Peter Baumgartner, Chris Fermüller, Nicolas Peltier, and Hantao Zhang, editors.
CADE-17 Workshop on Model Computation - Principles, Algorithms, Applications, 2000. [ bib | http ]
John Lloyd, Veronica Dahl, Ulrich Furbach, Manfred Kerber, Kung-Kiu Lau, Catuscia Palamidessi, Luis Moniz Pereira, Yehoshua Sagiv, and Peter J. Stuckey, editors.
Computational Logic -- CL 2000, volume 1861 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer, 2000. [ bib ]
David McAllester, editor.
Automated Deduction -- CADE-17, volume 1831 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer, 2000. [ bib ]
Peter Baumgartner and Hantao Zhang (Eds.).
FTP 2000 -- Third International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving, St Andrews, Scotland, July 2000.
Fachberichte Informatik 5--2000, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Institut für Informatik, Rheinau 1, D-56075 Koblenz, 2000. [ bib | http | Abstract ]
Peter Baumgartner and Fabio Massacci.
The Taming of the (X)OR.
In Lloyd et al. [2], pages 508--522. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
Peter Baumgartner.
FDPLL -- A First-Order Davis-Putnam-Logeman-Loveland Procedure.
In McAllester [3], pages 200--219. [ bib | DOI | .pdf | Abstract ]
Chandrabose Aravindan and Peter Baumgartner.
Theorem Proving Techniques for View Deletion in Databases.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 29(2):119--147, 2000. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]
Peter Baumgartner and Michael Kühn.
Abducing Coreference by Model Construction.
Journal of Language and Computation, 1(2):175--190, 2000. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ]