Prof Rodney A. Kennedy
RSEng Engineering, CECS



2016 Publications

[1] Z. Khalid, S. Durrani, R. A. Kennedy, Y. Wiaux, and J. D. McEwen, "Gauss-Legendre Sampling on the Rotation Group", IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 207-211, February 2016.
DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2015.2503295 PDF: 07336509.pdf Google-Scholar: [1] arXiv:
[2] A. P. Bates, Z. Khalid, and R. A. Kennedy, "An Optimal Dimensionality Sampling Scheme on the Sphere with Accurate and Efficient Spherical Harmonic Transform for Diffusion MRI", IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 15-19, January 2016.
DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2015.2498162 PDF: 07320980-preprint.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[3] N. Ding, P. Sadeghi, and R. A. Kennedy, "Discrete Convexity and Stochastic Approximation for Cross-layer On-off Transmission Control", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 389-400, January 2016.
DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2015.2473858 PDF: 07226859-preprint.pdf Google-Scholar: [1] arXiv:

2015 Publications

[1] A. P. Bates, Z. Khalid, and R. A. Kennedy, "On the use of Slepian Functions for the Reconstruction of the Head-Related Transfer Function on the Sphere", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2015, Cairns, Australia, pp. 7, December 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2015.7391738 PDF: 07391738.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[2] P. D. Samarasinghe and R. A. Kennedy, "Analysis and Performance of CMA Blind Deconvolution for Image Restoration", Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process., vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 1135-1151, September 2015.
DOI: 10.1002/acs.2526 PDF: acs_2526.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[3] Y. Cong, X. Zhou, and R. A. Kennedy, "Interference Prediction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with a General Mobility Model", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 4277-4290, August 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2015.2418763 PDF: 07076612.pdf Google-Scholar: [1] arXiv:
[4] Y. F. Alem, Z. Khalid, and R. A. Kennedy, "3D Spatial Fading Correlation for Uniform Angle of Arrival Distribution", IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1073-1076, June 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2015.2414414 PDF: spatcorr-uniform-preprint.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[5] A. P. Bates, Z. Khalid, and R. A. Kennedy, "Novel Sampling Scheme on the Sphere for Head-Related Transfer Function Measurements", IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio Speech Language Process., vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 1068-1081, June 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/TASLP.2015.2419971 PDF: 07079390.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[6] N. Ding, R. A. Kennedy, and P. Sadeghi, "Estimating minimum sum-rate for cooperative data exchange", Proc. Information Theory (ISIT), 2015 IEEE International Symposium on, Hong Kong, pp. 2618-2622, June 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/ISIT.2015.7282930 PDF: XXXXXX.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[7] A. A. Nasir, D. T. Ngo, X. Zhou, R. A. Kennedy, and S. Durrani, "Sum Throughput Maximization for Heterogeneous Multicell Networks with RF-Powered Relays", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, ICC'2015, London, United Kingdom, pp. 2196-2202, June 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2015.7248651 PDF: 07248651.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[8] A. A. Nasir, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Block-Wise Time-Switching Energy Harvesting Protocol for Wireless-Powered AF Relays", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, ICC'2015, London, United Kingdom, pp. 80-85, June 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2015.7248302 Google-Scholar: [1]
[9] A. A. Nasir, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Wireless-Powered Relays in Cooperative Communications: Time-Switching Relaying Protocols and Throughput Analysis", IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 1607-1622, May 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2015.2415480 PDF: 07065292.pdf Google-Scholar: [29] arXiv:
[10] Z. Khalid and R. A. Kennedy, "Maximal Multiplicative Spatial-Spectral Concentration on the Sphere: Optimal Basis", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2015, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 4160-4164, April 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178754 PDF: 07178754.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[11] Z. Khalid and R. A. Kennedy, "Spherical Harmonic Transform for Minimum Dimensionality Regular Grid Sampling on the Sphere", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2015, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 3656-3660, April 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178653 PDF: 07178653.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[12] A. P. Bates, Z. Khalid, and R. A. Kennedy, "An Optimal Dimensionality Sampling Scheme on the Sphere for Antipodal Signals in Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2015, South Brisbane, Australia, pp. 872-876, April 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178094 PDF: 07178094.pdf Google-Scholar: [2] arXiv:
[13] N. Ding, R. A. Kennedy, and P. Sadeghi, "Fairest Solution in Constant Sum-rate Transmission Strategies for Cooperative Data Exchange: An M-convex Minimization Approach", Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. on Telecommunications, Sydney, Australia, pp. 36-42, April 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/ICT.2015.7124654 PDF: 07124654.pdf Google-Scholar: [link] arXiv:
[14] M. Zhang, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Empirical Determination of Frequency Representation in Spherical Harmonics-based HRTF Functional Modeling", IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio Speech Language Process., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 351-360, February 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/TASLP.2014.2381881 PDF: 06987336.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[15] Y. Alem, Z. Khalid, and R. A. Kennedy, "Spherical Harmonic Expansion of Fisher-Bingham Distribution and 3D Spatial Fading Correlation for Multiple-Antenna Systems", IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 2015 (Preprint online 03 August 2015; DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2015.2463731).
DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2015.2463731 PDF: 07175064-preprint.pdf Google-Scholar: [1] arXiv:
[16] Z. Khalid, R. A. Kennedy, and J. D. McEwen, "Slepian Spatial-Spectral Concentration on the Ball", Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 2015 (Preprint online 27 March 2015; DOI: 10.1016/j.acha.2015.03.008).
DOI: 10.1016/j.acha.2015.03.008 PDF: 1403.5553 Google-Scholar: [1] arXiv:
[17] N. Ding, P. Sadeghi, and R. A. Kennedy, "Structured Optimal Transmission Control in Network-coded Two-way Relay Channels", EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw., no. 2015:241, pp. 18, 2015.
DOI: 10.1186/s13638-015-0470-7 PDF: KennedyJ2016-EURASIP.pdf Google-Scholar: [2] arXiv:

2014 Publications

[1] Z. Khalid, R. A. Kennedy, and J. D. McEwen, "An Optimal-Dimensionality Sampling Scheme on the Sphere with Fast Spherical Harmonic Transforms", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 62, no. 17, pp. 4597-4610, September 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2014.2337278 PDF: 06850040.pdf Google-Scholar: [10] arXiv:
[2] O. H. Salim, A. A. Nasir, H. Mehrpouyan, W. Xiang, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Channel, Phase Noise, and Frequency Offset in OFDM Systems: Joint Estimation, Data Detection, and Hybrid Cr\'amer-Rao Lower Bound", IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 3311-3325, September 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2014.2345056 PDF: 06868950.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[3] A. O. Isikman, H. Mehrpouyan, A. A. Nasir, A. G. Amat, and R. A. Kennedy, "Joint Phase Noise Estimation and Data Detection in Coded MIMO systems", IET Commun., vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 981-989, 2014.
DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2013.0730 PDF: 06809377.pdf Google-Scholar: [3] arXiv:
[4] Z. Khalid and R. A. Kennedy, "On the Placement of Latitudes in Iso-Latitude Optimal-Dimensionality Sampling Schemes on the Sphere", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2014, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 7, December 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2014.7021060 PDF: 07021060.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[5] Z. Khalid and R. A. Kennedy, "Iterative Method to Compute the Maximal Concentration Slepian Band-limited Eigenfunction on the Sphere", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2014, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 8, December 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2014.7021061 PDF: 07021061.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[6] Z. Khalid, R. A. Kennedy, S. Durrani, and P. Sadeghi, "Adaptive Multi-Resolution Windowing Technique for Localized Spatio-Spectral Analysis", Proc. 2014 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, SSP'14, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 41-44, June 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/SSP.2014.6884570 PDF: 06884570.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[7] P. Sadeghi, R. A. Kennedy, and Z. Khalid, "Minimum Mean Square Error Equalization on the 2-Sphere", Proc. 2014 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, SSP'14, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 101-104, June 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/SSP.2014.6884585 PDF: 06884585.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[8] O. H. Salim, A. A. Nasir, W. Xiang, and R. A. Kennedy, "Joint channel, phase noise, and carrier frequency offset estimation in cooperative OFDM systems", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, ICC'2014, Sydney, Australia, pp. 4384-4389, June 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2014.6884010 PDF: 06884010.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[9] A. A. Nasir, H. Mehrpouyan, S. Durrani, S. D. Blostein, and R. A. Kennedy, "Training-based synchronization and channel estimation in AF two-way relaying networks", Proc. 15th IEEE Int. Work. on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC 2014, Toronto, Canada, pp. 269-273, June 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/SPAWC.2014.6941617 PDF: 06941617.pdf Google-Scholar: [1] arXiv:
[10] A. A. Nasir, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Throughput and ergodic capacity of wireless energy harvesting based DF relaying network", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, ICC'2014, Sydney, Australia, pp. 4066-4071, June 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2014.6883957 PDF: 06883957.pdf Google-Scholar: [9]
[11] Z. Khalid, R. A. Kennedy, and S. Durrani, "On the Choice of Window for Spatial Smoothing of Spherical Data", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2014, Florence, Italy, pp. 2644-2648, May 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6854079 PDF: 06854079.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[12] Y. Alem, Z. Khalid, and R. A. Kennedy, "Band-Limited Extrapolation on the Sphere for Signal Reconstruction in the Presence of Noise", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2014, Florence, Italy, pp. 4141-4145, May 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6854381 PDF: 06854381.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[13] R. A. Kennedy, Z. Khalid, and P. Sadeghi, "Efficient Kernel-Based Formulations of Spatio-Spectral and Related Transformations on the 2-Sphere", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2014, Florence, Italy, pp. 310-314, May 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6853608 PDF: 06853608.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[14] D. H. Chae, N. H. Kim, Y. F. Alem, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Dynamic Fractional Frequency Reuse Method for Self-Organizing Smallcell Network", Proc. 79th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Seoul, South Korea, pp. 5, May 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/VTCSpring.2014.7023162 PDF: 07023162.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]

2013 Publications

[1] A. A. Nasir, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Relaying Protocols for Wireless Energy Harvesting and Information Processing", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 3622-3636, July 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2013.062413.122042 PDF: 06552840.pdf Google-Scholar: [158] arXiv:
[2] A. A. Nasir, H. Mehrpouyan, S. Durrani, S. D. Blostein, R. A. Kennedy, and B. Ottersten, "Optimal Training Sequences for Joint Timing Synchronization and Channel Estimation in Distributed Communication Networks", IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 3002-3015, July 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2013.053013.120541 PDF: 06528077.pdf Google-Scholar: [7]
[3] A. A. Nasir, H. Mehrpouyan, S. Durrani, S. D. Blostein, R. A. Kennedy, and B. Ottersten, "Transceiver design for distributed STBC based AF cooperative networks in the presence of timing and frequency offsets", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 3143-3158, June 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2013.2258015 PDF: 06497668.pdf Google-Scholar: [10]
[4] Z. Khalid, R. A. Kennedy, S. Durrani, P. Sadeghi, Y. Wiaux, and J. D. McEwen, "Fast Directional Spatially Localized Spherical Harmonic Transform", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 61, no. 9, pp. 2192-2203, May 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2013.2247601 PDF: 06463461.pdf Google-Scholar: [9] arXiv:
[5] N. Malagutti, A. Dehghani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Robust control design for automatic regulation of blood pressure", IET Control Theory Appl., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 387-396, February 2013.
DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2012.0254 PDF: 06544438.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[6] Z. Khalid, P. Sadeghi, R. A. Kennedy, and S. Durrani, "Spatially varying spectral filtering of signals on the unit sphere", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 530-544, February 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2012.2225058 PDF: 06331556.pdf Google-Scholar: [7]
[7] R. A. Kennedy and P. Sadeghi, "Hilbert Space Methods in Signal Processing", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, March 2013.
PDF: book-front.pdf Google-Scholar: [36]
[8] Y. F. Alem, A. Salehin, D. H. Chae, and R. A. Kennedy, "Sparse Recovery of Spherical Harmonic Expansions from Uniform Distribution on Sphere", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2013, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 5, December 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2013.6723949 PDF: 06723949.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[9] R. A. Kennedy, W. Zhang, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Comparison of Spherical Harmonics based 3D-HRTF Functional Models", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2013, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 7, December 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2013.6723906 PDF: 06723906.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[10] R. A. Kennedy, Z. Khalid, and Y. F. Alem, "Spatial Correlation from Multipath with 3D Power Distributions having Rotational Symmetry", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2013, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 7, December 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2013.6723908 PDF: 06723908.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[11] R. A. Kennedy, P. Sadeghi, Z. Khalid, and J. D. McEwen, "Classification and construction of closed-form kernels for signal representation on the 2-sphere", Proc. SPIE 8858, Wavelets and Sparsity XV, no. 88580M, San Diego, CA, pp. 13, September 2013.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2026126 PDF: 88580M.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[12] Z. Khalid, R. A. Kennedy, P. Sadeghi, and S. Durrani, "Spatio-spectral formulation and design of spatially varying filters for signal estimation on 2-Sphere", Proc. SPIE 8858, Wavelets and Sparsity XV, no. 88580L, San Diego, CA, pp. 13, September 2013.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2023932 PDF: 88580L.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[13] A. A. Nasir, H. Mehrpouyan, and R. A. Kennedy, "New expression for the functional transformation of the vector Cramér-Rao lower bound", Proc. IEEE 14th Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC'2013, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 395-399, June 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/SPAWC.2013.6612079 PDF: 06612079.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[14] D. H. Chae, Y. F. Alem, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "ECG signal compression using compressive sampling with noise and uncontrolled sparsity", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2013, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1306-1309, May 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2013.6637862 PDF: 06637862.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]

