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When the source is a sinusoid of fixed frequency (we can have more than one source but the frequency must be the same), we replace the real voltage

\begin{displaymath}V_m \cos (\omega t + \phi)

by the complex source  

\begin{displaymath}V_m e^{j(\omega t + \phi)}
= (V_m e^{j\phi}) e^{j\omega t} .

The complex number

\begin{displaymath}{\mathbf V} = V_m e^{j\phi}
= V_m \angle \phi

is the phasor, where  
Vm is the magnitude.  
$\phi$ is the phase.  
This is illustrated in Figure 35, which shows the phasor V as a vector in the complex plane.

Figure 35: Phasor.

You can think of the phasor as a snap-shot at time zero of a vector rotating anticlockwise at angular speed $\omega$.

In AC analysis, we use phasor voltages and currents.

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ANU Engineering - ENGN2211