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In this HLAB you are asked to implement and test on the Xilinx FPGA hardware a 4-bit ALU, Figure 45.

Figure 45: 4-bit ALU.

The table below describes the logical (M=0) and arithmetic (M=1) operations of a simple 1-bit ALU. The block diagram is shown in Figure 45.

0 0 A + B
0 1 $A \oplus B$
1 0 $A \ {\rm plus}\ B$ (full adder)
1 1 $A\ {\rm minus}\ B$ (full subtractor)

Figure 46: 1-bit ALU block diagram.

The 4-bit ALU has 5 inputs M,S,Zin,A,B and two outputs F,Zout. In logical mode, F is either A+B or $A \oplus B$ depending on the value of the selection bit S. In arithmetic mode, F, Zout is either the full adder output or the full subtractor output of A,B,Zin depending on the value of the selection bit S ( Zin=Cin or Bin, and Zout=Cout or Bout).

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