2012 Publications

[1] P. Sadeghi, R. A. Kennedy, and Z. Khalid, "Commutative anisotropic convolution on the 2-sphere", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 6697-6703, December 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2012.2217337 PDF: 06296722.pdf Google-Scholar: [10]
[2] A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Particle filters for joint timing and carrier estimation: Improved resampling guidelines and weighted Bayesian Cram\'er-Rao bounds", IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 1407-1419, May 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2012.022912.100559 PDF: 06164080.pdf Google-Scholar: [4]
[3] Z. Khalid, S. Durrani, P. Sadeghi, and R. A. Kennedy, "Spatio-spectral analysis on the sphere using spatially localized spherical harmonics transform", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 1487-1492, March 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2011.2177265 PDF: 06086770.pdf Google-Scholar: [15]
[4] A. A. Nasir, H. Mehrpouyan, S. Durrani, R. A. Kennedy, and S. D. Blostein, "Timing and carrier synchronization with channel estimation in multi-relay cooperative networks", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 793-811, February 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2011.2174792 PDF: 06069882.pdf Google-Scholar: [32]
[5] W. Zhang, M. Zhang, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "On high resolution head-related transfer function measurements: An efficient sampling scheme", IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Language Process., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 575-584, February 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/TASL.2011.2162404 PDF: 05957268.pdf Google-Scholar: [24]
[6] P. D. Samarasinghe and R. A. Kennedy, "Regularized Image Restoration", Image Restoration - Recent Advances and Applications, InTech - Open Access Publisher, pp. 119-144, April 2012.
DOI: 10.5772/36252 PDF: regimgrst-chapter.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[7] Z. Khalid, R. A. Kennedy, and P. Sadeghi, "Efficient Computation of Commutative Anisotropic Convolution on the 2-Sphere", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2012, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 7, December 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2012.6507990 PDF: 06507990.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[8] Y. F. Alem, D. H. Chae, and R. A. Kennedy, "Multiplicative and Additive Perturbation Effects on the Recovery of Sparse Signals on the Sphere using Compressed Sensing", Proc. Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2012, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 6, December 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2012.6507991 PDF: 06507991.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[9] Y. F. Alem, D. H. Chae, and R. A. Kennedy, "Sparse Signal Recovery on the Sphere: Optimizing the Sensing Matrix through Sampling", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2012, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 6, December 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2012.6508014 PDF: 06508014.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[10] D. H. Chae, P. Sadeghi, R. A. Kennedy, and J. Yang, "Diversified compressed spectrum sensing for noise recovery reduction", Proc. 23rd Int. Symp. Pers., Indoor Mobile Radio Comms. PIMRC'12, Sydney, Australia, pp. 2149-2154, September 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/PIMRC.2012.6362710 PDF: 06362710.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[11] N. Malagutti, A. Dehghani, and R. A. Kennedy, "An approach to controlled drug infusion via tracking of the time-varying dose-response", Proc. 2012 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'12), San Diego, CA, pp. 3539-3542, August 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346730 PDF: 06346730.pdf Google-Scholar: [4]
[12] A. A. Nasir, H. Mehrpouyan, S. D. Blostein, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Estimation of synchronization parameters in AF cooperative networks", Proc. 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications., ICC'2012, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 3713-3717, June 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2012.6363669 PDF: 06363669.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[13] X. Zhou, M. Tao, and R. A. Kennedy, "Cooperative jamming for secrecy in decentralized wireless networks", Proc. 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, ICC'12, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 2339-2344, June 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2012.6364148 PDF: 06364148.pdf Google-Scholar: [12]
[14] Z. Khalid, S. Durrani, P. Sadeghi, and R. A. Kennedy, "Concentration uncertainty principles for signals on the unit sphere", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2012, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 3717-3720, March 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288724 PDF: 06288724.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[15] Z. Khalid, S. Durrani, P. Sadeghi, and R. A. Kennedy, "Ambiguity function and Wigner distribution on the sphere", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2012, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 3405-3408, March 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288647 PDF: 06288647.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[16] Z. Khalid, R. A. Kennedy, S. Durrani, and P. Sadeghi, "Conjugate gradient algorithm for extrapolation of sampled bandlimited signals on the 2-Sphere", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2012, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 3825-3828, March 2012.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288751 PDF: 06288751.pdf Google-Scholar: [4]
[17] N. Malagutti, A. Dehghani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Improved robust performance in a system for automatic administration of a vasoactive drug", Proc. Int. Conf. Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, BIOSIGNALS'2012, Vilamoura - Algarve, Portugal, pp. 282-290, February 2012.
PDF: Malagutti-2012a.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[18] N. Malagutti, A. Dehghani, and R. A. Kennedy, "A robust multiple-model adaptive control system for automatic delivery of a vasoactive drug", Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. Biomedical Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2012.
DOI: 10.2316/P.2012.764-090 PDF: Malagutti-2012b.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]

