This is the complete list of members for drwnBoostedClassifier, including all inherited members.
_alphas | drwnBoostedClassifier | protected |
_bValid | drwnClassifier | protected |
_maxDepth | drwnBoostedClassifier | protected |
_method | drwnBoostedClassifier | protected |
_nClasses | drwnClassifier | protected |
_nFeatures | drwnClassifier | protected |
_numRounds | drwnBoostedClassifier | protected |
_shrinkage | drwnBoostedClassifier | protected |
_weakLearners | drwnBoostedClassifier | protected |
clone() const | drwnBoostedClassifier | inlinevirtual |
declareProperty(const string &name, drwnPropertyInterface *optif) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | protected |
drwnBoostedClassifier() | drwnBoostedClassifier | |
drwnBoostedClassifier(unsigned n, unsigned k=2) | drwnBoostedClassifier | |
drwnBoostedClassifier(const drwnBoostedClassifier &c) | drwnBoostedClassifier | |
drwnClassifier() | drwnClassifier | |
drwnClassifier(unsigned n, unsigned k=2) | drwnClassifier | |
drwnClassifier(const drwnClassifier &c) | drwnClassifier | |
drwnProperties() (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | inline |
dump() const | drwnWriteable | |
exposeProperties(drwnProperties *opts, const string &prefix=string(""), bool bSerializable=false) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | protected |
findProperty(const string &name) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
findProperty(const char *name) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | inline |
getBoolProperty(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getClassification(const vector< double > &features) const | drwnClassifier | virtual |
getClassifications(const vector< vector< double > > &features, vector< int > &outputLabels) const | drwnClassifier | virtual |
getClassMarginals(const vector< double > &features, vector< double > &outputMarginals) const | drwnClassifier | virtual |
getClassMarginals(const vector< vector< double > > &features, vector< vector< double > > &outputMarginals) const | drwnClassifier | virtual |
getClassScores(const vector< double > &features, vector< double > &outputScores) const | drwnBoostedClassifier | virtual |
drwnClassifier::getClassScores(const vector< vector< double > > &features, vector< vector< double > > &outputScores) const | drwnClassifier | virtual |
getDoubleProperty(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getIntProperty(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getListProperty(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getMatrixProperty(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getProperty(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getProperty(const char *name) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getPropertyAsString(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getPropertyName(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getPropertyNames() const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getPropertyType(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getSelectionProperty(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getStringProperty(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
getVectorProperty(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
hasProperty(const string &name) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
hasProperty(const char *name) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | inline |
initialize(unsigned n, unsigned k=2) | drwnBoostedClassifier | virtual |
isReadOnly(unsigned indx) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
load(drwnXMLNode &node) | drwnBoostedClassifier | virtual |
MAX_DEPTH | drwnBoostedClassifier | static |
METHOD | drwnBoostedClassifier | static |
NUM_ROUNDS | drwnBoostedClassifier | static |
numClasses() const | drwnClassifier | inline |
numFeatures() const | drwnClassifier | inline |
numProperties() const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | inline |
printProperties(ostream &os) const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
propertyChanged(const string &name) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | inlineprotectedvirtual |
pruneRounds(unsigned numRounds) | drwnBoostedClassifier | |
read(const char *filename) | drwnWriteable | |
readProperties(drwnXMLNode &xml, const char *tag="property") (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
save(drwnXMLNode &node) const | drwnBoostedClassifier | virtual |
setProperty(unsigned indx, bool value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(unsigned indx, int value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(unsigned indx, double value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(unsigned indx, const string &value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(unsigned indx, const char *value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(unsigned indx, const Eigen::VectorXd &value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(unsigned indx, const Eigen::MatrixXd &value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(const char *name, bool value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(const char *name, int value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(const char *name, double value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(const char *name, const string &value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(const char *name, const char *value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(const char *name, const Eigen::VectorXd &value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
setProperty(const char *name, const Eigen::MatrixXd &value) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
SHRINKAGE | drwnBoostedClassifier | static |
train(const drwnClassifierDataset &dataset) | drwnBoostedClassifier | virtual |
drwnClassifier::train(const vector< vector< double > > &features, const vector< int > &targets) | drwnClassifier | virtual |
drwnClassifier::train(const vector< vector< double > > &features, const vector< int > &targets, const vector< double > &weights) | drwnClassifier | virtual |
drwnClassifier::train(const char *filename) | drwnClassifier | virtual |
type() const | drwnBoostedClassifier | inlinevirtual |
undeclareProperty(const string &name) (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | protected |
valid() const | drwnClassifier | inlinevirtual |
write(const char *filename) const | drwnWriteable | |
writeProperties(drwnXMLNode &xml, const char *tag="property") const (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | |
~drwnBoostedClassifier() (defined in drwnBoostedClassifier) | drwnBoostedClassifier | |
~drwnClassifier() (defined in drwnClassifier) | drwnClassifier | inlinevirtual |
~drwnCloneable() (defined in drwnCloneable) | drwnCloneable | inlinevirtual |
~drwnProperties() (defined in drwnProperties) | drwnProperties | virtual |
~drwnStdObjIface() (defined in drwnStdObjIface) | drwnStdObjIface | inlinevirtual |
~drwnTypeable() (defined in drwnTypeable) | drwnTypeable | inlinevirtual |
~drwnWriteable() (defined in drwnWriteable) | drwnWriteable | inlinevirtual |