an overhead view of traffic or machine parts on a conveyor belt), our method estimates the complete 3D pose of the object. It works on a single static image from a given view under varying and unknown lighting conditions. For this purpose we derive a novel illumination-invariant distance measure between the 2D photo and projected 3D model, which is then minimised to find the best pose parameters.

3D Model Assisted Image Segmentation

The problem of segmenting a given image into coherent regions is important in Computer Vision and many industrial applications require segmenting a known object into its components. Examples include identifying individual parts of a component for process control work in a manufacturing plant and identifying parts of a car from a photo for automatic damage detection. Unfortunately most of an objects parts of interest in such applications share the same pixel characteristics, having similar colour and texture. This makes segmenting the object into its components a non-trivial task for conventional image segmentation algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel Model Assisted Segmentation method to tackle this problem. A 3D model of the object is registered over the given image by optimising a novel gradient based loss function. The segmentation is subsequently performed using a level-set based method, using the projected contours of the registered 3D model as initialisation curves.


Image Based Automatic Vehicle Damage Detection
Srimal Jayawardena.
Ph.D. Thesis, The Australian National University, November 2013.
[Without Appendices (5.5 MB)] [Appendices (17.4 MB)] [Complete Thesis (22.4 MB)] [bib]

3D CAD model based monocular pose recovery.
Srimal Jayawardena, Marcus Hutter, Nathan Brewer.
Submitted to Machine Vision and Applications (Under Review) .

Anonymous Submission.
Srimal Jayawardena, Marcus Hutter, Nathan Brewer.
Submitted to IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014 (Under Review) .

Anonymous Submission.
Di Yang, Srimal Jayawardena, Stephen Gould, Marcus Hutter.
Submitted to the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014. (Under review)

A Novel Illumination-Invariant Loss for Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
Srimal Jayawardena, Marcus Hutter, Nathan Brewer.
In Proceedings of Digital Image Computing:Techniques and Applications (DICTA) , 2011.
[pdf] [arxiv] [ieee] [slides] [bib]

3D Model Assisted Image Segmentation
Srimal Jayawardena, Di Yang, Marcus Hutter.
In Proceedings of Digital Image Computing:Techniques and Applications (DICTA) , 2011.
[pdf] [arxiv] [ieee] [slides] [bib]

Factors affecting the choice of Free and Open Source Software for enterprise applications in government sector projects of Sri Lanka
Jayawardena, S. and Dias, G.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Business Management (ICBM), 2009.

A software module to handle multiple socket communication with real-time processes
Srimal Jayawardena and Lilantha Samaranayaka.
In the proceedings of the Annual Research Sessions of the University of Peradeniya, October 2003.

Developing a software module for real-time Ethernet based communication
Srimal Jayawardena and Lilantha Samaranayaka.
In the proceedings of the Younger Member Sessions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, University of Moratuwa, August 2003.


  • 2011 November: University/Lab Visits to INRIA, CVC and The University of Cambridge. [pdf]
  • Control Expert [pdf]
  • 2011-08-22: MARCS Auditory Laboratories, University of Western Sydney [pdf]


  • Point reflection on a plane [pdf]
  • Point reflection on a sphere (when observer S and point object L is at the same distance away from the sphere's origin) [pdf]

Useful Songs

'My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. - Albert Einstein'