2011 Publications

[1] L. Wei, R. A. Kennedy, and T. A. Lamahewa, "Quadratic variational framework for signal design on the 2-sphere", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 5243-5252, November 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2011.2162506 PDF: 05958643.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[2] R. A. Kennedy, T. A. Lamahewa, and L. Wei, "On azimuthally symmetric 2-sphere convolution", Digital Signal Process., vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 660-666, September 2011.
DOI: 10.1016/j.dsp.2011.05.002 PDF: dsp21-660-666.pdf Google-Scholar: [19]
[3] A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Blind timing and carrier synchronisation in distributed multiple input multiple output communication systems", IET Commun., vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 1028-1037, May 2011.
DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2010.0528 PDF: 05871803.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[4] Z. Khalid, S. Durrani, R. A. Kennedy, and P. Sadeghi, "Revisiting Slepian concentration problem on the sphere for azimuthally non-symmetric regions", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2011, Honolulu, HI, pp. 7, December 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2011.6140887 PDF: 06140887.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[5] W. Huang, Z. Khalid, and R. A. Kennedy, "Efficient computation of spherical harmonic transform using parallel architecture of CUDA", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2011, Honolulu, HI, pp. 6, December 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2011.6140886 PDF: 06140886.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[6] A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Achieving cooperative diversity with multiple frequency offset estimation", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2011, Honolulu, HI, pp. 5, December 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2011.6140820 PDF: 06140820.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[7] P. D. Samarasinghe, T. D. Abhayapala, T. A. Lamahewa, and R. A. Kennedy, "Second-order statistics of 2D non isotropic mobile-to-mobile wireless channels", 22nd IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC'2011-WACC, Toronto, Canada, pp. 1667-1671, September 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/PIMRC.2011.6139788 PDF: 06139788.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[8] N. Malagutti, A. Dehghani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Safety issues in adaptive control systems for automatic administration of vasoactive drugs", Proc. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 4167-4172, August 2011.
DOI: 10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.02695 PDF: Malagutti-2011.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[9] D. H. Chae, P. Sadeghi, R. A. Kennedy, and J. Yang, "A Robust Method for Sparse Signal Recovery under Multiplicative Perturbation", Proc. Defence Applications of Signal Processing Work (DASP 2011), Coolum, Queensland, pp. 8, July 2011.
PDF: dasp11.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[10] A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Blind timing and carrier synchronization in decode and forward cooperative systems", Proc. 2011 IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, ICC'11, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 6, June 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/icc.2011.5962610 PDF: 05962610.pdf Google-Scholar: [10]
[11] Z. Khalid, S. Durrani, R. A. Kennedy, and P. Sadeghi, "On the construction of low-pass filters on the unit sphere", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2011, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 4356-4359, May 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5947318 PDF: 05947318.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[12] A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Mixture Kalman filtering for joint carrier recovery and channel estimation in time-selective Rayleigh fading channels", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2011, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 3496-3499, May 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946231 PDF: 05946231.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[13] M. Zhang, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Efficiency evaluation and orthogonal basis determination in functional HRTF modeling", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2011, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 53-56, May 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946326 PDF: 05946326.pdf Google-Scholar: [4]
[14] L. Wei and R. A. Kennedy, "Zero-forcing and MMSE filters design on the 2-sphere", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2011, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 4360-4363, May 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5947319 PDF: 05947319.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[15] S. Kodituwakku, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Time-frequency analysis compensating missing data for Atrial Fibrillation ECG assessment", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2011, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 641-644, May 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946485 PDF: 05946485.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[16] M. Zhang, R. A. Kennedy, T. D. Abhayapala, and W. Zhang, "Statistical method to identify key anthropometric parameters in HRTF individualization", Third Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays, HSCMA 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 213-218, May 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/HSCMA.2011.5942401 PDF: 05942401.pdf Google-Scholar: [10]

