This is the complete list of members for drwnImagePyramidCache, including all inherited members.
_bBigMemoryModel | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_bGreyImages | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_dbImagesLoaded (defined in drwnImagePyramidCache) | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_dbImagesLocked (defined in drwnImagePyramidCache) | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_dbMaxMemUsed (defined in drwnImagePyramidCache) | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_downSampleRate | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_filenames | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_free_list | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_free_list_map | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_images | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_imagesLoaded | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_lock_counter | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_maxLevels | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_memoryUsed | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
_minImageSize | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
append(const string &filename) | drwnImagePyramidCache | |
BIG_MEMORY | drwnImagePyramidCache | static |
clear() | drwnImagePyramidCache | |
copy(unsigned indx, unsigned level=0) | drwnImagePyramidCache | |
copy(const string &filename, unsigned level=0) | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
drwnImagePyramidCache(double downSampleRate=0.5, int minSize=32, int maxLevels=DRWN_INT_MAX, bool bGreyImages=GREY_IMAGES, bool bBigMemory=BIG_MEMORY) | drwnImagePyramidCache | |
drwnImagePyramidCache(const vector< string > &filenames, double downSampleRate=0.5, int minSize=32, int maxLevels=DRWN_INT_MAX, bool bGreyImages=GREY_IMAGES, bool bBigMemory=BIG_MEMORY) | drwnImagePyramidCache | |
empty() const | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
enforceLimits() | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
filename(unsigned indx) const | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
get(unsigned indx, unsigned level=0) const | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
get(const string &filename, unsigned level=0) const | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
GREY_IMAGES | drwnImagePyramidCache | static |
index(const string &filename) const | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
initialize(const vector< string > &filenames) | drwnImagePyramidCache | |
levels(unsigned indx) const | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
levels(const string &filename) const | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
load(const string &filename) const | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
lock(unsigned indx) | drwnImagePyramidCache | |
lock(const string &filename) | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
MAX_IMAGES | drwnImagePyramidCache | static |
MAX_MEMORY | drwnImagePyramidCache | static |
memory() const | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
memory(const vector< cv::Mat > &images) const | drwnImagePyramidCache | protected |
numLocked() const | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
size() const | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
unlock(unsigned indx) | drwnImagePyramidCache | |
unlock(const string &filename) | drwnImagePyramidCache | inline |
~drwnImagePyramidCache() | drwnImagePyramidCache | |