TikZ–tikzexternalize to png
Technical Note — 21 Jul 2015
Here we render out two png files: one at 150dpi and a second at 600dpi.
\documentclass [a4paper] { article}
\usepackage [margin=8mm] { geometry}
\usepackage { tikz,pgfplots}
\usetikzlibrary { matrix}
\pgfplotsset { compat=1.12}
\usepgfplotslibrary { external} % creates a tight self-contained pdf figure for each tikzpicture
\tikzexternalize % comment out to debug if latex errors: generates the external pdf
\tikzset { external/force remake} % otherwise will use external pdf if it exists
\tikzset { png export/.style={
external/system call={
pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape
-halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image " "\texsource ";
convert -units pixelsperinch -density 150 "\image .pdf" "\image .png";
convert -units pixelsperinch -density 600 "\image .pdf" "\image -600.png";
\tikzset { png export}
\tikzsetexternalprefix { figures/} % output the pdf to an existing directory (needs to exist)
\tikzsetnextfilename { myfigure}
\section* { tikzpicture to be externalized to pdf and converted to png(s)}
\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes,row sep=3em,column sep=4em,minimum width=2em]
{ F_ t(x) \pgfmatrixnextcell F(x) \\
A_ t \pgfmatrixnextcell A \\ } ;
\path [-stealth]
(m-1-1) edge node [left] {$ \mathcal { B }_ X $} (m-2-1)
edge [double] node [below] {$ \mathcal { B }_ t $} (m-1-2)
(m-2-1.east|-m-2-2) edge node [below] {$ \mathcal { B }_ T $}
node [above] {$ \exists $} (m-2-2)
(m-1-2) edge node [right] {$ \mathcal { B }_ T $} (m-2-2)
edge [dashed,-] (m-2-1);
\section* { Checking quality and size of converted png(s)}
Check that the native figure size is correct by importing the generated png(s) \emph { without scaling} .
\subsection* { 150dpi figure}
\includegraphics { figures/myfigure.png}
\subsection* { 600dpi figure}
\includegraphics { figures/myfigure-600.png}
Exporting to png Notes
this is always done by first generating the vector graphic pdf and then rasterizing to png
png is web friendly and defaults with a transparent background
needs your latex system to be configured to run shell commands
for example in TeXShop, adding --shell-escape
such as pdflatex --file-line-error --shell-escape --synctex=1
enabling this can make your system vulnerable to malicious latex documents
make sure you have an existing figures
subdirectory if you use the \tikzsetexternalprefix
line (as above)
this will create files figures/myfigure.pdf
and figures/myfigure.png
otherwise just comment out this line to have the files myfigure.pdf
and myfigure.png
(in the same directory)
png generation uses the convert
command from Imagemagick®
Imagemagick® needs to be installed and can be a bit horendous to set up
Imagemagick® is usually, but not always, installed at /opt/local/bin
alternative png generation using:
sips — scriptable image processing system
use: sips -s format png --out "\image.png" "\image.pdf";
good: sips
is pre-installed on OSX
bad: it won’t let you rasterize the pdf at other than a fixed 150dpi.
Use the modified latex:
\documentclass [a4paper] { article}
\usepackage [margin=8mm] { geometry}
\usepackage { tikz,pgfplots}
\usetikzlibrary { matrix}
\pgfplotsset { compat=1.12}
\usepgfplotslibrary { external} % creates a tight self-contained pdf figure for each tikzpicture
\tikzexternalize % comment out to debug if latex errors: generates the external pdf
\tikzset { external/force remake} % otherwise will use external pdf if it exists
\tikzset { png export/.style={
external/system call={
% print some info to console
echo "\\ n---- Checking Imagemagick/convert available ----\\ n\\ nPATH:" $ PATH " \\ n";
which convert; echo; convert - version;
pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape
- halt - on - error - interaction = batchmode - jobname " \image " " \texsource ";
% convert from pdf to png
convert - units pixelsperinch - density 150 " \image .pdf" " \image .png";
convert - units pixelsperinch - density 600 " \image .pdf" " \image - 600 .png";
\tikzset { png export }
\tikzsetexternalprefix { figures / } % output the pdf to an existing directory (needs to exist)
\tikzsetnextfilename { myfigure }
\begin { document }
\section * { tikzpicture to be externalized to pdf and converted to png ( s ) }
\begin { tikzpicture }
\matrix ( m ) [ matrix of math nodes,row sep = 3 em,column sep = 4 em,minimum width = 2 em ]
{ F _ t ( x ) \pgfmatrixnextcell F ( x ) \\
A _ t \pgfmatrixnextcell A \\ } ;
\path [- stealth ]
( m - 1 - 1 ) edge node [ left ] {$ \mathcal { B}_ X$} ( m - 2 - 1 )
edge [ double ] node [ below ] {$ \mathcal { B}_ t$} ( m - 1 - 2 )
( m - 2 - 1 .east| - m - 2 - 2 ) edge node [ below ] {$ \mathcal { B}_ T$}
node [ above ] {$ \exists $} ( m - 2 - 2 )
( m - 1 - 2 ) edge node [ right ] {$ \mathcal { B}_ T$} ( m - 2 - 2 )
edge [ dashed, -] ( m - 2 - 1 ) ;
\end { tikzpicture }
\section * { Checking quality and size of converted png ( s ) }
Check that the native figure size is correct by importing the generated png ( s ) \emph { without scaling } .
\subsection * { 150 dpi figure }
\includegraphics { figures / myfigure.png }
\subsection * { 600 dpi figure }
\includegraphics { figures / myfigure - 600 .png }
\end { document }
If convert
is succesfully found should induce this portion of the console message:
---- Checking Imagemagick/convert available ----
PATH: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/texbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.0-0 Q16 x86_64 2015-07-29 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC Modules
Delegates (built-in): bzlib djvu fftw fontconfig freetype gslib jbig jng jp2 jpeg lcms ltdl lzma openexr png ps tiff webp x xml zlib
If convert
cannot be found or your PATH
can’t point to it then hardwire the path such as follows:
/opt/local/bin/convert -units pixelsperinch -density 150 "\image.pdf" "\image.png";
If silent weird things are happening then comment out the externalization like this %\tikzexternalize
. This will let latex stop and display errors.
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