2010 Publications

[1] L. Wei, R. A. Kennedy, and T. A. Lamahewa, "An optimal basis of band-limited functions for signal analysis and design", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 5744-5755, November 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2010.2057427 PDF: 05508321.pdf Google-Scholar: [18]
[2] M. T. Hossain, D. B. Smith, R. A. Kennedy, and K. Sithamparanathan, "Effect of timing error on the performance of BPSK modulation over a fading channel", IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 894-896, October 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2010.091010.101235 PDF: 05581194.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[3] R. Shams, P. Sadeghi, R. A. Kennedy, and R. I. Hartley, "Parallel computation of mutual information on the GPU with application to real-time registration of 3D medical images", Comput. Meth. Programs Biomed., vol. 99, no. 2, pp. 133-146, August 2010.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2009.11.004 PDF: parcom.pdf Google-Scholar: [54]
[4] S. Kodituwakku, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Radial function based kernel design for time-frequency distributions", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 3395-3400, June 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2010.2044252 PDF: 05419964.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[5] W. Zhang, T. D. Abhayapala, R. A. Kennedy, and R. Duraiswami, "Insights into head related transfer function: Spatial dimensionality and continuous representation", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 127, no. 4, pp. 2347-2357, April 2010.
DOI: 10.1121/1.3336399 PDF: JASMAN2347.pdf Google-Scholar: [26]
[6] F. Ge, L. Tan, and R. A. Kennedy, "Stability and throughput of FAST transfer control protocol traffic in bi-directional connections", IET Commun., vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 639-644, April 2010.
DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2009.0268 PDF: 05445324.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[7] R. Shams, P. Sadeghi, R. A. Kennedy, and R. I. Hartley, "A survey of high performance medical image registration on multi-core, GPU and distributed architectures", IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 50-60, March 2010.
DOI: PDF: 05438962.pdf Google-Scholar: [130]
[8] G. Al-Suhail and R. A. Kennedy, "Performance of hybrid ARQ on dual-branch diversity receiver in rayleigh fading channel", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2010, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 6, December 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2010.5709741 PDF: 05709741.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[9] P. T. Samarasinghe, T. A. Lamahewa, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "2D mobile-to-mobile wireless channel model", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2010, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 6, December 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2010.5709646 PDF: 05709646.pdf Google-Scholar: [6]
[10] A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Particle filter for joint blind carrier frequency offset estimation and data detection", Proc. Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2010, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 5, December 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2010.5709713 PDF: 05709713.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[11] M. Zhang, R. A. Kennedy, W. Zhang, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Internal structure identification of random process using principal component analysis", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2010, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 6, December 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2010.5709648 PDF: 05709648.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[12] P. D. Samarasinghe and R. A. Kennedy, "Blind deconvolution of natural images using segmentation based CMA", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2010, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 7, December 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2010.5709712 PDF: 05709712.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[13] D. H. Chae, P. Sadeghi, and R. A. Kennedy, "Robustness of compressive sensing under multiplicative perturbations: The challenge of fading channels", Proc. The 2010 Military Communications Conf., MILCOM 2010, San Jose, CA, pp. 1199-1204, October 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/MILCOM.2010.5680105 PDF: 05680105.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[14] L. Wei and R. A. Kennedy, "On spectral concentration of signals on the 2-sphere under a generalized moment weighting criterion", Proc. European Signal Processing Conf., EUSIPCO'2010, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 1700-1703, August 2010.
PDF: 1569291295.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[15] A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Blind fractionally spaced equalization and timing synchronization in wireless fading channels", Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Future Computer and Communication, ICFCC'2010, vol. 3, Wuhan, China, pp. 15-19, May 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/ICFCC.2010.5497663 PDF: 05497663.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[16] D. H. Chae, P. Sadeghi, and R. A. Kennedy, "Effects of basis-mismatch in compressive sampling of continuous sinusoidal signals", Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Future Computer and Communication, ICFCC'2010, vol. 2, Wuhan, China, pp. 739-743, May 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/ICFCC.2010.5497605 PDF: 05497605.pdf Google-Scholar: [24]
[17] A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Performance of coarse and fine timing synchronization in OFDM receivers", Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Future Computer and Communication, ICFCC'2010, vol. 2, Wuhan, China, pp. 412-416, May 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/ICFCC.2010.5497461 PDF: 05497461.pdf Google-Scholar: [12]
[18] L. Wei, R. A. Kennedy, and T. A. Lamahewa, "Signal concentration on unit sphere: An azimuthally moment weighting approach", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2010, Dallas, TX, pp. 3698-3701, March 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2010.5495878 PDF: 05495878.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[19] L. Wei, R. A. Kennedy, and T. A. Lamahewa, "Further results on signal concentration in time-frequency", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2010, Dallas, TX, pp. 4082-4085, March 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2010.5495736 PDF: 05495736.pdf Google-Scholar: [7]
[20] P. T. Samarasinghe, T. A. Lamahewa, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "3D mobile-to-mobile wireless channel model", Proc. 11th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2010, Canberra, Australia, pp. 30-34, February 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2010.5426757 PDF: 05426757.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[21] A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, "Modified constant modulus algorithm for joint blind equalization and synchronization", Proc. 11th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2010, Canberra, Australia, pp. 59-64, February 2010.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2010.5426762 PDF: 05426762.pdf Google-Scholar: [8]

2009 Publications

[1] W. Zhang, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Efficient continuous HRTF model using data independent basis functions: Experimentally guided approach", IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Language Process., vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 819-829, May 2009.
DOI: 10.1109/TASL.2009.2014265 PDF: 04806286.pdf Google-Scholar: [18]
[2] T. A. Lamahewa, P. Sadeghi, R. A. Kennedy, and P. B. Rapajic, "Model-based pilot and data power adaptation in PSAM with periodic delayed feedback", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 2247-2252, May 2009.
DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2009.080526 PDF: 04927434.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[3] S. Kodituwakku, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Kaiser window based kernel for time-frequency distributions", Electron. Lett., vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 235-236, February 2009.
DOI: 10.1049/el:20093130 PDF: 04784300.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[4] G. Al-Suhail, L. Tan, and R. A. Kennedy, "A cross-layer model for video multicast based TCP-adaptive FEC over heterogeneous networks", Int. J. Mobile Comput. Multimedia Commun. (IJMCMC), vol. 1, no. 1 (Article No. ITJ4898), pp. 53-69, January 2009.
DOI: 10.4018/jmcmc.2009010104 PDF: ijmcmc.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[5] P. T. Samarasinghe, R. A. Kennedy, T. D. Abhayapala, and T. A. Lamahewa, "Space-time cross correlation between signals at moving receiver", Proc. Int. Conf. on Information, Communications and Signal Process., ICICS'2009, Macau, China, pp. 5, December 2009.
DOI: 10.1109/ICICS.2009.5397529 PDF: 05397529.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[6] M. Zhang, W. Zhang, T. D. Abhayapala, R. A. Kennedy, and R. Duraiswami, "HRTF measurement on KEMAR manikin", Proc. ACOUSTICS'2009, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1-8, November 2009.
PDF: AAS2009_HRTF.pdf Google-Scholar: [9]
[7] G. Al-Suhail, T. A. Lamahewa, and R. A. Kennedy, "Performance of dual-branch diversity receiver based SR-ARQ in Rayleigh fading channel", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2009, Omaha, NE, pp. 6, September 2009.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2009.5306398 PDF: 05306398.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[8] G. Al-Suhail and R. A. Kennedy, "Modeling of adaptive wireless link for MPEG-4 video transport in UMTS network", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2009, Omaha, NE, pp. 8, September 2009.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2009.5306414 PDF: 05306414.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[9] L. Wei, R. A. Kennedy, and T. A. Lamahewa, "Band-limited signal concentration in time-frequency", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2009, Omaha, NE, pp. 6, September 2009.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2009.5306397 PDF: 05306397.pdf Google-Scholar: [4]
[10] P. D. Samarasinghe, R. A. Kennedy, and H. Li, "On non-blind image restoration", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2009, Omaha, NE, pp. 8, September 2009.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2009.5306407 PDF: 05306407.pdf Google-Scholar: [8]
[11] S. Kodituwakku, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Orthogonal basis expansion based atrial activity reconstruction for atrial fibrillation electrocardiogram analysis", Proc. 31st Annual Int. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conf., Minneapolis, MN, pp. 1820-1823, September 2009.
DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5332608 PDF: 05332608.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[12] W. Zhang, T. D. Abhayapala, R. A. Kennedy, and R. Duraiswami, "Modal expansion of HRTFs: Continuous representation in frequency-range-angle", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2009, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 285-288, April 2009.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2009.4959576 PDF: 04959576.pdf Google-Scholar: [20]

