Yuerui (Larry) Lu received his Ph.D. degree from Cornell University, the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in 2012. He holds a B.S. degree from department of Applied Physics at University of Science and Technology of China. In 2013, he joined the Australian National University as a research fellow and lecturer under the Future Engineering Research Leadership Fellowship. He is now a full professor at the ANU. He is a chief investigator and program manager at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T). His research interests include 2D quantum materials and optoelectronic devices, MEMS sensors and actuators, biomedical and energy devices, etc. He has published 2 books (as editor), 7 book chapters, and more than 100 papers in high-impact journals, including Nature, Science, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, etc. He is serving as a reviewer for many top-tier journals, including Nature, Science, Nature Materials, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications,etc. He is serving as an associate editor for the nature publishing group journal Scientific Reports


Awards and Honours
  • 2023, Pawsey Medal, Australian Academy of Science.
  • 2022, Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Advancing Research Finalist, ANU.
  • 2021, Young Innovator Award, Nano Research, Springer Publishing Group.
  • 2019, Paul Korner Innovation Award, National Heart Foundation of Australia.
  • 2018, Future Leader Fellow, National Heart Foundation of Australia.
  • 2018, Supervisor Award for 3MT (3 minutes thesis) Competition, ANU.
  • 2016, Westpac Research Fellow Finalists, Westpac Bicentennial Foundation.
  • 2016, Winner of ACT Young Tall Poppy of the Year, Australian Institute of Policy and Science.
  • 2016, Outstanding Supervisor Award, Chinese Scholarship Council.
  • 2015, Media and Outreach Award, Australian National University.
  • 2015, Early Career Research Travel Grant Award, Australian National University.
  • 2014, Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA), Australian Research Council.
  • 2013, Future Engineering Research Leadership Fellow, Australian National University.
  • 2012, MRS Graduate Student Award (Silver Medal), Materials Research Society.
  • 2012, Best Poster Award, Cornell NanoScale Facility Annual Meeting.
  • 2012, Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship, Cornell University.
  • 2010, Chinese Government Award for outstanding Ph.D. students abroad.
  • 2003, Guo Moruo Presidential Award, USTC (The highest honor for undergraduate)
Professional Service

Editorial Service

  • 2016, Guest editor, for special issue on 2D optical materials and devices, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.
  • 01.206-present, Associate Editor, Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group journal.
  • 06.2016-present, Editorial board member, npj 2D Materials and Applications, Nature Publishing Group journal.

Journal Reviewer

  • Nature
  • Nature Nanotechnology
  • Nature Communications
  • NPG Light: Science and Applications
  • ACS Nano
  • Advanced Materials
  • Advanced Energy Materials
  • Advanced Functional Materials
  • Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
  • Applied Physics Letters
  • Nanotechnology
  • Journal of Vacuum & Science Technology B
  • Optics Express
  • Optics Letters
  • Small
  • Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

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