2008 Publications

[1] Z. B. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Communication system model for information rate evaluation of differential detection over time-varying channels", IET Commun., vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 1301-1310, November 2008.
DOI: 10.1049/iet-com:20070610 PDF:04695848.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[2] P. Sadeghi, R. A. Kennedy, P. B. Rapajic, and R. Shams, "Finite-State Markov Modeling of Fading Channels: A Survey of Principles and Applications", IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 57-80, September 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/MSP.2008.926683 PDF:04607216.pdf Google-Scholar: [191]
[3] V. D. Trajkovic, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Adaptive Ordering for Imperfect Successive Decision Feedback Multiuser Detection", IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 173-176, February 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2008.040650 PDF:04450785.pdf Google-Scholar: [7]
[4] J. Zhang, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Reduced Rank Shift Invariant Technique and its Application for Synchronization and Channel Identification in UWB Systems", EURASIP J. Wireless Commun. Networking, vol. 2008, no. Article ID 892193, pp. 13, 2008.
DOI: 10.1155/2008/892193 PDF:892193.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[5] P. D. Samarasinghe and R. A. Kennedy, "Minimum Kurtosis CMA Deconvolution for Blind Image Restoration", Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Information and Automation for Sustainability, ICIAFS'2008, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp. 271-276, December 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/ICIAFS.2008.4783974 PDF:04783974.pdf Google-Scholar: [15]
[6] G. N. Dickins and R. A. Kennedy, "On the Spatial Localization of a Wireless Transmitter from a Multisensor Receiver", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2008, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 10, December 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2008.4813773 PDF:04813773.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[7] R. A. Kennedy, W. Zhang, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Spherical Harmonic Analysis and Model-Limited Extrapolation on the Sphere: Integral Equation Formulation", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2008, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 6, December 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2008.4813702 PDF:04813702.pdf Google-Scholar: [8]
[8] A. Dehghani, R. A. Kennedy, and B. D. O. Anderson, "Practical Novel Tests for Ensuring Safe Adaptive Control", Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Contr., CDC'2008, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 708-713, December 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2008.4739275 PDF:04739275.pdf Google-Scholar: [6]
[9] R. A. Kennedy and P. D. Samarasinghe, "Efficient Blind Separable Kernel Deconvolution for Image Deblurring", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2008, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 6, December 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2008.4813704 PDF:04813704.pdf Google-Scholar: [7]
[10] S. Kodituwakku, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Atrial Fibrillation Analysis using Bessel Kernel based Time Frequency Distribution Technique", Proc. Computers in Cardiology, vol. 35, Bologna, Italy, pp. 837-840, September 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/CIC.2008.4749172 PDF:04749172.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[11] W. G. Lim, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalization Under Parallel Adaptation", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, ICC'2008, Beijing, China, pp. 495-499, May 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2008.98 PDF:04533134.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[12] W. Zhang, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Iterative Extrapolation Algorithm for Data Reconstruction Over Sphere", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp. 3733-3736, March 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2008.4518464 PDF:04518464.pdf Google-Scholar: [18]
[13] W. Zhang, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Signal Estimation from Incomplete Data on the Sphere", Proc. 8th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2007, Christchurch, NZ, pp. 39-44, February 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2008.4460819 PDF:04460819.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]

2007 Publications

[1] T. A. Lamahewa, R. A. Kennedy, T. D. Abhayapala, and V. K. Nguyen, "Spatial Precoder Design for Space-Time Coded MIMO Systems: Based on Fixed Parameters of MIMO Channels", Wireless Personal Commun., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 777-799, October 2007.
DOI: 10.1007/s11277-007-9281-4 PDF:10.1007-s11277-007-9281-4.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[2] Z. B. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Basic binary state-space model for time-varying communication channels: uncertainty and information capacity", IET Commun., no. 5, pp. 990-998, October 2007.
DOI: 10.1049/iet-com:20060477 PDF:04375506.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[3] R. A. Kennedy, P. Sadeghi, T. D. Abhayapala, and H. M. Jones, "Intrinsic limits of dimensionality and richness in random multipath fields", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2542-2556, June 2007.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2007.893738 PDF:04203083.pdf Google-Scholar: [101]
[4] S. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Effect of Signal and Noise Mutual Coupling on MIMO Channel Capacity", Wireless Personal Commun., vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 317-328, February 2007.
DOI: 10.1007/s11277-006-9193-8 PDF:10.1007-s11277-006-9193-8.pdf Google-Scholar: [11]
[5] M. I. Y. Williams, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Generalized Broadband Beamforming using a Modal Subspace Decomposition", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, no. Article ID 68291, pp. 9 pages, 2007.
DOI: 10.1155/2007/68291 PDF:S1110865707682912.pdf Google-Scholar: [11]
[6] R. Shams and R. A. Kennedy, "Efficient Histogram Algorithms for NVIDIA CUDA Compatible Devices", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2007, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 418-422, December 2007.
PDF:ICSPCS07-418-422.pdf Google-Scholar: [92]
[7] P. Sadeghi, Y. Liu, R. A. Kennedy, and P. B. Rapajic, "Pilot Symbol Transmission for Time-Varying Fading Channels: An Information-Theoretic Optimization", Proc. Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2007, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 34-40, December 2007.
PDF:ICSPCS07-34-40.pdf Google-Scholar: [4]
[8] R. Shams, R. A. Kennedy, and P. Sadeghi, "Efficient Image Registration by Decoupled Parameter Estimation Using Gradient-Based Techniques and Mutual Information", Proc. IEEE Region 10 Conf., TENCON'2007, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1-4, October 2007.
DOI: 10.1109/TENCON.2007.4428829 PDF:04428829.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[9] L. Qiu and R. A. Kennedy, "Radio Location using Pattern Matching Techniques in Fixed Wireless Communication Networks", Proc. 7th Int. Symp. on Communications and Information Technologies, ISCIT'2007, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1054-1059, October 2007.
DOI: 10.1109/ISCIT.2007.4392172 PDF:04392172.pdf Google-Scholar: [7]
[10] R. Shams, R. A. Kennedy, P. Sadeghi, and R. I. Hartley, "Gradient Intensity-Based Registration of Multi-Modal Images of the Brain", Proc. 11th IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision, ICCV'2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 1-8, October 2007.
DOI: 10.1109/ICCV.2007.4409080 PDF:04409080.pdf Google-Scholar: [24]
[11] R. Shams, P. Sadeghi, and R. A. Kennedy, "Gradient intensity: A new mutual information based registration method", Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR '07, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 1-8, June 2007.
DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2007.383425 PDF:04270423.pdf Google-Scholar: [20]
[12] W. Zhang, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Horizontal plane HRTF reproduction using continuous Fourier-Bessel functions", 31st AES Conf. on New Directions in High Resolution Audio, London, UK, pp. 9, June 2007.
PDF:AES-31.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[13] L. Qiu, R. A. Kennedy, and T. Betlehem, "Spatial Degrees of Freedom of Correlated Multipath", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2007, vol. 2, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 857-860, April 2007.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2007.366371 PDF:04217544.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[14] R. A. Kennedy, D. Miniutti, X. Ouyang, and M. Ghosh, "United States Patent: US 7,269,216 --- Blind Magnitude Equalizer for Segment Sync-Based Timing Recovery of Receivers", US Patent Office, September 2007.
PDF:pat7269216.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]

2006 Publications

[1] S. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Mutual coupling effect on thermal noise in multi-element antenna systems", Prog. Electromagn. Res., PIERS 59, pp. 325-333, August 2006.
DOI: 10.2528/PIER05091103 PDF:KennedyJ2006b.pdf Google-Scholar: [11]
[2] T. A. Lamahewa, M. L. Simon, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Exact Pairwise Error Probability Analysis of Space-Time Codes in Spatially Correlated Fading Channels", J. Telecomm. Inf. Tech., no. 1, pp. 60-68, January 2006.
PDF:KennedyJ2006a.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[3] L. Qiu and R. A. Kennedy, "Spatial correlation based degrees of freedom of multipath", Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW'2006, Chengdu, China, pp. 663-667, October 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/ITW2.2006.323731 PDF:04119382.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[4] Z. B. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Optimal implicit channel estimation for finite state Markov communication channels", Proc. Int. Symp. on Information Theory, ISIT'2006, Seattle, Washington, pp. 2657-2661, July 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/ISIT.2006.262135 PDF:04036454.pdf Google-Scholar: [9]
[5] P. Sadeghi, P. B. Rapajic, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Autoregressive Time-Varying Flat-Fading Channels: Model Order and Information Rate Bounds", Proc. Int. Symp. on Information Theory, ISIT'2006, Seattle, Washington, pp. 1061-1065, July 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/ISIT.2006.261890 PDF:04036127.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[6] T. A. Lamahewa, V. K. Nguyen, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Spatial Precoder Design for Differential Space-Time Coded Systems: Based on fixed parameters of MIMO channels", Proc. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC'2006, Cannes, France, pp. 1-5, July 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/SPAWC.2006.346336 PDF:04153844.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[7] P. Sadeghi, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Directional Random Scattering MIMO Channels: Entropy Analysis and Capacity Optimization", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, ICC'2006, vol. 3, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1331-1336, June 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2006.254933 PDF:04024325.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[8] P. Sadeghi, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Intrinsic finite dimensionality of random multipath fields", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2006, vol. 4, Toulouse, France, pp. 17-20, May 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2006.1660894 PDF:01660894.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[9] M. I. Y. Williams, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Generalized broadband beamforming using a modal decomposition", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2006, vol. 4, Toulouse, France, pp. 1021-1024, May 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2006.1661145 PDF:01661145.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[10] T. A. Lamahewa, T. D. Abhayapala, R. A. Kennedy, and J. T. Y. Ho, "Space-time cross correlation and space-frequency cross spectrum in non-isotropic scattering environments", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2006, vol. 4, Toulouse, France, pp. 609-612, May 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2006.1661042 PDF:01661042.pdf Google-Scholar: [11]
[11] Z. B. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Model-based adaptive algorithms for time-varying communication channels with application to adaptive multiuser detection", Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. (Spring), VTC2006-Spring, vol. 4, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1675-1679, May 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/VETECS.2006.1683131 PDF:01683131.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[12] Z. B. Krusevac, R. A. Kennedy, and P. B. Rapajic, "Implicit channel estimation for ML sequence detection over finite-state Markov communication channels", Proc. 7th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2006, Perth, Australia, pp. 128-134, February 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2006.1625269 PDF:01625269.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[13] T. A. Lamahewa, R. A. Kennedy, T. D. Abhayapala, and T. Betlehem, "MIMO Channel Correlation in General Scattering Environments", Proc. 7th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2006, Perth, Australia, pp. 93-98, February 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2006.1625262 PDF:01625262.pdf Google-Scholar: [23]
[14] V. D. Trajkovic, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "New improved decision aided turbo equalization", Proc. 7th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2006, Perth, Australia, pp. 148-151, February 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2006.1625272 PDF:01625272.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[15] R. A. Kennedy and T. D. Abhayapala, "United States Patent: US 7,054,359 --- VSV-MOE Pre-Equalizer for 8-VSB DTV", US Patent Office, May 2006.
PDF:pat7054359.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]

2005 Publications

[1] V. D. Trajkovic, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Turbo DFE algorithm with imperfect decision feedback", IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 820-823, December 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2005.859524 PDF:01542108.pdf Google-Scholar: [11]
[2] T. A. Lamahewa, M. K. Simon, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Performance analysis of space-time codes in realistic propagation environments: A moment generating function-based approach", J. Commun. Networks (JCN), vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 450-461, December 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/JCN.2005.6387987 PDF:KennedyJ2005c.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[3] J. Zhang, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Cram\'er-Rao lower bounds for the synchronization of UWB signals", EURASIP J. Appl. Signal Process., vol. 2005, no. 3, pp. 426-438, March 2005.
DOI: 10.1155/ASP.2005.426 PDF:S1110865704404016.pdf Google-Scholar: [28]
[4] T. S. Pollock, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Spatial Characterization of Multiple Antenna Channels", Signal Processing for Telecommunications and Multimedia, Springer, vol. 27, pp. 145-158, 2005.
DOI: 10.1007/0-387-22928-0_12 PDF:KennedyBC2005a.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[5] S. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Channel Capacity Estimation for MIMO Systems with Correlated Noise", Proc. IEEE Global Telecomm. Conf., GLOBECOM'2005, vol. 5, St Louis, Missouri, pp. 2812-2816, November 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2005.1578272 PDF:01578272.pdf Google-Scholar: [17]
[6] M. I. Y. Williams, G. N. Dickins, R. A. Kennedy, T. S. Pollock, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Novel Scheme for Spatial Extrapolation of Multipath", Proc. Asia-Pacific Conf. Communs, APCC'05, Perth, Australia, pp. 784-787, October 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/APCC.2005.1554169 PDF:01554169.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[7] T. A. Lamahewa, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Spatial precoder design using fixed parameters of MIMO channels", Proc. Asia-Pacific Conf. Communs, APCC'05, Perth, Australia, pp. 82-86, October 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/APCC.2005.1554023 PDF:01554023.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[8] D. Miniutti and R. A. Kennedy, "Novel receiver structure for joint timing recovery and equalization in frequency selective channels", Proc. Asia-Pacific Conf. on Communications, APCC'05, Perth, Australia, pp. 926-930, October 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/APCC.2005.1554198 PDF:01554198.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[9] S. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Thermal noise mutual coupling effect on the capacity of MIMO wireless systems", Proc. Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symposia 2005, WPMC'05, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 466-470, September 2005.
[10] J. Zhang, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Role of pulses in ultra wideband systems", IEEE Int. Conf. on Ultra-Wideband, ICU 2005, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 565-570, September 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/ICU.2005.1570050 PDF:01570050.pdf Google-Scholar: [21]
[11] S. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Channel capacity of multi-antenna communication systems with closely spaced antenna elements", Proc. IEEE 16th Int. Symp. Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC'2005, vol. 4, Berlin, Germany, pp. 2366-2370, September 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/PIMRC.2005.1651866 PDF:PIMRC2005.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[12] S. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "SNR estimation for multi-antenna communication systems with closely spaced antenna elements", Proc. The Eight IEEE Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and Its Applications, ISSPA'2005, vol. 1, Sydney, Australia, pp. 423-426, August 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/ISSPA.2005.1580286 PDF:01580286.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[13] S. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Effect of mutual coupling on the performance of multielement antenna systems", Proc. Int. Symp. on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP'2005, Seoul, Korea, pp. 565-568, August 2005.
PDF:ISAP05.pdf Google-Scholar: [2]
[14] Z. B. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "LMS vs. RLS for adaptive MMSE multiuser detection over time varying communications channels", Proc. 10th IFIP Conf. on Personal Wireless Communications, PWC'05, Colmar, France, pp. 287-294, August 2005.
DOI: 10.1142/9781860947315_0031 PDF:KennedyC2005i.pdf
[15] S. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Channel capacity upper bound on MIMO systems in the presence of spatially correlated noise", Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Communication Theory and Applications, ISCTA'05, Ambelside, UK, pp. 298-303, July 2005.
[16] J. Zhang, T. D. Abhayapala, and R. A. Kennedy, "Performance and parameter optimization of UWB RAKE reception with interchip interference", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, ICC'2005, Seoul, Korea, pp. 2830-2834, May 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2005.1494873 PDF:01494873.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[17] M. I. Y. Williams, G. N. Dickins, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Spatial limits on the performance of direction of arrival estimation", Proc. 6th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2005, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 189-194, February 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2005.1624250 PDF:01624250.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[18] T. A. Lamahewa, R. A. Kennedy, and T. D. Abhayapala, "Upper-bound for the pairwise error probability of space-time codes in physical channel scenarios", Proc. 6th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2005, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 28-34, February 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2005.1624222 PDF:01624222.pdf Google-Scholar: [3]
[19] S. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, R. A. Kennedy, and P. Sadeghi, "Mutual coupling effect on thermal noise in multi-antenna wireless communication systems", Proc. 6th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2005, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 209-214, February 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2005.1624253 PDF:01624253.pdf Google-Scholar: [5]
[20] Z. B. Krusevac, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "Adaptive algorithms performance analysis for adaptive multiuser detection over time varying communications channels", Proc. 6th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2005, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 202-208, February 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2005.1624252 PDF:01624252.pdf Google-Scholar: [1]
[21] V. D. Trajkovic, P. B. Rapajic, and R. A. Kennedy, "On the feedback error in adaptive turbo equalization", Proc. 6th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, AusCTW'2005, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 236-241, February 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/AUSCTW.2005.1624257 PDF:01624257.pdf Google-Scholar: [link]
[22] R. A. Kennedy and E. Skafidas, "Wireless Networks Research at National ICT Australia", Telecommunications Journal of Australia, vol. 55, no. 3, 2005.